The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 263 Leaving the meeting

The old man drank the tea in the cup in one gulp and raised his eyebrows: "Say."

Cheng Lin bowed again: "Actually, this is still a clue about Xinpo's whereabouts. Twenty years ago, Mr. Yu went to Fucheng to take up a post. The document said that he was the Shaoqing of the Gongtai and the supervisor of the Department of Arms. However, he was bribed by Qiao Changyue on the way to take office. The people who were traveling with him colluded with Huansilou to assassinate him, and then Qiao Changyue filled the vacancy as expected."

Cheng Lin lowered his head and looked through the case file: "Two months later, the case was solved by Mr. Sui with his single sword, and Qiao Changyue was brought to justice. However, the Department of Artifacts was controlling the production of Xinpo. We checked the documents from that year. In two months, there was actually one Pi Xinpo Chu and the Chamber of Commerce, where this transaction went should be the first trace that can be traced. However, there is no detailed record in the case file transferred by the government. I would like to ask Mr. Sui whether there was anything correct back then. Are you investigating this matter?"

Sui Zaihua paused for a moment and said softly: "Those who have checked, this batch of heart amulets was sold to Jin Yuzhai back then. It seems to be seven or eight pounds. Jin Yuzhai has always received this amount of heart amulets over the years. It should not have changed now. , Therefore, Xianrentai believed that there was no doubt about this shipment."

"Oh, okay." Cheng Lin looked at Wudong, "That's it."

"Check again." Wudong said.

Cheng Lin nodded.

"Then, that's it for this meeting." Wudong looked around, "Two days have passed, and we have both Qi and Zheng entering. Please don't relax and work hard to catch the thief."

Everyone nodded.

Wudong turned his head and held his hands in his hands: "Master Sui, that's it. See you later."

Sui Zaihua nodded and stood up, also extending his hands to all directions: "I hope everything goes well for you all. See you in the government office."

Several people said goodbye to him one by one. After everyone said goodbye, Pei Ye stepped forward and bowed deeply to this adult who took great care of him.

Sui Zaihua looked at him with a smile, and Pei Ye raised his head, as if he felt some envy from the old man's eyes. But it passed in the blink of an eye, and the old man said warmly: "You have a rare talent and a rare good luck. If you don't have to, don't get stained with this mud. Just go straight to the blue sky."

Pei Ye was silent for a moment and smiled helplessly: "Sometimes, you can't help yourself."

"That's true." The old man also smiled and sighed as if he had seen through him, "Because there is a goal that must be achieved."


"I've walked across the world and met you in the mirror, but when I look back I can't stop my heart." The old man chanted in a sweet voice, and finally gave him a gentle smile, turned around and strode out of the hall door.

Everyone watched the great man go away. When he came, he had no followers, but when he left, he only had one man and one sword.

Sui Zaihua left without avoiding anyone's attention, and everyone in the hall also went out. Pei Ye returned to Ming Qitian and slowly walked out with her.

When he was going out, he met Shi Hanxue following Anzang. The Sifeng bowed politely: "I have admired Master Mingjian for a long time, but I regret that I have lost the ability to ask for swords. I am lucky to see the divine figure today."

Ming Qitian nodded: "The master of Tianshan Sword has benefited the younger generation a lot."

An Zang hissed with a smile: "I don't dare to take the word 'junior' seriously."

The Sword Lord should be of the same generation as the Tianshan Zhang Sect. Although Ming Qitian is of the younger generation, his seniority is indeed very high.

Behind, Pei Ye and Shi Haoxue stood side by side and nodded with a smile: "Miss Shi."

Shi Hanxue glanced at the famous sword in his hand and smiled: "I heard that famous swords are not allowed to be touched by strangers when they recognize their owner."

"Really?" Pei Ye was stunned for a moment. He really didn't know this. "Liu Li may be special, but she actually likes to make friends."

He handed it to the woman. Shi Hanxue hesitated for a moment, and when he was about to reach out, Liuli took it back on her own.

"..." Pei Ye smiled awkwardly, "Maybe the disease is better, and no one is going crazy."

Shi Hanxue didn't care and said with a smile: "It seems that Pei Shaoxia and Ming Sword Master have a very good relationship."

Baiyi was walking in front, and Pei Ye's heart tightened: "No, no, Miss Ming is taking care of me."

"Oh, about Pei Shaoxia coming to Tianshan, do you need to discuss it with Master Mingjian?"

".Huh?" Pei Ye was confused.

"Didn't Shaoxia Pei tell me last time that he must be the true successor of our pool?"

Ming Qitian turned around and looked at him in surprise.

Pei Ye's eyes widened, but Shi Hanxue smiled calmly, saluted and left.

