The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 424 No Fish in the Basket

Outside Shaolong Mansion City, there is a place that cannot be reached without permission.

Ugly time.

Everything has been silent for a long time, only the small pure black fire is still on, illuminating everything in gray shadows.

Sima didn't know where he was being held, whether it was above ground or underground, or who was stationed there. Even though he had many encounters with the Immortal Platform, keeping breathing actually consumed all his energy.

There were neither iron chains nor shackles on him. This was a completely empty room. Except for him sitting on the floor, there was this rootless fire hanging on the roof.

He has actually never seen this kind of confinement method, but Huansi Tower seems to have records of it.

——The ancient fire [Jieyou] feeds on all the true qi. It does not need to burst out from the human body. It will sweep into the body and burn out all the true qi in the meridians.

His spiritual body was broken and his profound energy was cut off. Under the light of this fire, he had been weak as never before for seven days.

A Xuanmen cultivator's entire strength comes from three parts: spiritual body, true energy, and mysterious energy. Now that they are all locked up without gaps, of course he can't do anything.

Except look at this flame.

Now the only things that could beat in this secret room were it and his heart.

Watch its rhythm and jumping, feel its melting of Qi. Watch everything about it.

He remembered the seven days and three hours of watching her very clearly.

Now for the first time, he didn't want to look at it anymore.

Seven days is a very delicate time point.

He knew the scale of the Huansi Tower in Shaolong and was familiar with the efficiency of the Immortal Terrace. This was almost a time for the case to be closed.

He is also aware of the state of [Shadow], and the feeling coming from that fire is getting stronger and stronger - he has not been arrested, and his recovery is getting better and better.

Seven days was enough time for him to prepare.

More importantly, when a felon is imprisoned, the place will be replaced every seven days. This is a very secret rule of Xianrentai, but Huansilou discovered it four months ago.

Sima couldn't see or hear anything, but for seven days and nights, when he closed his eyes, things were unfolding in his mind.

He must die.

But I can't die here.

He raised his head slightly, stared at the hanging flame again, and slowly closed his eyes.

In the darkness, from the deepest part of myself, two quiet fireflies slowly lit up, like stars on the night sky.

Using "deep" to describe it may not be appropriate, because Xianrentai's inspection has already dug through him and found nothing. These two sparks are hidden on another level.

At this time, one of them slowly landed into his body.

The majestic zhenqi emerged from his dantian, and the black flames on the roof ignited in his body for an instant, but were rejected by an invisible barrier the next moment.

Another kind of flame surrounded the meridian tree, and the true energy surged into the limbs. [Jie You] looked at the delicious food in front of him for the first time, but he couldn't get in.

On a dark night, under a high moon, the Prisoner Demon Land quietly and orderly handed over people's hands, like a sophisticated giant beast that rarely narrowed its eyes.

So in the deepest part of it, an old body slowly stood up.

Immortal Terrace, Wangqi Tower.

Ugly time.

This building is a hundred feet high, reaching the sky and the moon. Only two people stand silently at the top.

"[Sima] himself will never notice it. We used thirteen detection methods, involving true energy, mysterious energy, formations, secret techniques and other powers - but none of them could detect the two sparks in his body. "The Confucian man lowered his eyes. In front of him was a huge landscape painting carved on a stone mirror. "So in his mind, he was not discovered. "

Zhang Xiaozhu also stood in front of this engraving: "Then how did you know?"

"[Shadow Sword]." The Confucian man said, "We pulled out the sword that Master Sui pinned him to the ground. 'Seeing the Shadow' is a power similar to "Spirit Son's View of the World" , using the sword as a mirror, one can gain insight into some abstract but essential things. We carefully examined all the reflections of this sword from [Sima]’s body, and only returned it to Mr. Sui yesterday.”

"Talk about those two 'Sparks'."

The Confucian man said directly: "We guess that it is the projection of Immortal Quan."

Zhang Xiaozhu stared and tilted his head.

