The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 455: Sword Ladder

"At the level of Intention Sword, you currently have two disciplines: Feiyu Immortal and Earth Immortal, but you haven't learned them yet." Qiu Jizi said, suddenly looking at him, "You actually don't know any Intention Sword, right?" Bar?"


Qiu Jizi nodded and asked him many details about the two swords of mind. After asking, he frowned and lowered his head, picked up his pen and copied it carefully, pondering for a long time from time to time.

Although it was said that "the two of us" carefully studied and selected a few mind swords, as the letter said, Pei Ye was very confused about this and really couldn't understand the logic between these swordsmanships.

Qiu Jizi obviously knew very well that Pei Ye just sat aside and asked questions. The old man carefully asked about every detail of his swordsmanship, even his personal preferences, sword-playing personality, etc., but when it came to constructing the writing, he stopped talking at all. When I asked him, I frowned alone and thought hard. When I relaxed my brows, I picked up my pen.

Pei Ye didn't know how much time had passed, but it must have been longer than Zhang Chao. It wasn't until he suspected that the two of them had spent the entire afternoon here that Qiu Jizi finally put down his pen.

The old man took a deep breath and said with a satisfied look on his tired face: "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

Pei Ye was still sitting next to him in confusion. Qiu Jizi turned his head and gently pushed the jade book in front of him. He slowly leaned back and leaned on the back of the chair.

"The sword ladder that Yunlang gave you has a very high intention." Qiu Jizi said softly, "I originally thought that with such a sword at the top, as long as the bottom is of a decent standard, it will be a tall and wide sky stack. But Yunlang, or Shaojian Jun, obviously I have very high expectations for you.”

"Each level is a far-reaching vision, and the true meaning captured is the highest in the world. The lower four levels are not just the stepping stones for ascending to the Dao Sword, but are like one with it. From here, what you hold may not be the same sword. A solitary sword, but really a 'Tao'."

"." Pei Ye seemed to understand.

"You know, influenced by a person in all aspects, the sword ladder may be curved or straight, slanted or straight, narrow or wide. Most people can barely walk through it, and some people have to climb dangerous cliffs because Everyone faces different restrictions to a greater or lesser extent." Qiu Jizi looked at the boy and explained, "Yunlang seems to have never considered the 'restrictions' issue for you. It is certainly the most sublime and perfect design, and it is certainly an achievement. I have taken this high and flat sword ladder, but the requirements for the swordsman are somewhat beyond my expectations.”


"But of course Master Shaojian understands you better." Qiu Jizi smiled slightly, "So I haven't made any changes, so let's take a look at your sword ladder."

He slightly frowned: "The first level, in the state of humility, is to 'exercise the principles of living beings and obtain the sword of physical images', which is the [Cicada Fish View]."

"The sword you learn comes from the two veins of jade and jade, the Feng Yao and the yellow jade. The sword spirits are the jade bird and the jade cicada." Qiu Jizi said, "The letter said that your sword nature is Smart, on the first step of this sword ladder, you need to learn more about the sword skills derived from physical creatures. Cicadas are the earth, birds are the sky, and fish are the water. The so-called frosty sky and the world in the sword - this is Shao Jianjun What is required of you at the first level.”

Pei Ye was stunned: "Do you need to learn a lot of swords?"

"The number proposed by Mr. Shaojian is twenty-four."


"It is necessary to pass the pulse or above. As for the passer of the mountain pass, it must be three times that, regardless of the type." Qiu Jizi said seriously, "These twenty-four swords are listed one by one for you in the letter, and there are ten. Alternative options. I just checked, and most of them are available in the Hidden Sword Tower. The missing two or three doors are not that hard to come by, but I’ll tell you later.”


Pei Ye actually quickly understood the woman's intention, just as he asked in the car that day - why are the swordsmanships of both spiritual realm swordsmen different?

In addition to the difference in swordplay, there is also a difference in swordsmanship. A swordsman who has learned two unrelated swordsmanships will definitely not be able to defeat a swordsman who has learned two swordsmanships that complement each other.

Although "Jade Sword" is a far-reaching system, it is obviously isolated and weak. The so-called "world in the sword" is exactly the answer that the woman hopes he can deliver on the sword moves.

"The second level is the spiritual realm. All phenomena are born and should be circulated." Qiu Jizi flicked his fingers, turned the pages of the jade album, and said in a concentrated voice, "I say Yunlang's intentions for your sword ladder are too high. At this point, it should be It’s evident.”

"Among all the creatures and phenomena constructed at the first level, you need to give the laws for the flow of objects." Qiu Jizi said, "At this level, you have to learn the six swords, which are: heaven, earth, water, and day. , night and four seasons.”

