The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 468: The Bird in Prison

Pei Ye turned around and saw the black cat squatting by the lamp at the door, still holding a jade-white round pill in its paws and chewing on it.

These days, it talks almost non-stop, catching a piece of everything it sees. Last time, it couldn't help but frowned and asked it, and all it could do was calmly say, "Pei Ye, I'm still growing."

And when it went to Xu Chuo's place, it came back with a small pouch of black silk and red thread hanging around its neck. Pei Ye opened it and saw that there was a jade box inside, and in the box were five five-color elixirs. According to it, it was asked from Xu Chuo when they first met.

Pei Ye's eyes widened at that time, because he was the one who ate this food, but he had to pay it back himself.

It’s not that he can’t afford to raise a cat, but why does he need to eat so well?

It wasn't until he thought that Xu Chuo would not take back this precious-looking jade box that he felt a little more balanced.

At this time, he looked at it coldly: "The Lord humiliated me to death, you treacherous minister."

The black cat lowered his head to eat pills.

On this side, even if the young man turned around at will, Lu Dingwu did not dare to move at all.

The room was filled with exquisite little jade flowers. He had already experienced one just now, and his arm was feeling a tearing pain. It had been many years since he had experienced such an intense confrontation. His eyes trembled slightly and his throat seemed to be choked.

As an old catcher who has worked in Jingzhao Mansion for more than ten years, he has friends in all walks of life, and he knows more about the world than these high-ranking officials.

Captain Lu often told the guards around him that the job of the police is to catch thieves, but some thieves can be caught well, some thieves can't be caught well, some need to be caught half and half, and some can't be caught even if they are caught. Come back and receive the punishment yourself - even though you have received the punishment on your body, the good thing is that it is in your heart.

Every time he drinks upstairs and looks at the bustling night scene of Shenjing, Lu Dingwu sighs in his heart that he has some credit for it.

The business must be able to continue, the yamen must look good, and the most important thing is that there will be no trouble, and everyone must be in their place. This is a good situation.

A single-minded, rigid police officer is harmful to others and himself, and disrupts "order" even more than a gang of thieves.

Therefore, Lu Dingwu has always disliked that young detective.

Keen, perseverant, and careful, he sticks to his words, but is not afraid of death. He hates evil so much that it is almost a thorn in his eye.

But he won't come up with any ideas to cause harm. That's not his reason. He can only smile, soften, and think of ways to throw this hot potato out one day.

Now when he learned that the Third Division was coming, he still stood firmly on the side of the order he had built. Lu Zhaoyin personally handed over the message to him, and he agreed wholeheartedly. Soft nails were originally his best field.

It wasn't until this unbearable sword light touched his neck that he realized that it had been too long since he had actually drawn his sword.

I was used to settling cases with a few words and a few glasses of wine, but now it was like a cold and unfamiliar world suddenly hit my eyes. The young man's sharp sword and eyes made his body involuntarily shiver - this was not the usual show of prestige, This is the bloodiest part of the world, and this wild goose sign is right in front of you.

——If it was Xianrentai who took him away, would Zhao Yin really be willing and able to fish him out?

"Your Majesty, this case was not investigated by me." He pursed his lips and said with a dry throat.

"We didn't know about this case."

"As you can see, Shenjing is so big, but the Thief Catching Department only has so much. What's more, this case happened outside the city, and the Thieving Catching Department didn't get the news at all."

"Until the heavy rain a month ago."

"The big pond leaked, and the accumulated siltation in the back canal of Guifang in the northeast was washed into the Longshou Canal. There was a newly dumped body in it, which washed into the weeds on the bank. It was discovered by one of our sharp-eyed police officers."

"She reported the case to the government that day, but to be honest, sir, I didn't want to take care of it after hearing it."

"We, Zhaoyin, are Gaodi of the Lu family. It is normal for some dead bodies to appear in Dongbafang. Who can control Tang Lu inside the nine-foot wall? There are more corpses rushing out this time, but the old ones are It sank to the bottom and no one saw it.”

"But she said she recognized the body. It was definitely not someone's slave, but had been murdered. She was so excited that she even ran to Zhao Yin's case. We established a case."

"It was later found out that the deceased's name was Zhang Mingqin. The family was originally living in Beijing. They left Beijing and returned home on September 18th. Our detectives followed the traces and found the place of robbery and murder, and then identified the four murderers bit by bit."

Pei Ye asked at this time: "Of the four people, why are only two in jail on the case file?"

".Our detectives killed two of them during the arrest and only brought back two."