"That kind of power is at a very high level, secretive and far away. We can't determine its ownership from the analysis of the projection. But because of this, I think it is immortal power." The man with a scholar's crown said, "You know, there are so many orders in the world. There are not many things that are unfamiliar to us.”

"Yes. Do you have a more detailed conclusion?"

"The time is too short, there are only some speculations." The man with a scholar's crown said, "The first spark, I guess, is related to the "Fire Planting Book". Because the fire is not like the control method based on Zhenxuan, it is too mature and sensitive. It even has some spirituality. This is one of the core elements of the establishment of Huanshi Tower. I think its source is an immortal power related to fire."

"Well, continue."

Sima walked out of the door, and there were no guards in sight.

This is not a gap caused by rotation, but in high-level imprisonment, people are often the cause of loopholes. If two people are placed next to the seamlessly woven rules, it is not an added insurance, but a key. .

Sima didn't move. He leaned back against the door and took a breath. The passage in front of him was blocked by twelve different types of light and dark, but now he had generated true energy and had grasped the mysterious energy.

He left the cage precisely and silently, climbed to the ground, and saw a continuous courtyard. Under the moon, a sword-carrying goose was heading north.

Sima breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't kill him, he knew everyone here had a lifelock, but he at least got to wear his suit.

Flying over the eaves and over the wall is a risk that cannot be taken. Sima Tijian relaxed his pace and went straight to the side door.

Covered by the spiritual formation, he did not dare to extend the true mystery, so he had no perception. So as soon as he stepped out of the courtyard, he ran into three figures together.

The three of them looked at their colleague in surprise. Sima raised his head, nodded and smiled at them.

The three of them nodded at the same time, and the two sides passed each other in a hurry.

"The second spark, I guess, is related to 'Faceless'."

Zhang Xiaozhu frowned slightly: "Although this ability is weird, it is not without the true mystical skills of changing the muscles and bones."

"Yes." Ru Guan tapped the stone mirror picture lightly. It seemed to be just an ordinary depiction. "So I am guessing. However, I analyzed the face that was brought by Bowang. I found some weirder characteristics, far more than A smooth fleshy face is even more amazing.”


Ru Guan pondered for a moment: "It's all his own flesh and blood."

Zhang Xiaozhu frowned.

"That's right. You know that changing the muscles and bones with true energy means changing their positions, squeezing, piecing together, and elongating the ligaments. This is the "Bone Shrinking Technique" in the world; while Lingxuan changes the body shape and face, it really changes the flesh and blood. The shapes of the muscles and bones can be kneaded and kneaded at will, and then returned to the original shape along the path of the spiritual energy."

"Isn't that the face?"

"No." Ru Guan said, "The essence of the flesh and blood has been changed. It is not that the lips, nose, etc. are removed and then smoothed, but it is directly shaped like this by the same force - the flesh covering this face. , maybe even his former cheekbones.”


"You know, different parts of the human body have different functions, and they work together as a whole, that is, the 'human' body. Once a certain part is stripped away, it will die, and the human will can no longer reach it. It. And this means, I doubt it.”

Zhang Xiaozhu suddenly recalled: "I heard that thirty years ago"


"It's nothing, it's not important now." Zhang Xiaozhu cast his gaze into the distance, "We just treat him as carrying two immortal power projections. How do you predict his actions."

"[Sima] will definitely try again." Ru Guan said, "Because he must destroy these two projections and never allow them to fall into our hands. Now he has not done anything, precisely because he thinks we have not discovered it yet - of course , and we really haven’t gotten them yet.”

"So, if we don't give him a chance, he will eventually destroy himself in prison; but if we give him a chance, he will use it to fight hard." Ru Guan continued, "The pole can definitely be thrown. "

"But whether Qu Zhu will come or not is another matter?"

"Whether Qu Zhu will come or not is another matter." Ru Guan sighed, "There is only one fish like this in the whole lake. As soon as you cast the rod, no matter how stupid you are, you will know that you are going to catch it."

