The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 366 Past Events in Kongtong

"My disciple went to summon my uncle and he came back, but he still didn't see me."

A deacon whispered back, but there was no sound in the room. He nodded again and left.

In the silence, the old man's stern voice sounded first: "I have actually long wondered why the most senior master in the noble sect could disappear without caring about anything."

".This means," after a long time, Shi Shaosheng said softly, "the leader will solve the problems himself."

The courtyard had been completely cleared, and there were only a few people left in the law enforcement hall. A dim candle flickered in the room, but no one was within the range illuminated by the candle.

"Since the establishment of the Kongtong sect, the scattered and uneven swordsmanship of the various peaks has been the lock that holds our sect back." The old man who was first identified as unsuspected by Wudong said softly. The secret of the mouth was slowly revealed.

"The sages have been working hard for this for generations. In the Sutra Collection Building, we have been organizing the 'Kongtong Sword Collection' for two hundred years. However, not only has this work not been completed, but it has become increasingly arduous."

"They carefully studied and dismantled each sword technique in an effort to break it down into its most basic components - the most basic "Third Floor Sword". We have seventy-four corresponding annotations. Other peak sword techniques Not to mention, it is common to find things that are profound and difficult, and are time-consuming and labor-intensive.”

"But a deep understanding of one's own swordsmanship is an infallible task. Building on the shoulders of the predecessors, the swordsmanship of various peaks has been constantly revised and improved." Shi Shaosheng paused, "But to integrate it into a system, it is indeed a step to the sky. achievement."

"Some swords are for the sun, some swords are for birds, some swords are for traveling far away, and some swords are for seeking elixirs. They are all very different. Of course, even so, the so-called 'Sword Master in the World' is a matter of choice. There is nothing wrong with integrating three or four gates into one. But that is the sword of the Seventeen Peaks," Shi Shaosheng said softly, "So the voice of giving up has never stopped."

Of course it's impossible to give up, Pei Ye thought.

After seeing Cuiyu Sword Sect and Qijiao Cave, he already understood that martial arts was the foundation of the sect. Sword Gate, Sword Gate, if there is no need for the swords to unite, then there is no reason for the Kongtong peaks to unite.

So this is a "big deal for the sect". Even if it is just to integrate the five peaks in the middle, even if it is just doing it all the time, there is a root in Kongtong that ties the same sect in Baili together.

"Master Uncle Ji is the previous generation leader, and he is also the most amazing and talented one in many years." Shi Shaosheng continued, "He is obsessed with this way, and he has indeed pushed the 'Sword Hidden' forward by a huge step alone. So he handed over the position of leader early and concentrated on studying in seclusion. "

"The successor is Junior Brother Bai Tianqu."

Shi Shaosheng was silent for a while.

"Junior brother Bai is a genius in another direction." The room was still quiet, and the old man continued, "He has been full of spiritual energy when it comes to swords since he was a child, sometimes even approaching evil. When learning swordsmanship, he almost never reads books, and only those who know how to do it can act Show it to him."

"So the conflict occurred at this time. After Junior Brother Bai took over, he believed that it was impossible to reconstruct the 'Jianzang' into a whole by relying on detailed analysis." Shi Shaosheng, the oldest person present, raised his head slightly and recalled that period. Sharp times.

"So when he found a person among the sages who took the wrong approach, he immediately felt like a close friend."

"Dai Chongxuan, the master of Tianmen Peak ninety-seven years ago, a person whose name was deleted by 'Jian Zang'."

"He very radically believed that the Kongtong sword could of course be integrated into one - not some day after years of hard work, but at that time." Shi Shaosheng said, "Because he felt that reconstructing the swordsmanship itself was a mistake. What we should really do is to gather sword sense."

"Because the sword itself is different from other weapons, it has a certain unique nature that still exists after everything is stripped away. Getting rid of the 'shape' of the sword move and combining this nature into one is the right way - and This road has even been verified." Shi Shaosheng paused, "Because we all know that its end is in this world."

