The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 436: Desolate Evil

The prison in Nanya was actually much more relaxed.

Pei Ye leaned in the same dark cell. The iron bars were rough and pitted, and the mottled marks on them were either rust or old blood. Pei Ye twisted his buttocks. The tattered straw mat gave his buttocks a trace of long-lost warmth. gentle.

It's been really tough.

Although it still treats felons in full, this is really not the method of sealing demons or monsters in Xianrentai.

First of all, it is no longer cold, the cell is closer to the ground, and the body is much warmer; secondly, there are not so many weird and magical methods, the strange fire sent into the stomach and the lines painted on the body are all gone; thirdly, there is someone here.

No longer buried in the core of the earth, there are other prisons on the left, right, and across the corridor. Although it is dark, solid, heavily restricted, and the eerie atmosphere permeates the surroundings, there are really other people locked inside after all.

Pei Ye quietly observed the surrounding environment. Suddenly he raised his eyes and saw clear footsteps coming from outside the prison.

The light provided here was also luxurious. Pei Ye didn't have any difficulty in identifying that it was the Si Cheng who had escorted him here. He brought several officials with him. He must have just handed over the official document and went to jail. Come find yourself.

The dark green official robe stood outside the prison and looked at him, but there was no rush to enter. Everyone took off their swords outside the prison first and handed them to someone to take to the east corridor. Then the temple prime minister He raised his hand and pushed the door open, and four people walked in with pens and scrolls.

Then Pei Ye also saw his face clearly, with deep eyebrows, a high eagle nose, and two straight and heavy eyebrows. I don't think he is over thirty, so he is definitely a rare talent to reach such a position in a place like Shenjing.

"Name?" He asked in a deep voice as his eyes swept over Pei Ye's body inch by inch.

"Pei Ye."





"Why did you assassinate Governor Shaolong?"

"Want to kill."

"How to kill?"


The cross-examination and answers were jotted down by the clerk next to him. In fact, Pei Ye suddenly discovered that this was the first time he had been questioned after so many days since the incident.

The other two public officials examined his body and wrote down all kinds of basic information. When it came to the height item, Pei Ye saw that the number they measured was half an inch too high. When he was about to correct it, he suddenly realized that it was two inches. Over the past few months, I have grown taller again.

Realizing this at this time made him a little happy and sad at the same time. The questions in front of him continued, and they were all very basic information. These people stared at him, and even the portraits were current paintings. It was obvious that they were just like when they were at the Immortal Terrace. That being said, the case file has not yet been handed over to them.

The interrogation lasted for a full two hours, and Pei Ye said almost everything he could say. The Si Cheng was obviously surprised by his cooperation, and his expression softened a lot.

But his body never relaxed. Even though the people in front of him were already exhausted, the positions of the few men were still as if they were facing a powerful enemy, and no flaw was revealed for two hours.

When the recording was completed, Si Cheng turned over the newly moistened record little by little, and said for a long time: "The logic is all smooth, but there are only two points that are doubtful. One is motivation, and the other is ability. These two are too similar to the storybook, so we need to add more Verification.”

Pei Ye suddenly raised his head, and this small movement made everyone freeze.

But there was no follow-up. The young man just said dumbly: "My lord, I will be detained for life in Xianrentai. I wonder how the Third Division plans to sentence me?"

Si Cheng was silent for a moment: "The Third Division is not a self-contained yamen like Xianrentai. The case will be decided impartially and in accordance with the law. The evidence is still thin now. We will wait until the Xianrentai case file is sent tomorrow before we can convict you."


What crime would it be to justly condemn a criminal like himself?

Even if Pei Ye had not read the Laws of the Tang Dynasty, he knew that there would be no second possibility other than the death penalty.

Unless there is any change in the Xianrentai case file. But the facts are there, and two hundred pairs of eyes have witnessed it. Can a case file really help him get out of guilt?

What's more, Pei Ye also vaguely understood at this time that although the two parties had a dispute, it was not a confrontation. They were still handling the same case. Compared with the fighting in the arena, this was a more secret kind of back and forth. He couldn't figure it out for the time being. He sighed silently and looked at the wall without saying anything.

Si Chenghe rolled up and looked down at him again before leaving: "Did you really kill Governor Shaolong?"

Pei Ye raised his head: "Yeah."


Si Cheng frowned, pursed his lips and turned around slowly.

But he was stopped by a hoarse voice from behind: "Sir."


"Why don't you, an impartial yamen like the Third Division, deprive you of food and drink?"


This place is indeed much more humane. A bag of millet rice was brought in quickly. It was just a container made of lotus leaves and no chopsticks were given. The food itself was very clean. Pei Ye swallowed it in embarrassment and felt his body recover. Some blood.

He certainly had good bones to begin with.

"Hey, what did you do to cause such a big fight?" In the dark and quiet heavy prison, a voice sounded from the prison diagonally opposite.

