The sword that Anzang came riding on the dragon was the strongest that the three of them could show. As far as Anzang was concerned, it almost burned his entire body. The sword definitely did not need any explanation.

The cold light from the horizontal pull of the black robe suddenly stopped, and such a ferocious sword force was freely in his hands. Li Weiru almost escaped from the edge of the underworld. Even though the blade was retracted, the profound energy was still pouring out. The old man's body, which was trying its best to avoid it, could not even maintain its posture. It folded its wings and fell like a bird caught in a hurricane.

Wudong casually made a downward movement towards the old man's cold eyes that were still focused on the battle as he fell. With a flip of his palm, the [Jade Tiger] shrieked and flew back. Others had already taken a step forward and swept straight up.

Anzang's Dragon Sword arrived at this moment.

The arc of the black-robed sword's light was as curved as the bright moon, and the mystery that had taken away Xiang Minghao's power of heaven and earth came here again. He did not lose the slightest bit of seriousness, stepping on the branches in the air, and his clothes fell quietly.

But at this time, Li Weiru's sword that surrounded Wei and rescued Zhao reverberated here. Wudong, who was not seriously injured and fell, exploded with power that cannot be ignored at this distance and at this moment.

[Jade Tiger] started, and the sword of thunder resounded sharply. This time, he never let go, and there was no more false moves. He put all his body on it and risked his life. If the black robe wanted to kill him at this moment, he would only need a knife that was as easy as before.

Wudong's sword met the black robe's sword.

There is no doubt that as long as he intercepts the opponent for a moment, Anzang will have the opportunity to press this mighty sword onto the bead bag!

However, this powerful enemy is still equally difficult to deal with.

Compared with the powerful strength and the crushing realm, this calm charm that has caused both sides to suffer losses from the very beginning is what is more chilling. No design can be expected to succeed in one fell swoop.

Now, the man in black robe swerved sideways and did not confront Wudong. He was clearly facing death from both front and back, but his feet fluttered, and the snow knife carrying the crescent moon hit Anzang head-on.

Such initiative squeezed out all the gaps facing Anzang's Sword, creating a gap behind him, and then he passed through this dangerous gap and dismantled the two simultaneous attacks. One first and one last.

It was true that he couldn't keep up with his speed, and the Thunder Sword was still narrowly avoided. Wudong gritted his teeth in hatred, and his face became even more cold and sinister under the blood.

He stared at the back of the black robe with white eyes, and the thunder on the sword suddenly turned into a twisting force flowing towards him. The moment before the long sword in the black robe was about to meet An Zang, Wudong twisted his arm across the sword and shook it violently. A few drops of blood seeped out from his muscular forearm.

[Jade tiger silk thread]

In the thunder that let go just now, the two weapons had already clashed again.

However, Hei Pao also did not forget this section.

In such a narrow situation, he still left a gap for this mysterious energy lock.

In the process of carrying the sword forward, his left hand also drew several sharp lines. At the moment before the holeless horizontal sword pulled the thread, the black robe was drawn. With a flick of his finger, the formed formation was pushed forward. forward.

A formation of swords.

During the advancement, the mysterious energy flows through the entire formation according to the fixed route outlined, just like an invisible sword being cast, the sword energy suddenly penetrates and presses forward.

He had indeed exhausted his openings, but he could force Anzo to make one more opening for him.

At this moment, Hu Yue came just in front of her, bringing the blade to her hand. She held her black robe's fingers close to the blade and gently wiped it on the long knife.

The man driving the dragon in front of him is indeed within one foot, but if Anzang doesn't want to throw the sword style he has saved up to a hundred feet on this formation sword, he has to take the initiative to avoid it. Seeing the black robe wash away the mysterious energy lock, he achieves that mysterious thing. One knife.

Just as the three of them tried their best and failed to let Xiang Minghao breathe under his hands, now that the knife is pointed at Anzang, things will never go according to their wishes.

But at this moment, an old figure suddenly swooped over like an eagle again.

His eyes were as cold as ice, and the sword in his hand was as bright as snow.

As if he was not aware of the chasm-like gap between the enemy and himself just now, nor did he absorb the lesson of surviving a near-death situation. After falling, as soon as he stepped on the ground to regain his strength, he drew his sword again and fought back. He stepped forward and faced the formation sword in front of him without hesitation, filling the gap for Anzang.

It was clear that he had just escaped from the guillotine of the King of Hell and had a lucky life, and the cracked muscles in his neck were still exposed!

Wudong behind him was stunned for a moment before this scene, doubting that he had even seen the gesture he just made.

From the beginning of the war, the old man was a little too active.

This is not to blame, in fact, the old man grasped his own strength and position very calmly and accurately, always filling the gaps that they could not reach, never taking the initiative to add rhythm, let alone disrupt their designs.

Wudong was just surprised.

Indeed, he did not include the old man in the plan from the beginning. The old man took the initiative to keep an eye on the manor. Wudong also said that he would send a message when he saw an enemy and there was no need to intercept him personally.