Pei Ye didn't understand what the old man was referring to for a moment. He was still thinking about the first half of the sentence - to find commonalities among different things at this level, it is natural to go to the upper levels. This senior must have a clear view. .

"Of course this is nonsense that only those who are new to swordsmanship would believe."


"This kind of approach can only be paid lip service to. It has no merit other than seeking fame and reputation. Later, the acting peak master really began to practice his path of 'spiritual enlightenment'. He only put many sword scriptures in front of him every day, and then called The disciples from various peaks would fall asleep in front of him for a whole day."

"Junior Brother Bai just wants to follow this path again."

"Kongtong can raise an inconspicuous peak master, but he cannot accept that the master treats the 'Sword Hidden' as child's play."

Yes, if the leader regards it as a casual game, it will dispel the seriousness of the sages of the past generations and the peaks of Kongtong will lose their sense of centripetalness.

"Everyone should still remember that Zhongwu Peak was tense and repressed at that time." The old man sighed softly, "Uncle Ji came back to the mountain to remove Junior Brother Bai from the position of leader, and Junior Brother Bai has always been tough and extreme. He is not You have to walk this road by yourself, but you must walk this road with Kongtong.”

"The two masters and apprentices pressed their swords against each other on the Lianxin Pavilion. Xiao Tingshu lowered his head and stood behind Junior Brother Bai." Shi Shaosheng recalled that scene.

"Uncle Ji finally compromised."

"Two [Ye Que] who were ranked on the top of the crane list fought against each other. Kongtong could not bear such damage. Master Ji completely retired to seclusion. He continued to follow the path of the sages and allowed Junior Brother Bai to change the 'Kongtong Sword'." Hide's direction."

The old man took a sip of tea and the room fell into silence for a while.

Wudong said in a low voice: "Then I think there will be an opportunity for Huan Shei Lou to enter later."

"Maybe, that was more than twenty years ago." Shi Shaosheng sighed softly.

"Junior Brother Bai is definitely not like Dai Zhongxuan. He really found a way to gather the sword sense of the seventeen peaks." Shi Shaosheng looked at a few people and said, "The [Sword Summoning Chapter] was made by him."

"When several swordsmanship surged into the body and mind in the same resonance, perhaps his genius spirituality did sense some kind of 'upper level', and that was why he went on so firmly in the next twenty years."

"But in fact, after that incident, he suffered a heavy blow."

Shi Shaosheng recalled: "I had a good relationship with him at the time, and he often came to me to talk to me. He said that it was not something that could be accomplished manually."

"Legend has it that if several completely different types of jade are placed in the same box, they will merge into one after many thousands of years...Similarly, it requires these swords to exist in resonance for a long time in order to 'precipitate' the nature , complete the 'fusion'."

"But it is impossible for the disciples of the various peaks to always practice swords in the [Calling Sword Chapter], and as the main body that accepts and guides the sense of the sword, he certainly cannot guarantee that he is correct - there is no reference program to organize these swords. Law."

"This is the chasm he encountered twenty years ago."

"What happened later was not very open to us, Si Feng." Shi Shaosheng recalled, "In those days, he did get to know people we didn't recognize, and then he began to guide the water flow, carve the mountain shape, and immerse a handle in it. The long sword. But all the procedures are in line with the sect's rules. We can also enter and observe and guess that it is a huge sword array. We are just wondering where he invited such an amazing array master."

"Ten years later, we know that it is [Jianbelly Mountain]."

"That is in the same year, Master Ji came out for the first time in ten years. I don't know what their master and apprentice talked about, but looking back, they did not reconcile." Shi Shaosheng whispered, "Junior Brother Bai showed off again With his temperament so different from that of Dai Zhongxuan's disciples, everyone no longer doubts the master's respect and seriousness for the 'Sword Hidden'."

"——He handed over the affairs of the head of the family to Xiao Tingshu, carried the coffin into the mountain himself, and died in the depths of Jianbei Mountain."

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