The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 304 Imperial Edict

Pei Ye suddenly felt that he had left the realm of purple bamboo. At that time, the poisonous flames that were forcing his mind were gone, and the feeling of being indistinguishable from reality and illusion was also gone. The mist and purple bamboos all disappeared here, and the outside air had never been so relaxed and smelled so good.

And here are the traces of hundreds of people occupying it.

Compared with the clean and empty silence in the bamboo forest, these traces are so numerous that it is dizzying to see, and it is impossible to describe them one by one - what traces will be left by more than a hundred people living in an open space, this is what it is like here.

But there are also some unusual things, such as a large number of torn, bloody clothes.

They captured Pei Ye's gaze from the very beginning.

Large and small, men, women, old and young, not even a hair of their owners was left behind, and all the relics from their lifetimes were abandoned and piled here.

There are also some people who were restricted to fixed areas, about twenty or thirty. They were once locked there motionless, but they could hardly be said to be prisoners - judging from the remaining traces, their status was even the highest. part.

Pei Ye gasped and approached, looking around at everything. When the familiar fire talisman came into view, he finally understood where this place was.

The place where the cult that Zi Huang mistakenly entered at that time was entrenched, and they were preparing to go to welcome Qiong Qi when he came into the world.

No wonder the Shenjing Xianrentai could not find any trace of them after receiving the news. They were entrenched in this secret realm, and before leaving, they also took back all traces of the outside world.

But this is not a complete place for hiding and throwing. Pei Ye moved his eyes to the middle, where there was a ritual remnant - a high stone tablet was built in the middle of the open space. On the side facing the high platform, there was A round, mirror-like depression, quite huge, about seven feet in diameter.

I don’t know what they did with it, but now it’s empty.

But this is not the time to investigate this place carefully. The girl is still fighting alone with the Son of God above. The time in her mind cannot be measured by the outside world. Maybe they will decide the winner in the next moment.

Pei Ye turned around and re-entered the stage, but just as his vision passed by the pile of old clothes again, something suddenly fixed his gaze.

A man's silk coat.

Most of these dirty and scattered clothes are gray shirts and coarse cloth. This is because the Zhushi Cult has kidnapped people. Most of them are in poor areas, and most of them are looking for helpless people. Moreover, it is mostly dirty and muddy, also due to long days traveling through the fields.

But the fabric of this piece is good, large and clean. It has obviously been changed and washed. More importantly, next to it, there was a huge luggage thrown there.

Pei Ye was stunned for a moment before realizing what it was.

Zhang Zijing's relics.

He and Zi Huang entered here by mistake, and after they died, Zhu Shijiao cleaned up the traces outside and threw everything here.

At this time, Pei Ye's chest and abdominal muscles were broken. Just as he was about to take a step, he staggered again. He gasped and gestured with a bleeding finger. Black Chi immediately understood what he meant and swooped away. He took the bag and cut it open. open.

Zhu Shijiao had obviously not looked through it, and all kinds of supplies were scattered on the floor. Among all the large and small debris, Pei Ye bit the slender one at a glance.

A calligraphy and painting scroll two feet wide.

Pei Ye took it with trembling injured fingers, blood dripping from his chin.


For the first time, Li Minqing took the initiative to move from reality to her state of mind.


The feeling of falling made her already overwhelmed mind feel the tearing pain again, and when she finally stood here and opened her eyes, her pupils tightened again as if she was suffocating.

Even though she had not used the telepathy candle several times, she knew that such a scene was definitely not what a person's state of mind should be like.

There is nothing that can be called a shape. It is broken, collapsed, buried, and flying, as if a city made of dead wood was crushed by two big hands. This is the current appearance of this state of mind.

Li Mingqing was standing on a broken stone slab, and just half a foot away, the street collapsed into an abyss. Thousands of houses and buildings were broken and dead, as if they were born in the underworld.

This should be the projection of Xiangzhou City, but far outside the city, it is not a thoroughfare in all directions, but a vast mountain shadow.

Above the mountain shadow, twelve python-like shadows snaked in the sky, like upside-down tree roots.

And where they gathered, a slender and slender figure looked down here.

It was obviously an unknown distance away, and it was only slightly larger than him, but Li Pingqing could clearly feel the gaze cast by those golden eyes. So close, so penetrating, as if this ruined city was just a bead in her palm.

Li Mingqing took a deep breath and withdrew his gaze.

This is all the reality of this state of mind.

And in the gaps left by these entities, the gorgeous blue liquid filled everything.

From Li Mingqing's very close feet, he climbed over the old walls, passed through the broken windows, and spread the vast mountain shadows. It was as strange and magnificent as blood, pulsing among the dust-covered and decayed rocks and trees. superior.

They come from a more distant void.

——Outside this ruined city, there is no longer any physical place, only a large expanse of boundless blue.