The person who made the sound was very thin and had a somewhat gloomy appearance. Pei Ye noticed that he also had the same magic weapon on his wrist that suppressed the Qi, but it was obviously old, as if he was an old resident here.

Pei Ye looked away and Ji sat leaning against the wall: "Kill someone."

The man laughed like a ghost: "Who here has never killed someone? Who did you kill?"


There was silence in the prison, and then there were a few short, sporadic laughs.

Pei Ye looked around with these sounds, and could roughly see the five prisons around him. In addition to the dark and thin man in the left corner, there was a woman in green clothes in the right corner, with one leg straight and the other bent. It was the posture of a martial artist, but she didn't look like a martial artist, but she was a bit like the solemnity of the temple secretary just now.

Next to him on the left was a man with his hair loose and no hat. He didn't have any magical tools to restrain his true energy in his hands, because he had no cultivation at all. In fact, there was no trace of martial arts on his body, and the shackles had worn out several layers of blood scabs on his wrists. Pei Ye recognized the style of his dirty and torn robe, which was similar to those of the scholars in the academy he had seen in Bowang.

He was the worst among these people, but just now he looked up at Pei Ye, grinning with his white lips and smiling the most unconcealed.

"I haven't killed anyone." At this time, he coughed in a low voice and answered weakly.

The last one was the strong man next to Pei Ye on the right. He was the only serious criminal who, in addition to the imprisonment instrument, also wore shackles and an iron ring around his neck like Pei Ye.

Just now, when he laughed softly, the laughter from farther away suddenly stopped.

Pei Ye roughly understood that his status here seemed to be linked to the specifications of the imprisonment. He felt that many eyes were looking at him at this time, obviously because this set of torture instruments that imprisoned both hands was also the first time it appeared in this heavy prison.

This was a novel experience. The skinny man said to the weak scholar: "You people, talking is killing people, it doesn't make any difference."

The scholar was stunned: "That's true."

Pei Ye still looked at the man next to him: "Where is this big brother? How did he get in?"

The man glanced at him and chuckled: "I also killed officials. But I can't compare with you. I just killed two seventh-rank sesame seeds."

Pei Ye laughed and looked at the woman in green: "Where is this girl?"

"Investigate the case."

Several people turned their heads to look, as if the woman was speaking for the first time.

Pei Ye was a little surprised: "Investigate the case?"

The woman raised her head, revealing a pale and heroic face, and said coldly: "Investigate Huanlou."

Pei Ye heard this name for the first time, but the heavy prison was suddenly quiet.

No one spoke for a while, and the cold atmosphere permeated the surroundings. This topic ended, and everyone started to talk about other things without saying a word.

The prisoners were surprised that this strange young man with loose hair and bound hands was actually quite talkative, and Pei Ye had indeed not seen a normal person who could talk for many days - of course he did not think he was abnormal, so he did not think the people here were weird.

The scholar with loose hair was named Wen Zaizi, the man was called Bian Chongfeng, the woman in green was called Xie Chuantang, and the skinny man finally called himself Yu Hua, who was imprisoned for attempted theft.

At this time, Pei Ye liked the Nan Ya Prison more than the Xianren Terrace, because everyone was charged with a crime that could cost their lives, and it was better to have someone to talk to than to be alone.

There were only more than ten cells here in total. Obviously, the Nan Ya would not lock up all the serious criminals in one place. The prison should have been divided into small units when it was built.

Pei Ye leaned against the wall, smiling as he listened to the discussions, quarrels, and ridicules between other prisoners. He had gradually adapted to his clumsy body, and his fingers no longer tried to explore the tiny space for movement, accepting the stiffness and pain that came with time.

Anyway, in prison, everyone was a useless person, so no one had to laugh at anyone else's embarrassment.

Until another set of footsteps came from above, one of which was very heavy, accompanied by the sound of shackles dragging on the ground.

The conversation stopped, and many people turned their heads to look. It was a novelty to have a new person in such a place on weekdays, but today there were two?

Soon the person showed up, and his shadow was cast in the corridor, but it made everyone freeze their breath.

Four strange officials were behind him.

Naked, copper-like chest, thick and dry hair like wood, dark yellow pupils like beasts, and a tall body that was a full head taller than Pei Ye.

He wore shackles that were a full size larger, and the iron shackles on his feet were also a circle thicker than theirs.


Pei Ye had seen descriptions of them in the storybooks, and had also heard that the war had stopped for a long time, and the figures of Savages could be seen in Chang'an in recent years, but he had only seen this alien race in this world once in Xincang.

A most primitive danger made his hair stand up, which came from the instinct of life.

It is said that this race grew up in the mountains, seas, wind and rain, and followed nature rather than society. Each of them can fight a tiger with bare hands, and every creature that Huang Tong looked at can become prey.