Because he is not strong enough, and because his stance is not sharp. As far as Wudong knows, this local sect only has one master. Since he cannot play any role in the battle, Wudong completely accepts that he will not come.

And his first attack was full of sincerity. He stood alone on the black robe that had just slashed with a knife. If the black robe hadn't really focused on Xiang Minghao, it would have been a moth flying into the flames.

And the situation just now has proved what the consequences will be if he draws his sword again after the black robe frees his hand.

Wudong even deliberately reminded him that "enough is enough", and Tianshan and Xianrentai would recognize all this.

Wudong already had a death wish - if the black robe must kill them, the most they can do is to use their lives to replace them with more things. There is no need for marginalized people like Li Weiru to die for it.

But he actually dared to draw a sword against the black robe that represented death for the third time, his cold eyes without any warmth.

No matter what the reason is, those who dare to turn their backs on life and face death are always true heroes, and Wudong will inevitably feel some respect from the bottom of his heart.

But this time, the luck that had been ignored many times finally no longer favored him.

The old man could not accept the formation sword that could make Jilong Anzang dodge its sharp edge. But this time he had no way to avoid it and had to eat the sword with all his strength. Li Weiru pointed his sword into the formation, and Peiran's violent profound energy overwhelmed him in an instant.

The consequences of repeated attacks on Ye Que finally came to the old man. Blood suddenly burst out from everywhere. Li Weiru hissed, and the sword he raised never gave in, swallowing everything in this array of swords forcefully.

But above the sky, Anzang completely believed in the old man's inheritance.

The moment the old figure swept up, Anzang didn't look at the array of swords again. He stared straight at the person in front of him. The environment the two of them tried their best to create was just for this moment.

The dragon's head was stretched out with a sword, and a long wind roared from behind.

The movement of the black robe pointing at the spatula was suddenly interrupted. He returned the knife horizontally and forcibly controlled the disturbance from the string, but the mysterious moon arc also disappeared.

The dragon sword was already coming, but there was still no expression on the scene. Even though [Yu Bailong] tried his best to hit the opponent with his sword, the variations of the sword in his hand were still easy for him.

The long sword seemed to be completely unaffected by the breaking move. Hundreds of feet of profound energy condensed in the blink of an eye. In this moment, its power was almost as powerful as the [Yu White Dragon] sword.

The long sword was stretched in front of his waist, and Anzang's sword, which penetrated a hundred feet, hit him with a roar, not even shortening the distance between the sword and the bead bag.

But what Anzang wanted was just a head-on attack.

The mighty profound energy and whistling wind were no bluff. Since the black-robed sword was made of iron at his waist, it was his entire body that could bear the power.

Like a bird falling from the sky, the hundred-foot wind dragon roared past. The black robe protected the bead bag and was almost uninjured. However, the hunting figure was indeed knocked down by a sword and fell straight into the "Yunsuo Zhulou" .

The fog only fluctuated once, and then suddenly closed. "Yunsuo Zhulou" has only come to an end, but it is indeed still playing a role.

What fell straight down almost at the same time as the black robe was an old and withered figure.

The black robe adjusted his posture, still casting two cold gazes on Anzang, who was leaning down and rushing down.

The decrepit figure is almost like a corpse.


Deep in the mountains.

The once secret place of Zizhu is now only black and silent.

The light and shadow of the bonfire danced on the young faces of the boys and girls, like a beautiful and quiet picture.

Pei Ye was already in high spirits, and the girl's face was still pale, but after sitting down and resting for a while, her tense spirit became much more relaxed.

"That formation can still be used. We can go back to Xiangzhou directly." Hei Chi said.

"Then let's go." Pei Ye raised his sword and stood up, "I just thought that if the Yi family comes to the secret realm, they can't have to walk back through mountains and rivers."

Li Mingqing raised her head as if she was imagining the scene. She didn't know what came to mind and the corner of her mouth curled up: "That seems to be quite interesting."

"It's boring to walk on a mountain road for such a long time." The young man who grew up in the mountains laughed and sighed, "You city girls are just trying to be fresh. It's okay for a day or two, but you can't go out day after day. Every day is just trees and trees. The stones are so black that you can’t even see the sky when you raise your head, and you will feel stupid.”

"I also grew up in the mountains!"

Hei Chi returned to his cat form and squatted on Pei Ye's shoulders, and the two of them walked towards the way they came.

In fact, both of them still had a shadow in their hearts.

Pei Ye told the girl that he had found a solution, but he saw the scene where the little sword controlled the imperial edict, but what exactly it was, whether it still existed, and where it was, in fact, he had no idea at all. The Immortal Lord himself Under a close gaze, Zhao Tu searched for every crack in his state of mind, inserting like sharp needles and penetrating like venom; the heart poison that the girl had just ignited was still lingering, and a dark shadow weighed on his soul.