Like the sea covered with jellyfish, and like the sky reflected in the water, it is magnificent, magical, and sticky, surrounding the mountains and cities here.

But this is still not the end of everything. When you look to a more remote and vast place, you will see the darkness that surrounds everything.

It seemed to be the infinity within the infinity. It was like a curtain, covering this shocking and beautiful state of mind from top to bottom, from left to right.

In front of such darkness, the vast mountain shadow is like a particle of dust, and the boundless sea is just a glass of water.

Such deep darkness deeply attracted the young girl. She couldn't see clearly what it was. She just felt that her soul seemed to be drifting into it. Since entering the scope of Zizhu, everything that was high, deep, and unreal was difficult to distinguish and disappeared. Don't hear it. They all gathered there.

She was obsessed with it for a long time, until suddenly, the sound of Quail's head suddenly sounded in her heart, and she woke up with a cold sweat. She found that she had stepped into the blue silence with one foot.

Li Mingqing immediately took back his steps and stopped looking at this indescribable thing. He could clearly feel the erosion of his fragile mind.

She doesn't have much time.

Before her mind could no longer hold on, she had to pierce the poison in Yi Danjun's heart and annihilate everything here.

Since Yi Chengxin is issuing an edict at this time, it means that Yi Danjun's state of mind has not completely collapsed, and the most vulnerable and fatal place must still exist.

If the candle sword is ready, it can lead her there, but the girl can only rely on herself at this time.

Fortunately, Yi Danjun had personally left this weakness on the altar.

"[Edict]: Yi Danjun

[Candle Sword]: Dear.

[Heart Poison]: Love, in the painting pavilion. "

Li Minqing recalled this line of handwriting, so where exactly is "Hua Ge"?

Li Mingqing looked around and saw that everything was decayed and beautiful, and there was no place that had not been corrupted.

The Painting Pavilion is naturally the Linjing Painting Pavilion.

The young man told her this name. He said that this was Dongfang Tian's residence in Xiangzhou City. Later, Yi Danjun built a painting pavilion for him. It was here that the young man killed Mr. Zhang.

But it did not occur to her to ask where it was.

Even now she doesn't know where she is.

After all, this is not Bowang, but a completely unfamiliar city.

Li Mingqing tried to calm down her thoughts. She remembered that Dongfang Tian was not rich. She could buy a residence in the city and it would not be in a too prosperous place.

But "painting", especially "painting" by a famous artist like Dongfang Tian, ​​is a threshold for consumption. She also remembered that the young man said that after leaving Linjing Painting Pavilion, he rushed back to Qijiu City.

So it won't be in West City.

Most of them are not in Beicheng.

So is it Dongcheng or Nancheng?

Li Minqing was thinking quickly as she shuttled between the dangerous ruins, identifying the surrounding ruins and trying to find any clues of support.

Suddenly her eyes narrowed and she stopped on a crossbar.

Half of the plaque was submerged in the deep blue, with only a faded word at the end still visible.


Just this one word, but this one word is enough. After the girl came to Xiangzhou, she immediately confirmed the location of the government office and the Immortal Terrace. This handwriting existed in her memory.

So this is Nancheng.

Li Mingqing immediately recalled a dialogue in Yi Danjun's letter to Xiangtian - "I don't want to be close to him, so I am looking for this place to settle down."

This sentence comes from the mouth of Dongfang Tian. The "he" in the sentence is Dongfang Tian's estranged father. The "County Chronicle" said that he was a military academy officer. Li Mingqing later checked and found out that he was actually "Xuanjie Colonel" ", this is a casual official and has no military position.

According to her experience in traveling among powerful people over the past year, such people who have official positions but no positions, and are dedicated to progress, mostly work in government offices, seeking friendships, and using this as a stepping stone to their careers.

And the Xiangzhou government office is at the edge of the Immortal Terrace.

Therefore, Dongfang Tian's residence is in Dongcheng, but the land price in Dongcheng is the most expensive. I am afraid that Dongfang Tian can only find a remote and quiet place - which is exactly his preference.

Li Mingqing suddenly understood, took a deep breath, and left the place.

The withered ruins demon liquid was rosy blue and pitch-black. Li Mingqing gritted his teeth and shuttled through it under the heavy pressure. Not to mention the constant high pressure and the abyss he fell into without paying attention, the thing that made the girl frown the most was In this state of mind, east, west, north, and south were not clear at all. She had to control her direction based on what she saw at all times, and many times, she didn't know whether her last choice was correct.

Silently moving forward amidst such a deep and beautiful collapse, the heavy darkness on the horizon seemed to be pressing down continuously. Li Mingqing had wondered several times whether he had really gone the wrong way, or whether he had already gone astray at some point. ——Because no matter where you go, you will still see the same depressing scene of the underworld.