In previous wars, the Tang Dynasty often used a heavy cavalry to target a barbarian.

The officials opened the empty prison opposite Pei Ye, put the barbarian in, and closed the prison door.

Then they left.

It was at this time that Pei Ye felt the danger that was difficult to dissipate.

Even though his cultivation was gone, this keen intuition could not be deprived. Although there were two layers of iron bars between them, the barbarian sitting cross-legged like a hill opposite still brought him indescribable oppression.

Pei Ye subconsciously moved his fingers, but they were still strangled stiffly, which made him feel more uneasy.

This feeling should not have occurred. It had no reason or reason. Since they were here, everyone was the same as fish on the chopping board, shackled, and blocked by iron bars. Even the alien race with a body like a beast should not bring him such a needle-like palpitation.

Pei Ye frowned and suddenly realized that he was not the only one who had this feeling - the prison where there was chatter just now was now completely silent.

Pei Ye saw some confusion on the faces of Bian Chongfeng and Wen Zaizi. It seemed that foreign criminals were rare. Everyone's breathing became slower and slower, but their heartbeats became faster and faster. Many eyes were cast on this wild man, but he just sat cross-legged with his head down, his cold face motionless.

This strange atmosphere lasted for about one or two hours.

The deep prison where the serious criminals were imprisoned had only heavy seals that prevented people from escaping, and there was absolutely no document for people to ask questions. The prisoners had to bury their doubts.

The wild man remained motionless, some people gradually became dull, and more and more people yawned. It turned out that it was already midnight. Pei Ye frowned and began to try to adapt to this palpitation. He adjusted his leaning posture and closed his eyes to take a short rest.

At this moment, he heard the iron chain suddenly rustle.

Pei Ye immediately opened his eyes and turned his head, only to see that in the cell across from him, Xie Chuantang suddenly straightened his body. Under the dim candlelight, his heroic face stared at the barbarian next to him.

However, the barbarian was still sitting cross-legged. Pei Ye was stunned and was about to ask, but he suddenly froze.

Because he also heard the heavy and strange breath.

It came from the barbarian's breath, from thin to thick, and then became heavier and heavier. Xie Chuantang next to him heard it first, and then Pei Ye.

The next moment, Bian Zhongfeng also opened his eyes suddenly.

"No, no," Xie Chuantang said the first sound in two hours with a somewhat dry voice.

Of course it was wrong, it was definitely not just breathing, two cloud-like white silks sprayed out of his nasal cavity. Under the unbelievable gaze of everyone, the barbarian lowered his head and slowly stood up, clenching his fists with his hands and making a broken whine.

The silence in the prison was eerie and frightening. Suddenly, Xie Chuantang pounced on the prison door and banged the iron bars with his handcuffs: "No! Someone! Someone!!"

I don't know if anyone outside can hear such shouts. Anyway, the whole prison was suddenly in chaos. No matter how they had stirred up trouble outside the prison, everyone was now in shackles and weak. Pei Ye quietly looked at the terrifying body opposite him and pulled away the shackles on his hands like tearing paper, and the coldness wrapped around his heart little by little.

He finally knew where the strange palpitations came from. The meridian tree of this wild man was not sealed at all.

A vicious owl had mixed into the chicken's nest.

Xie Chuantang banged the iron bars more and more desperately, shouting with all his might: "Someone! Someone come quickly!!"

However, Pei Ye knew that she couldn't shout to anyone. This was certainly not an accidental negligence, but a cold premeditated plan.

He stood up with the handcuffs. In his field of vision, the barbarian was holding the iron bars with both hands. With a strong pull, the cast iron was twisted like a dead snake and removed.

Then the dark yellow eyes slowly raised, and a little crazy scarlet light flashed in them, projecting coldly towards him.

Pei Ye no longer had to guess whether he was escorted to the capital without anyone knowing. The storm stirred up outside had now overturned here. On the first day of his arrival in the capital, someone had already facilitated the three divisions and prepared the order. On the first night of his forced transfer to the Nan Ya prison, the prepared barbarian was sent.

He suddenly let out a ghostly roar from his throat, his pupils were all stained with red, and he raised his arm to the prison cell next to him who was shouting, and the iron shackles he brought up hit the iron bars and twisted them completely. Xie Chuantang had reacted very quickly and fell backwards, but was still hit in the abdomen by the broken wood and collapsed to the ground.

Then the barbarian rushed forward like a cannonball and smashed into Pei Ye's prison door. The iron bars and stone walls broke and twisted in front of this body, and the prison walls on both sides also collapsed.

The barbarian threw the iron door aside like pulling away a dead branch, and stared at the stiff and fragile boy in front of him with his beast eyes.

Next to him was Bian Zhongfeng gritting his teeth and roaring: "Fuck it! This is a barbarian evil!!!"

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