In the quiet and dim hall, the last touch of gold penetrated the entire room.

The two stood opposite each other, the young man seemed to be suppressing the trembling fire in his heart under the most severe torture, while the young girl looked at him quietly, her clothes fluttering in the breeze.

"Before I came, weren't you also working hard to kill it?" Pei Ye said hoarsely, fearing that she would refuse, "I came from [Zhanxin], I can help you, Miss Ming."

Ming Yun looked at him, but there was no surprise in her mirror-like eyes. She turned back and carefully coded the last two small cards: "I don't want to kill it anymore."


"I didn't want to destroy it." Mingyun closed the box and turned his head slightly, his eyes as quiet as the breeze, "You don't have to hate it so much."

Pei Ye was slightly startled.

At this moment, he realized that his strong emotions had painted everything in too bright colors. In the woman's state of mind, everything was so pure and distant, and the girl always had her own thoughts.

"Then what do you think?"

Yes, Mingxin and Gushe are indeed in an irreconcilable fight. The purpose of [Gushe] is to completely eliminate Mingxin. When they met at the border, the woman on the cloud completed the simplest and clearest communication with him.

Only then did Pei Ye realize that he had never asked the girl in front of him what she thought. She was the natural master of this place, and she had grown up practicing "Gu She" and had no natural hostility towards "Tian Xin" .

"I just think it's a bit 'crossing the line'." Ming Yun said softly.


"It is an interesting guest, a very beautiful dress, and a very sharp and beautiful sword." The girl lowered her head and pushed the box into the drawer, "But it cannot turn everything here into a cloud."

"." Pei Ye was stunned. Therefore, "Gu She" must remove Ming Xin, but Ming Xin cannot coexist with "Gu She", but he was still a little confused, "So... Miss Ming, what do you want?"

"I'm just trying to beat it."


"Because the 'sword' should be held in people's hands, right?" Ming Yun seemed to be telling the most common truth, "'Gu She' must have the 'Heaven's Heart' dominate everything, but if there is any conflict, everything will be destroyed. Why? ?”

In this pure and thorough state of mind, the woman confided to him her most treasonous thoughts about this immortal scripture: "Why can't [Mingjing Bingjian] dominate the 'Heaven's Heart'?"

She looked at the young man quietly, and Pei Ye was completely stunned.

Yes [Mingjing Bingjian] is the best quality for practicing "Gushe". [Mingjing Bingjian] will purify oneself little by little during practice and turn into a "Heavenly Heart". You can see it for yourself in "Mingxin" Come on, she is the owner here.

Instead of completely eliminating the characteristics of human nature and purifying it into the sharpest sword in the world, the girl believes that the bright and clear human heart should really dominate everything, and the heart of heaven, which is free of things and desires, should become a part of it, just like a beautiful and sharp sword. .

"But this should be the most difficult thing I have encountered." Mingyun smiled lightly, "It is really too pure and lofty, you see, but if there is discord, everything will collapse, right?"

"So, you can only compromise?" Pei Ye looked at her lowly.

"'Obsession' is something that [Dingjing Bingjian] has inherently penetrated." The girl tilted her head slightly, "I don't have the same desire to 'win or lose' as you do."


"Because this is the most appropriate and only choice." Ming Yun said, "I tried my best but failed in the end, so that's okay."

When she said this, she looked at the young man quietly, but Pei Ye had no intention of thinking about it. He pursed his lips and said hoarsely: "...But I think it does matter."

"I refuse." He repeated, asking the woman to give up her pursuit, give up her humanity, and become a god and come to the world to resolve this crisis. This is the path before her, but, "I refuse, Miss Ming. "

he said stubbornly.



"Okay." The girl looked at him, "I said yes - you are willing to help me, I am very happy."

Pei Ye faced these bright eyes and suddenly felt a sore nose for some reason.

"But, I want to ask you again. Even if I beat Tianxin, I probably won't be able to control "Gushe" immediately." Mingyun looked at him seriously, "Have you really thought about it?"

"I've thought about it." The pressure in her heart did not diminish at all, and Pei Ye bit her lip and said hoarsely.

"Okay." Mingyun nodded.

She suddenly turned around and went out.

"Then, how do we fight?" Pei Ye was startled for a moment, then raised his legs and followed him out.

The pale orange sunset covered the fragrant forest with a layer of gauze. The girl spread her hands in the air. After hearing this, she turned her head and smiled slightly: "You don't know the enemy yet?"

".have no idea."

"She's the same age as me."


"Because the 'sword' is my brightest thing, our duel will be won or lost with the sword." Mingyun said, "When I became seventeen years old, I cultivated the 'ice and snow body' and started to move towards the second realm. She There it is.”