"It was meant to bridge the last gap."

"Yes. The letter has been issued, the case closing process has been completed, and manpower has been withdrawn everywhere. For the sake of this less than 100-100 chance, we have shown our sincerity."

Confucianism Guan gently tapped the stone mirror to engrave pictures, and mysterious energy came from all directions.

The picture on the mirror, which was clearly a stone carving, began to change.

The lines flow like water, and the upper left gradually settles on a corner of the big city, while the rest is a continuous wilderness and hills. The Confucian crown touches the stone mirror, fixing it into this picture.

This is the place where demons are imprisoned on the Immortal Terrace, three hundred miles away from the city.

They really showed their sincerity for this operation.

[Five Hundred Miles of Mysterious Qi Map], inspired by the Sun Swallowing Society [Autumn Qi Map], Xianrentai uses brighter means and more abundant material resources to imitate the mountains and rivers, carving the entire Shaolong landscape and mysterious energy into the stone Painting, this is a feat that can only be accomplished with the support of the Tang Dynasty.

It does not have the ability to monitor the entire territory of Shaolong, but as long as it is redrawn within three days, it can monitor changes in designated profound energy within five hundred miles.

For example, a person with profound energy.

They didn't lay any traps, and they didn't take any risks to do anything on [Sima]. Everything was the most natural, but on top of this tall building, all the changes within five hundred miles could be seen.

And three hundred miles away, a larger invisible net was also slowly spreading.

They selected the stupidest ones to sit back and wait, and centered on the place where [Sima] was imprisoned, they divided the eight directions of 200 miles into sixteen areas. For this purpose, they dispatched twelve Tuanshen and four Yeque. Everyone is connected to each other and will not lose each other.

This is such an extravagant waste of manpower that no trace will be exposed.

Ru Guan looked at the twelve light spots slowly emerging on the Xuanqi map. They were regularly arranged into a scattered circle, and at the center of the circle, there was an extremely weak light.


"When [Sima] escaped, would Qu Zhu know?" Zhang Xiaozhu looked at Shi Jing and whispered.

"I don't know, maybe he can catch it, maybe they have a way to communicate."

"Then if we suddenly release him, can he make it in time?"

"I don't know either." Ru Guan sighed softly, "This is something that is impossible to know. If Qu Zhu is really going to come, he should do everything well."

The man with a scholar's crown looked at the horizon: "No matter what the obstacle is, we have to believe that he can overcome it. We must not open some gaps or let some water go for him because of this - you know, he is too keen."

"Yes. We have given [Sima] a chance, and we really can't make any more 'negligence'."

The scholar said seriously: "A person who escapes from the Prison Demon Land can only stay undetected for half a quarter of an hour at most. We will not extend this time. First, it is meaningless; second, [Sima] is also a dangerous enough person."

Zhang Xiaozhu nodded: "I know, everything will be done according to the most urgent specifications. From the moment he escapes, we will use a quarter of an hour to complete the lifting of the rod. Whether there are fish or not, it is up to fate."

"That's it."

The entire Shaolong Immortal Terrace has made every effort to dispatch, just for this quarter of an hour.

Zhang Xiaozhu said to the young man in Kongtong: ".If the Immortal Terrace takes over this case, even if there is the last bit of absurd possibility, we will stick to it to the end."

It is true.

One quarter of the hour of the Chou.

".Here it comes." The scholar lowered his eyes and said softly.

Zhang Xiaozhu silently grasped the scabbard.

On the stone mirror, the light spot in the center suddenly became extremely bright!

Sima has escaped from the Prison Demon Land, half a quarter of an hour faster than they expected. In a very small area, countless thin and bright silk threads rushed towards this light spot, like a cocoon, which was a sign that the Xuan Qi was being mobilized greatly.

Outside the Prison Demon Spirit Array, Sima stood quietly under the moonlight, and countless silk threads spread out from the prismatic wound on his chest. They formed a complicated Xuan array, and then they were shattered and annihilated in the flow of Xuan Qi.