Pei Ye frowned even more - the survival of unsolved cases is always important: "Since the person has been identified first, why can't the Thief Catching Division get four alive?"

Lu Dingwu paused for a moment and whispered: "The Thief Catcher Division didn't have its hands free in those days. It was the detective who arrested him by himself. I heard that the criminal had already learned about the crime at that time, and the four of them escaped separately."

Pei Ye looked at him quietly.


"Did you leak the news?"


"I don't want to ask a second time."

"These people usually work under the Taiping Cao Gang to seek a way out." Lu Dingwu immediately lowered his head and said, "I don't know what they do. I met their second master at the banquet in the past few days and told them to keep their heads down."

Pei Ye nodded: "Then."

"Then these two people were arrested. They pointed to the place where Zhang Mengyuan and his wife dumped their bodies, and we closed the case."

Pei Ye couldn't help but smile: "Can this case be closed?"


Pei Ye now knew where the conflicting feeling this case file brought to him came from. It was the product of the Jingzhao Mansion covering up a Cao Gang case.

The parents were kidnapped and the daughter was sold to the powerful. Isn't this a replica of what happened to "Cheng Xiaozhu"?

What kind of process or route is this, who will control it, who will cover it, and where it will end up. Now that they can no longer investigate this kind of case, the Cao Gang will try their best to hide the clues and be vigilant about all the movements of the three of them.

But before it all started, there was already one man investigating the matter alone.

All the information they can provide will now be their most precious clues.

"Where's the catcher?" Pei Ye immediately pursed her lips and asked, "I want to see him."

"After the case was closed, she was still imprisoned as a lynching criminal. Then on October 4th, she secretly sneaked into Xunfang Garden, hid under a nobleman's car, was caught, and was charged with assassination and sent to Nanya Prison." Lu Dingwu hesitated, "Me neither Know whether it’s life or death.”

Pei Ye's heart tightened and he frowned: "What's this catcher's name?"

"It's a woman. Her name is Xie Chuantang."

Pei Ye sheathed his sword, picked up Lu Dingwu's own scabbard, and tied his arms behind his back.

"Come and record what happened just now truthfully." Pei Ye pointed to the policeman next to him, "You, go to the archives room and call Mr. Li Zhao over."

Pei Ye walked out of the yard with his sword. It was getting late, but he didn't look like he wanted to rest. The black cat beside him had disappeared at some point. After chatting with Di Jiu, he went out and walked alone on the street with flowing lights. , heading in a familiar direction.

Pei Ye still remembers that after the prisoner killed Huang Ren that day, the three inmates who escaped were placed in the vacant cell next to them. Pei Ye was the least injured one.

"Look at the big bubble of fire you made for me." Bian Chongfeng lifted up his sleeves and looked at him with blood on the corner of his mouth.


"I'm sorry, it's no use. This thing will leave scars." The man said seriously, "Your supporter will be here soon, can you take me out too?"

Xie Chuantang has been leaning quietly in the corner. The wound on his abdomen has just been stopped from bleeding, and his face looks even paler.

"Are you okay?" Pei Ye asked worriedly.

Xie Chuantang leaned his head against the wall and looked at him, with his dirty long hair surrounding a tired face.

".I wish I were as strong as you." She said hoarsely without any expression. The silence on her face was completely inconsistent with the will to survive that she had just burst out.

"If you use this method to kill you, remember to be careful when you get out." She whispered.

"I didn't even know I was going out."

"Looks like he's really doing something big." Bian Chongfeng looked at him and said with a smile, then suddenly raised an eyebrow, "Honestly! What are you doing when you go out? Let's have a drink when we meet later!"

Pei Ye was startled for a moment: "Go to school."

"No fucking future!" Bian Chongfeng coughed twice.

"Then what are you doing?" Pei Ye refused.

"If you are destined to kill a dog officer, what is there to say?" Bian Chongfeng held the chain with both hands.

Pei Ye was silent for a moment, and suddenly couldn't help but look at the woman leaning quietly under the wall: "Miss Xie, what about you?"

After hearing this, Xie Chuantang opened his eyes and stared fixedly at the empty space, as if he had really gone to that vague future.

After a long while, she said expressionlessly: "I'll get to the bottom of it."

Pei Ye's thoughts came back from his memory, and a peaceful voice came from his heart.

"Kuaishou, Xie Chuantang, the thief arresting department of Jingzhao Mansion, is now in Nanya Heavy Prison B Prison Five?" Xu Chuo asked.

"Yes, I want this person to come out." Pei Ye said.

It was quiet for a while, as if he was thinking or considering.