Pei Ye understood, so he had to face Ming Qitian when he was seventeen.

"You don't need to participate in too many sword fights." Ming Yun looked at him, and a clear whistle sounded in the forest, "Just help me catch a sword whenever you think you can intervene."

Pei Ye was stunned: "As long as you catch a sword?"

"Just catch a sword."

The roar in the forest came to the front, and the clear light stopped in the girl's palm. It was [Zhanxin Liuli].

To the west, the cool, round sun is sinking into the clouds little by little, and the cold moon is rising in the east, and the world is changing into another color.

Ming Yun turned his sword on his back: "Have you really decided?"


"Okay." The girl stroked the beautiful sword blade, tilted her head and raised her eyes towards him, "If you can't do that, don't cry."


She took the first step towards the clouds.


Pei Ye followed the girl up the stairs, as if he was experiencing a relapse.

The higher you go, the forest, stone, water, and bamboo scenery gradually fade away, leaving only pure light clouds around you.

Passing through the clouds, the girl in front of him didn't speak. Pei Ye actually had no desire to speak. If just now in the bright hall as the sunset was approaching, his heart and lungs were ravaged by suppressed pain, now his muscles and bones are trembling little by little. The ground tensed—it was pure, utter nervousness.

Nervousness was often accompanied by extreme solemnity and seriousness. He lowered his head, kept rubbing the hilt of the sword with his hands, and rehearsed every sword move he knew in his mind. Until suddenly his eyes widened, and when he raised his head, Shi The stairs had reached the end, and he returned to the sword platform with a round wall.

The goddess-like woman in white clothes still stood quietly by the wall.

Pei Ye noticed this time that the sword she was holding was indeed not Liuli.

Seeing Pei Ye again, there was no expression on this god-like face, and she calmly accepted everything in front of her - no, for her, there was no such thing as "acceptance".

The sun sets under the clouds.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, a bright moon shines brightly for thousands of miles.

The girl came up from the long steps.

This is the fixed way to start a sword duel between two people. The girl doesn't want the sharp clouds to destroy everything below, so she will always come forward - even though that seems to be an inevitable consequence.

Between the bright moon and the sea of ​​clouds, two men in white clothes stood facing each other. Ming Yun performed a simple sword salute, and the person opposite nodded slightly.

Two equally stunning sword lights rushed toward each other in an instant.

Pei Ye stared at the sword and stared at the sword light. When the two swords were unfolded, he immediately understood what the sword art in his heart was.

There is no mysterious energy, not even the iconic snow-white cloud energy.

There is only true energy, but there is no concept of "realm". In other words, everyone is in the exact same realm. In short, this is a pure sword competition.

So the girl said, "Take a move for me," because in a sword fight like this where no other means or factors come into play, one move is enough to determine absolute victory or defeat in front of two of the world's best swordsmen.

The moment the word "victory or defeat" rose in his heart, Pei Ye immediately felt the heavy pressure on his body.

No matter how happy and indifferent the girl in the hall just now was, he knew what he was facing now.

A woman and a woman rely on their lives in the deep mountains, seriously injured, hiding, depleted, and backlashed. Behind every word is enough to be fatal.

They were in a real desperate situation. And he gave up the almost only chance of survival that was within easy reach, dismissed the woman's idea, and started the current sword fight willfully.

And this sword fight is based on the further collapse of the "ice body".

So he must win. He must win.

The long sword was slowly unsheathed, and in front of him, Ming Yun was stabbing Gu She with his sword. Gu She leaned forward, and the sword light floated towards the girl's face.

Pei Ye's hair trembled at this moment, and he subconsciously had the urge to draw his sword, because this was a gap that could indeed be filled with a [new corpse].

But he still suppressed it and stared at the exchange of moves between the two. He must not be impatient in the slightest with the advantage of one sword.

And as more sword moves appeared in front of him, he really fell into a complete breath-holding.

The young man is already in the spiritual realm. When facing a better spiritual realm swordsman, he may indeed be defeated by sword moves, but he will never be confused by sword moves again.

Now the two girls' sword moves were clear to his eyes, and the move he was about to add just now [Carrying the New Corpse] came from such a clear sense of swordsmanship.

But after looking at it for a long time, he suddenly discovered that some seemingly obvious things suddenly became less clear.

The sword move was still clearly visible in his eyes, but an indescribable haziness began to cover it. Pei Ye didn't know how to describe this feeling, but... in the world of the blind, what he touched was a clear pillar. .

Until I vaguely, as if, heard the even and heavy breathing above my head.