The moonlight was the same as before, and Sima in the center of the array had disappeared.

"He can still teleport?" Zhang Xiaozhu frowned.

The scholar looked serious: "It's expected."

On the stone mirror, Sima's light spot flickered and disappeared. Zhang Xiaozhu pursed his lips and stared. Sure enough, it appeared again after three breaths.

On the Xuan Qi division field numbered "seven", it turned into two Xuan Qi light spots.

The two did not relax, but became more solemn. Zhang Xiaozhu slowly pushed the sword guard with his thumb, his eyes motionless.

At this point, the casting was completed.

Sima, who had teleported away from the Prison Demon Land with an abrupt move, temporarily completed his escape from the Immortal Terrace. Now, apart from this Xuanqi map, there was indeed no other means to monitor him.

This was a chance for Qu Zhu.

They had carefully analyzed Qu Zhu's motives.

He had ten thousand reasons not to risk his life, but there was indeed a possibility that he had to come to see Sima.

If he really didn't get the Xiting Heart, if Sima was really caught suddenly, they still had things to hand over. Then this was the last chance.

The two stared at the stone mirror motionlessly, without any words. The distance of 300 miles had already been set up, but if there was any movement, Zhang Xiaozhu would arrive within a moment.

And the twelve masters who had been waiting for the opportunity would move earlier.

But now everything was just more static, the wind shook the old trees in the 300-mile field, the autumn night was empty, and no murderous intent was revealed.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths. Time passed little by little, Zhang Xiaozhu and the man in the Confucian cap did not relax their bodies at all, and their four eyes stared at this dividing line.

But there was no third light spot.

Eighty breaths had passed, and the routine process of the Prison Demon Land had found something wrong. The urgent report had arrived downstairs, and Zhang Xiaozhu could distinguish several sudden and urgent footsteps.

On the stone mirror, the light spot representing Sima was still still.

It fell on the bank of the Lushui River, and it seemed that there was no movement. Only the mysterious energy was recovering rapidly, becoming brighter and brighter.

Sima obviously had his own ideas. He also knew that he didn't have much time, and he was executing his plan quickly and orderly at this time.

Zhang Xiaozhu still pursed his lips and stared, and the man in the Confucian cap didn't move either. They held the most sufficient patience and would never reveal any anxiety until the last moment.

Ninety breaths. One hundred breaths

Sima's light spot was already too bright.

At this moment, he regained some attention. What this light spot was brewing was almost frightening.

Zhang Xiaozhu frowned: ".What is he going to do?"

The Confucian cap didn't say anything, nor did he move his eyes at all, but just pursed his lips tightly.

Until one hundred and fifty breaths.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Half a minute had passed, and there was no more light spot in the entire 300 miles. Qu Zhu did not appear in the end.

He turned around suddenly, and went downstairs at a very fast speed and said: "We said that whether Qu Zhu came or not, Sima would make his last fight - there is no time, close the net immediately and strangle Sima!"

Zhang Xiaozhu stepped into the center of the formation, and disappeared in the light in an instant.

And in the 300-mile mountain and field, several mysterious energy suddenly shocked the forest and broke the wind, like a series of straight sharp arrows, flying towards a point at the same time.

On the bank of the river where the Lushui River flows, Sima held a sword horizontally on his knees, and the mysterious energy was almost weirdly rushing into his body, his beard and hair were flying, and the river surface was rippling with water ripples.

In front of him, something was emerging from a small formation drawn, which was the art of taking things from [The Treasure Raft on the Other Shore].

Behind him, a footstep was approaching him.

"I'm not prepared to live." Sima said hoarsely, "Let's try again, and then you take everything."

Without answering, the formation in front of him completed the summoning, and a misty pearl slowly emerged.

The footsteps walked to his side from behind, and the man in the black robe gently lifted his hood, revealing a damaged and strange complex face.

He looked at the lake in silence and nodded gently.

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