It was just that Pei Ye was not in a hurry to tell the girl about this, which worried her. As for the girl, just sitting by the fire, with the beloved boy beside her holding her hand, also made her heart beat uneasily. Hardly seen.

After all, he had just defeated a powerful enemy, and the joyful relief still permeated the surroundings.

Pei Ye walked ahead and chatted with Hei Chi, but actually he still didn't understand the basis of the cooperation between Huansilou and Zhushijiao.

"Their connection is very deep. It's not the kind of petty fights and intrigues." Black Cat said softly, "This level of cooperation must have the same purpose, at least in a considerable part. And the establishment of this kind of mutual trust. I think the top management of the two parties may also have some contact."

"But Zhu Shijiao is here to fulfill the Immortal Lord's edict, and Huan Shei Lou is not the Immortal Lord's lackey."

"Yeah." Black Cat was silent for a moment.

"And there is also the Sun Swallowing Society." Pei Ye said, "Do you remember, they were the ones who exposed Huanshenglou's traces in Qiyun Chamber of Commerce to us, and made us find out about the existence of Zhushijiao and Huanshenglou. The contact here——"

Pei Ye was suddenly startled, inexplicably feeling that something was wrong, but he didn't catch it for the moment.

The bright and complicated white formation came into view, and the girl's footsteps came from behind.

Pei Ye turned around and saw Li Pingqing holding the Lost Cui Sword behind her back and bouncing towards him. Seeing him turn around, she raised her head and smiled sweetly.

".What are you doing?"

She didn't know why his back suddenly put her in such a good mood. The girl said softly, "I'm a little rabbit."

".I think you are a green grasshopper."

Li Qingqing pursed her lips and hit him with her sword. Pei Ye always enjoyed such nonsense and ran forward with a smile.

It wasn't until he entered the Yuke formation that he stood still. He raised his hand and held the girl's scabbard: "Okay, Li Mingqing, I'm at a higher level than you now."

"This formation should just be filled with profound energy." Black Cat said from the side.

"Yes, just follow the silver pendant in Huansilou. Didn't we just--" Pei Ye was startled again. He suddenly remembered Zhang He's silver pendant's ability to retrieve objects through walls.

The girl didn't know much about this formation, so she couldn't grab the scabbard and said angrily: "Bullying!"

"You're obviously the one who always takes action." Pei Ye let go with a smile, "They say a gentleman talks but never takes action."

"Then you don't dare to speak." The girl whispered.

"Ah?" Pei Ye was confused.

In order to inject Xuan Qi, Liuli had no choice but to trouble him again. After passing through the crystal clear sword body, Xuan Qi was poured into the center of the formation obediently, and the formation slowly became brighter.

All three of them began to feel some aura from the other side.

This process takes a relatively long time. The two people and the cat sat next to each other in the center of the formation, quietly watching the brilliance of the formation. The fluorescence rising in the darkness was like the newborn stars in Qingmingli.

Gradually, brilliance filled the entire formation, and they were submerged in the fluorescence, like a waterfall hanging from the sky.

The distant connection was completely clear. The black cat gently extended its claws to point at the light spot in the sensor. It felt a little brighter than when it came. They actually don't know where it leads. This formation is still very unfamiliar to them, but anyway, when they came, the Yuke formation here was just such a point of light.

But at this moment, Pei Ye, who was chatting and laughing with the girl, suddenly became startled: "What's that one further away?"

There was a sudden silence, and the black cat looked at it. Behind the bright light point they connected, there was a fainter light point hanging there. It suddenly felt cold in its heart - this spot of light was more bright than when it came.

Everyone was in a daze, but in fact there was no time to think, the connection was complete, and the Milky Way hanging upside down from the sky drowned them.

Amid the mysterious sense of dislocation in her body, Pei Ye was speechless and suddenly suddenly trembled, as if a cold thread was pulled out from his spine.

But he also had no time to think about it.

In an instant, the world has changed.

First, a mouthful of cold, moist air hit his mouth and nose, and then his vision broke away from the dizziness.

I haven't felt the wind from the outside for a long time.

The cold rain and fog covered all directions, the outline of the broken manor was vaguely revealed, and the strange dead silence covered everything.

There was no way to identify where this place was. The two of them had just grasped the hilts of their swords tightly when a whistling sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from the side, like the roar of a giant beast. Before the entity that broke through the air appeared, the mist was already there. Wrapped into a hollow whirlpool.

Such majestic power almost completely suffocated the two of them, and the mist poured down almost like a mountain and sea. This was not something they could do any resistance at all!

With his heart and lungs tightening suddenly, Pei Ye grabbed the girl and held the glazed sword in front of her.

The next moment, the thing broke out of the mist and was a broken human form.

It is impossible to imagine how he suffered such a severe injury, let alone how he is still alive. In short, he still held the sword in one hand, but the other hand, including the shoulder strap, was gone, only a bloody blur.

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