“The feathers are in the sky, the insects are on the ground, the scales are in the water, day and night alternate, and the four seasons rotate, this is the [Group Form Sequence].”


"Right now, you only have one subject in progress, the "Four Jade Fei Styles", which is Yu Tian."

"The choice of the Earth Sword needs to be related to the "Youxian Sword"; as for the Water Sword, you are completely blank. You will still use it at the next level and must practice according to the system; the Sword of Day and Night is not difficult to find. I am temporarily wandering between a few doors. , but we will decide when the time comes." Qiu Jizi looked at him, "What is really important at this level is the Confucian "Four Qi Jade Candle Sword" pointed out by Yun Lang.

"The four qi are harmonious and all things are in order. This is the core of harmonizing the world of all things. This sword cultivation academy has not been hidden, and it will have to be discussed with the Confucianists at that time. The Confucianists don't have much sectarian views on swords, but this is also a very special thing for them. Swordsmanship is hard to come by, so let’s look at it again.”

Pei Ye nodded slowly.

"In this way, everything grows and chirps, the four seasons rotate, cicadas and birds fly, fish and turtles swim, so what is the only eternal thing in this all-natural nature?"

Qiu Jizi looked at him quietly, while Pei Ye seemed to have entered that world and whispered: " and death."

"That's right." Qiu Jizi closed his eyes happily, "'When you are born, you die, and when you die, you are born.' This is the way of nature. Refining this meaning is the third level, [Wheel of Life and Death]."

"With the support of the previous level, we can get the four swords here." Qiu Jizi opened his eyes and said seriously.

"The cicada transforms into a feather, which is the "Flying Feather Immortal"."

"The mushrooms and mushrooms grow long, which is called "Youxian Chapter"."

"As for the water sword, Yun Langti can give you "Bei Ming Yu". I think there is a "Wandering Sea Immortal" in the far south of the Tang Dynasty, or it may be more suitable. We can decide at that time."

"The stability of day and night and the harmony of the four qi are called the "Jade Candle"." The old man said, "The jade candle is immortal and can return to life after death. The three phases of life and death alternate. This jade candle represents the invisible principle. I said The sword ladder provided by Yunlang has a high and wide view, which is why I dare to use this Confucian sword to assume such an important position. "

He looked at Pei Ye: "You may be able to understand the principles of life and death from the three swords, but we have already said that this process is a clear precipitation. So it must be truly refined and fixed. With this jade With the candle, the truth of life and death is at hand."

Pei Ye pursed her lips and nodded, but slowly frowned.

"You have also noticed that these four swords do not seem to be enough to support us to reach the next level." Qiu Jizi tilted his head and looked at him.



Pei Ye knew why this level fell on "life and death", because the Snowy Night Sword was a process similar to rebirth.

Miss Ming said "feathering" and the master said "hatching", which actually mean new life, but is it Xue Yan's decision to give birth to new life?

They reasoned out such laws from all things, how could they apply such laws to themselves at will?

All the previous swords are performed under the law of life and death. Only here, this style requires the [Wheel of Life and Death] as a tool to use for one's own "birth".

The world you deduced from the cicada incident has now returned to a snow goose. Why is it that all things no longer follow the rules, but the rules follow the will of this snow goose?

How was it held in his hand?

"There is a sword missing here." Qiu Jizi said.

Pei Ye raised his eyes in shock.

"Yun Lang's letter also said so, but Shao Jianjun still chose this way - this sword ladder can actually follow the principle of life and death, bypass this gap, and can also point to the Shidao sword, but she chose Following the will of the creator of the sword, we must make this sword ladder above the law of life and death." Qiu Jizi looked at the stunned young man in front of him and said directly, "So, there is a lack of a sword that can make the sword master transcend the world of all things. The sword, which the creator relied on to complete the Snow Sword, has disappeared. There is a Yue Muzhou sword missing here. "


"Shao Jianjun believes that this is also your will, so she chose this sword ladder like this, but of course you can modify it, we just need to bypass it."

Pei Ye slowly shook his head.

"Okay, then, after you find a way to obtain this sword, you can reach the fourth step of the sword ladder." Qiu Jizi said softly, "[Me in the Mirror]. At this point, you have learned the Snowy Night Sword, After cultivating the sword heart, the four swords will be ready. The Tao sword will be in front of you."

"Only by using your heart to reach the realm of Taoism, I can't give you any guidance, but obviously your inheritance is clear enough. No one can see the way forward more clearly than yourself." Qiu Jizi closed the jade book , as if he had finally completed an important task, he said softly, "This level also has a name that came with the letter. Mr. Shaojian calls it [Parinirvana]."