Pei Ye suddenly became a little nervous. He subconsciously took a step forward - on the cloud platform in front of him, the snow clothes were like the wind, and the sword light was like the moon. He had never seen such a beautiful sword fight, and he couldn't see any murderous intent, but if it really Each style is so thrilling when you taste it carefully.

This was no longer the same thing as the Yi Jian that Pei Ye was familiar with, but he couldn't tell what it was.

In a completely unfamiliar realm, when he realized the existence of this "breath" in the sword move, he fell into complete confusion. The more I try to analyze and see clearly, the deeper I sink. Whenever I suddenly gain something, I realize that I have just lifted another superficial veil and seen a more real problem.

Looking up makes it higher, drilling makes it stronger, looking forward, suddenly it is behind.

It seems that what is in front of me is no longer two sword lights, but two bright moons. Every time I think I am getting closer to it, I must be surprised that it is still hanging high in the distant night sky.

The more talented a swordsman is, the more he can experience the fascinating beauty from such pursuit. Pei Ye has indeed been obsessed with it many times, but this will never make him as happy as "hearing the Tao".

The body is getting colder little by little.

Facing the seventeen-year-old Ming Qitian, Pei Ye never thought that he could win the battle. After spending days together, he has truly felt her breadth like mountains and seas.

But he never thought that there would be such a gap.

He felt that if he tried his best and blocked a sword, there would always be a chance. After all, he had the "Snowy Night Flying Goose Sword Style" in his body, and the woman would always have to use a sword to deal with it anyway.

She could break the move with one sword and pierce his throat anyway, and Mingyun would definitely win after taking advantage of this move.

But now is a scene he never thought of.

Earlier sword learning, more outstanding talent, more perfect education. The gap brought by these three advantages is far greater than he thought.

——If you can't understand it at all, how can you talk about drawing the sword?

He believed that after pointing the tip of the sword at the woman, he would only have one chance to strike.

He didn't know which sword was strong and which was weak, and whether the woman wanted to attack or defend with the next sword. If he abruptly drew the sword and repeated it with the girl, it would be a complete waste.

It was the first time that Pei Ye felt flustered by a sword, and veins on his hand gripping the handle had already popped out.

Until he suddenly realized that the girl seemed to have known this would happen all along.

From the beginning of this sword duel, she had been trying to influence its direction, not hesitating to give up some tiny advantages - anyway, as long as the boy successfully changed the sword, they would be easily covered.

Now that this effort has finally paid off, Pei Ye suddenly felt clear in her eyes - she had turned this round into the clearest situation for the boy.

Mingyun leaned back like a white crane and came straight to Pei Ye, with the long sword in his hand slanting horizontally, and some kind of mystery began to rise around the blade.

Gushe thrust his sword forward.

Pei Ye saw very clearly that Mingyun didn't have time to use this sword.

So he understood what she wanted to do in an instant. It's time to draw the sword, Pei Ye.

Now you don't have to break the opponent's sword, just go forward and use your strongest sword on her. As long as you can fight her with a sword, your mission is completed.

Mingyun's white clothes swept back from the top of his head.

She didn't have to, but she still reached out and gently supported the boy's shoulder. Pei Ye knew that the pair of clear eyes were looking at him at this moment, but he didn't dare to look at her. Everything in his body and mind was focused on the sword in his hand.

The last corner of the girl's dress retreated from the field of vision, and in front of him, the familiar face like a god was looking at him quietly.

The long sword was like snow, and the grace was like a god. It was the first time he faced this figure from such a perspective.

At this moment, the world was really just the two of them facing each other alone.

Then Pei Ye realized that everything was wrong.

He absolutely, absolutely, no matter what, could not stop this woman for any moment.

If he had not entered the spiritual realm, he might still be ignorant of the height of the sky and the depth of the earth and recklessly draw the sword, but now, the whole sword field was left with only despair. No matter where he looked, the inevitable defeat was written in his eyes.

Only then did he glimpse the truth of this sword duel, and the "breath" revealed its face to him.

——What he intruded on was the duel of two "hearts".

In the cold despair, Pei Ye still gritted his teeth and drew out the sword he had prepared long ago. That was the courage he had given himself before embarking on the path of cultivation.

[Clouds and Sky Cover the Eyes and Lost Feathers]

The stunning and cold sword light broke out from the darkness, but the level of "intention" could not reach here after all. Gu She casually cut his throat with the broken sword, and the sword force did not leak at all. The white clothes passed by his vision.

Pei Ye wanted to look back at the girl again in trembling, but his vision had solidified, his body began to break, and no sound entered his ears. [Heart Cutting] failed, and he was driven out of the state of mind.

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