"I, I didn't, Miss Ming. I was joking with her last time."

Mingqi Tianping nodded: "If you want to choose a sect to learn swordsmanship, Yunlang Mountain is the best. Secondly, it depends on whether it matches your compatibility. Tianshan is not impossible to go, but the swordsmanship should still be considered from the perspective of swordsmanship."

"." Pei Ye couldn't explain it, so he simply put it down. There was no one in the courtyard at this time, so he hesitated and said, "Miss Ming, I want to ask you something."


"That's right, I want to go to Shenjing Sword Training Academy, do you think it's okay?"

"Of course you can. If you want to participate in the selection, just go. If you don't want to bother, I will write a letter of recommendation for you."

Pei Ye's eyes lit up: "Miss Ming, is the letter of recommendation you wrote sure to get the person admitted?"


"That is, if someone is not talented enough, can it be done with your letter of recommendation?" Pei Ye looked at her anxiously.

"I would not write a letter of recommendation to someone who is not talented enough."

"..." Pei Ye's heart froze, and she quickly said, "No, no, she is actually quite talented, but if she doesn't perform well, she will definitely be able to enter the Shaolong Sword Cultivation Academy in half a year at most."

Ming Qitian turned her head and looked at him: "Who?"

"." Pei Ye was dumbfounded, "My friend."


Ming Qitian is quiet.

This is actually the first time this kind of thing has happened to the woman - no one has ever had a relationship with her before.

"Really, Miss Ming, you can take a look first. I think her talent is actually enough." Pei Ye tried hard to explain, and then she was a little embarrassed, "Besides, I am not, well, talented? If I enter As for the Shenjing Sword Academy, do you think the Academy will take her in for my sake?"

Ming Qitian shook her head: "I don't know."


"But I can take a look. If it's true as you said, I'll just write a letter. If it's far from true, entering the Sword Training Academy will actually not be a good thing for him."

Pei Ye's eyes suddenly brightened, and he smiled: "It's not far, it's not far!"

The two of them walked to the courtyard gate at this time, and Pei Ye took out another small copper bar from his pocket. This time he really felt that he was in some trouble, but he still said bravely: "Miss Ming, I want to trouble you again." Can you please make it look like glass? I think you are so powerful, it shouldn’t take much trouble."

Ming Qitian was slightly startled, then took it: "Okay."

The true energy flowed through it, and the copper bars flowed like gold water. In three breaths, a small handle of clear and delicate colored glaze had taken shape. Pei Ye really didn't know if such a sword-wielding genius also had a special talent for "forging swords". , I always think this little sword is particularly beautiful.

"Then, I want you to engrave these words again." Pei Ye stared at it for a while, then quickly lowered his head and took out a piece of folded paper from his pocket. It was already a little wrinkled, "That's it-"

He paused, and by then the two of them had walked out of the courtyard, and Pei Ye choked for a moment.

What he saw at the county government office that day seemed to appear before his eyes again.

All the officials from the state government seemed to have gathered here, and dozens of pairs of eyes were looking over cautiously and curiously.

The Master of the Glazed Sword never evades the public when she comes and goes, and no one has ever been able to follow her whereabouts.

Nowadays, it is a rare blessing. When I came to attend the meeting in the morning, on the way from the martial arts school to the state government office, the whole city was already buzzing.

——The man in white clothes heading to the state government office in the morning seemed to be the legendary Ming Qitian!

Who said that the state newspaper can only make up stories based on rumors and shadows!


In Cuiyu Courtyard.

Li Mingqing still got up very early. She had lost the habit of sleeping in a long time ago. In the past year, the girl had become accustomed to the gray and cold sky. She always cut the silence of the mountain gate with the sound of a sword before the first chirp of the morning bird. It was always until the mountain gate was completely plunged into darkness that the orange light in her small window flickered out.

The admiration and admiration that everyone in the Jianmen Sect has for this young master does not come from the so-called "true successor" status.

But today, after she got up as usual, she just sat in front of the door with her legs crossed, holding the Lost Cui Sword in a daze.

After leaving the martial arts hall yesterday, she wrote a letter telling Li Weiru about the results of the selection. She knew that the old man would definitely find time to go to the liaison office to check it out. Maybe she should just wait for him there, but she was not willing to go there at that time. Shi was not in the mood to wave the Lost Cui Sword in his hand.

The girl suddenly realized that she seemed to be unable to do anything well.

The affairs of the sect were left to Master and Senior Sister Shen, but he failed to pass the selection for the Sword Xiu Academy. He rushed towards Pei Ye like a fool, making the relationship between the two people a mess.