"Remember, the sword ladder is not just a mission statement given by an outsider. It is connected with the 'Tao' and is the real ladder to heaven. When the swordsman enters this road, it will have an indescribable connection with the swordsman. , will accompany you for life. After completing the sword ladder, your swordsman's knowledge of swordsmanship, level of swordplay, and even your affinity with the sword will improve dramatically. From today on, you can try to step into it. It was quite a magical experience.”

Qiu Jizi smiled and handed the jade book to the young man in front of him: "I leave the sword ladder [wings] to you."

Pei Ye left the Sword Collection Tower holding this jade-encrusted book. The swordsmen had not dispersed yet. Qiu Jizi officially opened the Sword Collection Tower to this year's swordsmen. Many people entered to choose swords, but Pei Ye He said that among the twenty-four swords, he had only completed one "Feng Yao", and the second sword "Yellow Jade" was still one step short of [Washing Tree Bronze Shadow], so he was not in a hurry.

It was already dusk, and after having dinner with Yang Zhenbing, they returned to the small courtyard. Pei Ye paused before opening the door, and looked at the words "Wenxinju" on the wall for a while.

He tilted his head and said, "Now that we have moved in, do we need to change our name?"

Yang Zhenbing remained silent.

Pei Ye seemed to be used to it. He opened the door and murmured thoughtfully: "Yang Yan. Not the Three Swordsman. Ice and Fire Man."

Yan Feiqing is still lying in the courtyard holding a book, surrounded by the fragrance of flowers and the shadow of trees. When he is alone, this Taoist priest is really like an immortal under the moon. Pei Ye didn't know what kind of sword he had cultivated. Anyway, he had never seen his sword before entering the hospital.

Yang Zhenbing remained as self-disciplined as ever, looked at Pei Ye and said, "Do you want to practice swordsmanship?"

"Not today, I need to reply to a letter." Pei Ye shook his head.

Yan Feiqing raised his head: "Will it take you all night to reply to the letter?"


"Oh, writing is slow."

Yang Zhenbing turned his head and looked at him: "Do you want to practice swordsmanship?"

Yan Feiqing lay back: "No."

Pei Ye was suddenly curious: "Hey, did you two fight at the Southern Conference? Or did you only fight Southerners?"

Yan Feiqing said: "I won."

"Oh." Pei Ye tilted his head, "Brother Yang, why didn't you beat him?"


Yan Feiqing said calmly: "He uses the sword too finely."

Pei Ye was startled, remembering that Yang Zhenbing said that his sword was rough, and tilted his head and said: "Brother Yang, do you agree?"

"I lost."


That means I don't agree.

"That can't be helped, Brother Yan is already ninth on the duck list - by the way, Brother Yang, what is your ranking?"


Pei Ye stood in awe.

Leaving the two people, Pei Ye returned to the house. The moonlight was quiet, and outside the window was the figure of Yang Zhenbing practicing sword alone. Pei Ye picked up the pen and wrote slowly and carefully on the white paper.

"Miss Ming, hello.

I have entered the sword-cultivation academy, and the sword storage and sword ladder are all ready. Thank you for sending me a letter from so far away. Without your letter, I am afraid I can only rank the fifth level, and the sword ladder is also weird.

This sword ladder must have taken a lot of effort on your part. You are already short of time, but you still help me do so many things. Thank you for your great kindness. I am very grateful.

The academy master said that the only thing missing from this sword ladder is Grandpa Yue's sword. I will pay attention to finding the old traces. Since a sword of will has been created, there must be a place to keep it.

I will study sword seriously and listen carefully to the lessons in the sword academy. I was born in the mountains, and I have limited knowledge. I actually know nothing about sword cultivation. Thank you for your patience in pointing out such a clear path for me in the sword for two months.

However, Miss Ming has a lot of twenty-four swords.

I don't know how your "Gushe" is doing now, but I'm afraid I'll be caught if I send a message, so there's no need to tell me in detail. As long as you are safe, it's fine.

I also wish you all the best in asking for the sword. If you encounter danger, remember to contact me on the mountain in time.

I look forward to the feather scale test next spring and summer, and I will go to cheer you up then.


October 17th in Shenjing. "

Pei Ye put down his pen with satisfaction and checked it again to find no typos - in fact, he usually called the kitten, but after having a yard, it didn't often rely on him.

He tied the jade sword, pushed the window to let it fly, and watched it turn into a stream of light under the moon, and then disappear in an instant.

Pei Ye stretched and fell on his back on the bed.

So far, he has truly become a sword student of the Sword Academy. The first sword theory class will begin tomorrow. From now on, the sword knowledge, sword practice, and sword chess will all proceed step by step. For Pei Ye, this is actually a very relaxing day.

Then he remembered that two days have passed and he will meet the owner tomorrow.

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