But she had no way to deduce or confirm, so she could only purse her lips and continue moving forward, believing that she was still on the right path.

The suppressed poison in her heart had begun to surge, gradually pushing her to her limit.


Under the high platform.

Pei Ye unfolded the scroll.

He finally saw this "immortal painting" that Zizhuang and Zhang Zijing had been obsessed with for several years and devoted themselves to Xin Cang.

Pei Ye remembered the corner that Zi Huang had shown him.

——A slanted dragon shadow slanted down from the sky, its head, claws and tail did not appear in the painting. Its whole body is covered with smooth and fine scales, and it is round and slender, with no distinction between up, down, left and right shapes. Two very thin and long blue lines stretched irregularly on this body. In the lower half of the scroll, there is a section of mountain shadows, clouds, tall trees, green birds, green underworld, etc., filling the remaining space.

Now this picture has settled on the upper right side of the scroll in hand.

Pei Ye slowly moved his eyes, and saw the most mysterious and magnificent picture in his life, which was truly heart-stirring.

The shadows of the mountains, the clouds and the tall trees, etc. are definitely not painted based on the background objects - every flying bird is definitely a most wonderful masterpiece.

However, this magnificent and complex brushwork piles up thousands of masterpieces into a mountain scene, but only takes up two parts of the lower edge of the picture.

In the center of the painting, there are brushstrokes that resemble those of an immortal or a god.

It is precisely because the majesty of the Cangshan Mountain is so breathtaking, and precisely because the mountain scenery on the edge is so real and delicate, that the vastness in the middle reveals such a power that squeezes people's hearts.

It's just the sky and the shadow of the dragon stretching down.

But it is even bigger than the mountains on both sides, almost like a python pressing on an anthill - but it is not a dragon.

When the scroll was completely presented in front of him, Pei Ye realized that it was not that the upper right corner did not include the head, claws and tail, but that this slender body did not have these three things.

It was far longer than the proportions that a dragon should have. From a distance, it looked like a woman's hair - just like the tentacles that snaked out from the Son of God.

Pei Ye didn't know what it was. Even for tentacles like an octopus, it was too slender.

It extended to the top of the scroll, where a dark and majestic shape suffocated and faintly revealed a corner. Pei Ye couldn't see what it was, but he could only see that this long touch that ran through the sky and the earth seemed to grow there.

He looked at it quietly for a while, took a breath, and moved his eyes to the lower edge of the painting.

There was only deep black below.

This painting is still incomplete. I don’t know if Xiang Tian’s ordinary brush cannot describe it, or it has not been fully revealed to him. In short, the scenery between the Cangshan Mountains under the long touch seems to be obscured by something, and it is not revealed to the viewer. Show what it looks like.

And above this layer of shadow, Pei Ye finally saw the center of the picture.

It was a tiny human figure, standing on a high platform, with its palms stretched out high to receive the long touch falling from Jiutian.

And a little higher up, an abrupt and regular circular blank appeared there again. The thin blue lines on the dragon's beard originated from here, getting closer and denser.

Pei Ye's eyes stayed on this back figure for a long time, and he gently picked up the scroll.

"This should be the 'Edict'. Where will its authentic copy be?" Hei Chi whispered.

".I don't know." Pei Ye replied in a low voice. He suddenly gritted his teeth and strode up the stairs to the high platform, leaving a messy path of blood.

"I know what it's afraid of." He gasped, looking up at Liuli who was struggling to break free. "Can you tell Mingqing to hold on, and I'll go help her right away."


Yi Danjun was in his state of mind.

Li Mingqing was really going to run out of gas, and she had long known that she should quit.

The pressure on her mind has long exceeded her limit, but she clearly knows that she is the only hope for everyone's survival.

She must find the poison in Yi Danjun's heart, ignite it, and completely erase this state of mind.

She had originally been prepared to deal with the Son of God alone, but now she was just moving forward with her original plan.

In this way, she continued to support herself with her will and quail head, staggering forward in a dangerous state of mind, and almost fell into the abyss several times.

Finally, after once again gritting her teeth and enduring a bit of persistence, a different light in her vision made the girl suddenly stop in her tracks.

A little warm orange light.

She suddenly relaxed her tense body, took a breath, cleared her eyes again, and glanced over there.

Finally, I stepped on real, solid ground.

She raised her head and looked at the small building in front of her.

This is the only normal and complete thing in this state of mind. In this land, the climate has just entered a warm spring night. The candles are turned on, the warm wind blows, and the grass sprouts from the gaps in the stone slabs.

The orange candlelight in the building reflected on the window.

The woman's heart poison is the last intact piece of her mind.

Li Mingqing raised his eyes and looked at the plaque above his head. The four elegant words "Linjing Painting Pavilion" were exactly the same as the inscriptions on the old paintings of Dongfang Tian.

She took a breath and stretched out her arms to push open the door.

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