The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 453 Letter from a Friend

Pei Ye walked back to the courtyard with the pen in hand.

". It's a small beast that is often kept as a pet." Yan Feiqing said in a calm voice, holding the black cat and pointing out, "It is covered in soft velvet, its body is like soft water, its claws are like plum blossoms, and its pupils are vertical and round."

"I've seen it before," Yang Zhenbing said coldly, "I've never seen such a beautiful one."

"Oh, that's right."

"Don't carry it."

"Why are you being carried so roughly?"

"I feel rough when people lift me."

"People and cats are different."


"A cat's spine is soft, like a chain."

"I see."

"Haven't you country folk ever petted a cat?"

"My cold body will scare the cats away."


"Only this one doesn't."

"Because this one isn't a cat."

Yang Zhenbing was silent for a moment, stretched out his fingers and said: "Covered in soft velvet, body like soft water, claws like plum blossoms."

Pei Ye walked silently through the yard and put the pen and ink back in Yan Feiqing's room.

Go out and walk through the yard to your room.

"Why does it eat this?"

"This is a jujube."

"I've seen it."


This spare room was also very neat and clean. The doors and windows were intact and not skewed. Pei Ye opened the door and walked in. It was a small apartment with three rooms. It was fully equipped with tables, chairs, screens, beds, bedding, etc. Taking advantage of the good sunshine today, Pei Ye I picked up the bed quilt and spread it out to bask in the courtyard.

Then he carefully cleaned the house inside and out. When he finished, it was already dark.

It was already dinner time, but Yan Feiqing didn't eat grains, so a handful of dates and a ladle of water were enough. Pei Ye and Yang Zhenbing went out to get the food provided by the sword courtyard. When they came back, night had completely fallen.

Yan Feiqing, who was reading under the candle, said good night to Yang Zhenbing, who was practicing swordplay in the courtyard. Pei Ye carried the bed quilt back into the room. After a while, light rain began to fall outside the window.

He had often heard rain in the past two months, but this was the first time since arriving in Shenjing.

With the sound of rain hitting the window and the flickering candlelight, Pei Ye finished washing and settled into the soft new bed comfortably.

To the quiet sound of rain, the young man who had been busy for a long time excitedly pulled out a snow-white letter, which was exactly the one he took from Duan Yu.

Pei Ye held it up in front of him, thinking that this time the little jade sword was really tired, and it actually flew so far with three letters.

Opening it upright and solemnly, the pages were filled with familiar handwriting, and the voice of the woman Gao Tian Danyun seemed to ring in my ears again.

But the tone seemed to be very slow and soft.

"Pei Ye, hello.

Thanks to your handwriting, I asked Qing Qing about the Jade Sword Platform. He said that you had assassinated the governor, and your life or death was unknown, and you were being escorted to Shenjing.

Before I wrote this letter, I learned that you had been released from heavy prison and were about to enter the Sword Academy.

It's good to be safe.

You are right, promises can easily turn into regrets, because life is always cut off suddenly, and everyone is still thinking about too many things when they die. Therefore, throughout the ages, there are many people who seek immortality, and few die in peace.

From the time we met, you often sacrificed your life alone, and life or death was in danger in the blink of an eye. I wanted to ask you to tell me if you ever do something like this again, but I didn't bother to waste the space as soon as I started writing.

Come to think of it, we know each other after all the crisis in Shaolong and Kongtong. "

Pei Ye unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth and looked down again.

"Congratulations on learning the Heart Sword for the first time.

Although Senior Yue is one of the best swordsmen in the world, he can hardly be called a good teacher. When you enter the enlightenment of swordsmanship, even if it is a cliff like Feiyan on a snowy night, even the most famous swordsmen in the world will most likely die in front of the sword. Inner demon, no more progress.

But since you have really flown over it, then from now on learning the sword of the world is not climbing, but diving.

Having obtained the Heart Sword means that your sword heart is beginning to show, but you don't have to be eager for quick success. The person who recommended you to the Sword Xiu Academy is for this reason. You must make this road wide and clear from low to high, from shallow to deep. Zhao is the door of the mind, and mind is the mirror of the heart. To clear this path, we cannot rely solely on spiritual enlightenment to fly over.

Your training in the Sword Academy should be relatively smooth for you. Other swordsmen are digging inward and working hard. The most difficult part is not knowing the direction, not knowing the distance, not knowing how to go and when to reach that level. But for you, The location of the light spot in the depths is already clear, all you have to do is go towards it.

Of course, sword theory must be read calmly and chewed carefully. When a senior from the sect comes to teach, you must listen carefully and ask questions in a timely manner if you have any doubts.

I am now in Yunlang, my injury has been resolved, I plan to go south next month to ask for swordsmanship, and next year Yulin, I sincerely look forward to meeting you.

Another note: When I received your second letter, I had already read that trick. You can research new ones.


October 15th in Yunlang. "

It rained all night, but the next day the sky was clear.

Before Pei Ye and Yang Zhenbing came to the Jianlou together, the swordsmen had almost gotten to know each other. Yang Zhenbing walked straight to the front, while Pei Ye stayed behind, standing next to Prince Ning and the other two.

"Brother Pei, how do you feel about being in the same hospital as the [Sword Demon]?" Wang Shousi smiled.

Pei Ye was silent, sighed softly, but turned his eyes and said, "Comrade Ning, are you getting along well with Zuoqiu Longhua?"

Ning Shuhong was startled: "It's pretty good. Although she doesn't like to talk and is not very polite. But she does her own thing and doesn't interfere with others."

"That's right." Pei Ye said seriously, feeling deeply hurt, "A person who is different from ordinary people is easy to get along with, because others know that he is like this, and they will not care about any strange words and deeds."

"That's natural."

"But that's not the case with two."


Pei Ye sighed lightly and stretched out his hands to gesture: "It's like a chess player meeting a worthy opponent, or a general meeting a talented person."

The two were somewhat puzzled, but the sword students were all there, and no one had to speak, and the scene naturally became quiet.

This time, there was no Duan Yu or the guard in front of the sword tower, only an old man in a white shirt, and Pei Ye was stunned for a moment - it was the man who stood behind Duan Yu when he entered the hospital.

This morning, he still held the wine gourd, sat cross-legged on the ground, looked at them with a smile, and the old sword leaned on the stone steps beside him.

"My dear friends," the old man said with a smile, "every year, seeing new young faces makes me feel warm again."

Unlike Duan Yu, he did not have any papers in his hand. He looked at them and said, "I went to see you one by one when you entered the academy the day before yesterday. Yesterday, I flipped through the book of swordsmanship to prepare for building the sword ladder today. But to be honest, it was useless."

"We must finalize this thing face to face bit by bit. We can't do it by shooting at the cow from afar." The old man leaned on his ankles with both hands. "Since you have entered the sword academy, everyone should have some understanding of the sword ladder. You know that it is to arrange the swords you have learned and the swords you will learn. From now on, you will know what swords you need to learn in the next five years or even in your lifetime. However, I will tell you again seriously."

"The sword ladder is the way to climb up to the [Dao Sword]." The old man said, "It can give limited life the opportunity to touch the infinite 'Dao', which is the meaning of the sword ladder."

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