If the result of yesterday's sword test made her frustrated and depressed, then meeting Pei Ye again almost made her nose sore.

Such a panic to avoid.

Li Mingqing lowered her head and gently hugged her knees.

She knew that this was the most clogged sourness in her heart right now, and she had to push it away despite the discomfort, because the road would always go down, and escaping and procrastinating would only make things worse.

She still had to go to him and explain the matter clearly. As long as Pei Ye was willing to chat with her, even if it was just pretending, it would be considered a repair.

But the girl wanted to cry when she thought of this - why didn't Pei Ye come to find her?

Did he really plan to never talk to him or even be friends with him again?

Is the friendship between the two of them so light these days?

When Li Mingqing thought of this, she really couldn't help biting her lip.

In this case, why should I go to you again? If you decide not to want this friendship, then don't do it.

But she still gave in.

Maybe Pei Ye is actually very reluctant to let go, but he just doesn't dare to come to him? And you should repair the relationships you have damaged by yourself.

Anyway, girls can always find many reasons for themselves.

After making this decision, Li Mingqing really felt relieved. She took a deep breath, held up the Lost Cui Sword and stood up. The intention was just to go out with the sword, but after a pause, he went back to the house to wash himself carefully and put a feather on his eyebrows again.

Then she opened the closet, took out a new dress and was about to put it on, when she glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw a yellow dress appearing in her field of vision. This skirt was definitely not the most exquisite piece of clothing among girls, but when her eyes fell on it, she was glued to it.

It was the day to go to the Dancing Party.

The autumn rain was cool and the street was moist. The young man tilted his head and leaned in front of her, staring at her. He chuckled and said, "Let me see what a kingfisher looks like."

This picture made Li Mingqing couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth, but the next moment his eyebrows lowered again.

——What was he thinking when he said this?

Of course she didn't want to wear this dress. She was going to end it all, not to beg for his favor again, but...

Since it's the last time, why not try your best? At least there will be no regrets later.

Anyway, the girl will always find a reason for herself. She lowered her head, reached out and quickly took off the skirt.

After putting everything on and going out, Shen Yaomei strode in with an open face: "Ping Qing, Ping Qing!"

Li Mingqing subconsciously covered the yellow dress with a guilty conscience, but Shen Yao didn't notice at all. She glanced at the junior sister distressedly, and the next moment she held her hand, her eyes brightly raised: "Mingqing !Guess what news I heard?"

Shen Yao saw the girl's depression in the past two days, and had been worrying about how to make her happy. Unexpectedly, she couldn't find anything after breaking through the iron shoes. Today, she met Zhang Mozhu on his way to the state government office, and suddenly she heard something that shocked her. Staring news.

Li Mingqing forced a smile: "What?"

Shen Yao squinted his eyes and smiled: "Zhouya, a very powerful person has gone. Guess who it is?"


"Hint: It's on the Crane List."

"Ah?" This hint was enough to make the girl open her eyes in surprise, ".He Bang?"

"He Bang." Seeing that the girl was clearly aroused, Shen Yao smiled, "Second tip: I like to wear white clothes."

"." Li Mingqing tried hard to search for the memory of when he was obsessed with Hefu books, "That's too much."

"He uses a sword, and he's very young."

"There are many people who use swords." Li Mingqing thought, "Young Zhu Gaoyang? Wait a minute, it can't be——"

The girl's voice faltered, and she suddenly opened her eyes wide, looking at Shen Yao in disbelief.

Shen Yao deliberately tapped his chin with his index finger and paused for a few seconds with a smile: "This person seems to have a famous sword."

"Ah!!" Li Mingqing screamed, and suddenly took Shen Yao's arm with both hands, "Can you explain, Ming Sword Master?! Ming Qitian! Now, in our state government office?!"

"They said yes." Even though he had confirmed with Zhang Mozhu many times, seeing the girl's excited expression, Shen Yao was still worried that something was wrong and said with some anxiety, "You'd better go and have a look."

"I'm going right now!" Li Mingqing didn't wait even a second. This surprising news cleared away a lot of the heavy fog in her heart.

In those confused and deep nights, the legendary descendant of Yunlang, who was never confused, never cuddled or loved, and transparent about everything, was indeed the Galaxy Beidou in her heart, both a pointer and a sustenance.

"That's right." Shen Yao hesitated, "Well. They said Pei Ye was there too."

"Okay!" This name did not bring any depression. Another great sense of relaxation and joy rose up in the girl's heart again. She couldn't help but curl up the corner of her mouth - this way, she and Pei Ye would have something to talk about.

For such a big event, it's normal for us to meet and chat for a few words.

Without any further reply, the girl quickly rushed outside the hospital.

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