"I know Nanya is not our place," Pei Ye recalled how much trouble it took to rescue him, "but this person is very important. If it's not easy to operate, I can try to sneak in."

"Is one night okay?"


"I'll get this guy out before dawn."

Ministry of Punishment.

In the past two days, there has been a sense of storm in the Yamen, not only because of the current high-profile case, but also because of the certain determination and tendency shown behind it, as the first person to bear the pressure that comes with this case. In the yamen, officials in different positions were thinking about different things.

Everyone smells something. Although some turbulence is still invisible, I'm afraid it's not too far away.

It was already late at night, but the servant Zheng Yufeng was still leaning on the chair in the public room, reading the text under the candlelight.

Lin Daqin returned home due to illness, and some official duties immediately fell on him. Not to mention that he also had to keep an eye on the Jingzhao Mansion. When the Ministry of Punishment took action, official documents had to be issued immediately.

But in fact, the loopholes in the Taiping Cao have not been found yet, so it is not the Ministry of Punishment's turn to intervene.

Zheng Yufeng inhaled the finely ground incense and breathed a deep sigh of relief. The night was very quiet, and the autumn insects had no sound. After about two hours, the sky would be dark, and he would undress and return home. .

Just then there were urgent footsteps outside the door.

Zheng Yufeng raised his eyebrows and sat up. The door was pushed open directly. The doctor, An Xiaorang, said anxiously: "Sir, there was news of re-incarceration just now. Xie Chuantang from Prison No. 5 was transferred out half a quarter of an hour ago."

Zheng Yufeng pushed his chair and stood up, frowning and saying, "What's going on?"

"I don't know, I saw Xu Ying writing the text. I remembered you told me, so I hurried over to inform him - who is this Xie Chuantang? Is it important?"

Zheng Yufeng quickly put on his coat and seemed to be searching for the name in his mind. His expression quickly turned cold: "It wasn't important before, but now it is a little important."

He pushed the door open and said with lowered eyes: "Linghu."

An Xiaorang was stunned for a moment, not knowing who he was calling, but the next moment a figure suddenly appeared behind this Lord Zheng, with a silent face and an unsheathed sword hanging at his waist.

An Xiaorang's whole body and mind could not help but feel cold - it was clear that Shenjing was suppressing the mysterious energy, and the awe of the high realm was still difficult to conceal.

Zheng Yufeng strode out of the public house, walked through the yard a few steps to the front of the hall - he saw the woman in the yard with messy hair and a pair of bright eyes under her messy hair.

The clerks in the hall were signing official documents, and they had not had time to release them.

"Who privately released the felon?!" Zheng Yufeng knocked on the table with a hall wood and said coldly.

The movement in the hall suddenly stagnated.

He was sitting here late at night to prevent such small actions. There was no need to think too much, it must be some Lingshi Yuanwailang who was playing some exquisite and disgusting tricks, and he would not let it go this time.

However, the hall was quiet for a moment, but a few coughs came from the back of the hall. In Zheng Yufeng's shrunken pupils, a clean man with a weak face drove out in a wheelchair.

"I didn't know that Minister Zheng suddenly came. I'm sorry for not greeting him." He smiled slightly.

". Guan Zhiyi." Zheng Yufeng pursed his lips, "We have been ministers for two years, but I don't know where you have joined."

"Minister Zheng always talks nonsense." Guan Zhiyi still smiled and raised his hand to signal, "Isn't there a case that has been overturned? Let's just do it now to avoid dragging it until tomorrow."

"Xie Chuantang secretly attached himself to the carriage and intended to assassinate, and was caught on the spot! But I don't know where he turned it?"

Guan Zhiyi smiled and pointed to the case file: "The criminal was originally a constable in Jingzhao Prefecture. After being arrested, he defended himself that he was investigating Zhang Mingqin's back In the case of the latter, the Ministry sentenced her to death for making a false accusation. But isn't it different now?"


"Minister Zheng, look, a constable from Chang'an County has already submitted a complaint to the Ministry, which is very clear and says, 'If the Taiping Cao Gang really trafficked people, then Xie Chuantang was really investigating the case that day and it was definitely not an assassination. Even if he offended the noble, he should not be sentenced to death.'" Guan Zhiyi said seriously, "It's a pity that Minister Zheng may be too busy and missed it."

Zheng Yufeng pursed his lips coldly.

"Now the facts are very clear. The trafficking of people in Liguan is the case file we just wrote two days ago. Tonight I suddenly remembered this little tail and released the people back to Jingzhao Prefecture." Guan Zhiyi smiled, "Does Minister Zheng have any doubts?"

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