The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1127 Ferocious Beast Army

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According to the statistical results, the number of Daqin bipedal flying dragons reached 8,930, of which 7,330 were able to participate in the battle, as well as 560,000 corpse guards and 8,540 corpse leaders.

Next is the Illusory Flower Demon, whose number has reached 30,000, the number of spiders has reached 1.2 million, and the number of giant wolves has reached more than 4 million.

The most numerous are the giant wolves. The giant wolves here are orc giant wolves. Daqin is trained as a cavalry mount, so the number is naturally the largest.

Demon spiders were cultivated relatively late, but they reproduced amazingly and their numbers grew extremely fast, ranking second,

There are 30,000 flower demons, which is a surprise. As for the number of flying dragons and the number of corpse soul leaders, Zhao Fu is a little disappointed. Each type is not even 10,000, but among the many beasts, the two of them are The strongest, the small number is understandable.

There is also the number of corpse soul guards, Zhao Fu is more pleasantly surprised, although they are not comparable to the corpse soul commander, but they also have fourth-order strength, the number reaches 560,000, this number is enough to play the value of high arms.

And Daqin's current city has reached 110,000, and it is not counted in the Devil's South Continent. Now the relationship between Yechao and Daqin is very close, but the real relationship has not been revealed. Zhao Fu did not rush to swallow Yechao, because it And it's worth.

A city of 110,000 means that it can provide 110,000 City Lord Seals, and Da Qin can also cultivate 100,000 war beasts. Zhao Fu is a little excited when he thinks of this.

Although the biological power in the area has been weakened, it is still very powerful. Zhao Fu estimates that there should be no problem with a giant war beast dealing with 60,000 to 70,000 first-order soldiers.

If the strength was not weakened before, it was enough to deal with the army of more than 100,000, and the strength of the real regional lord in the past could only be dealt with by the city lord, and ordinary first-order soldiers would just die and would not have any effect.

A behemoth of war can be against 60,000 to 70,000 soldiers, ten can withstand 60,000-700,000, 100 is 6-7 million, 1,000 is 60-70 million, 10,000 is 60-700 million, and Zhao Fu can There are 110,000, and that number can reach six or seven billion.

This is definitely one of Daqin's most powerful ultimate moves, and it's still Zhao Fu's count. If so many beasts launch a charge together, the momentum will absolutely destroy the sky and destroy the earth, no one can stop it, and the power will far exceed six The power of seven billion soldiers.

Now Zhao Fu felt low in his heart, he really felt low, and his heart relaxed, he let out a burst of laughter, Da Qin was now capable of fighting them.

Standing on the platform of prayer, Zhao Fu wrote an imperial decree, took out the seal of the King of Qin and stamped it, and then said, "Today, I ordered the abolition of the seal of the city master and replaced it with the official seal!"


A loud bang broke out, and a black beam of light erupted from Qitiantai, which rushed into the sky fiercely, causing Daqin's fortune to change suddenly.

Zhao Fu raised the imperial decree in his hand, and the imperial decree turned into a little black light and disappeared.

boom boom boom...

A roar sounded, and beams of light rushed into the sky, and the huge momentum disturbed the world, causing the situation to change, and the powerful momentum enveloped the entire human world.

Countless cities erupted with beams of light, as if countless beams of light stood between the heavens and the earth. The phantoms of the imperial edicts slowly descended from the sky, and then merged into the cities. Those cities seemed to be wrapped in a layer of black light.

The phantom of the imperial edict appeared in the city hall, gradually turning into a black seal, and the original city seals gradually lost their luster.

Now Zhao Fu has successfully abolished the seals of the city masters and replaced them with the official seal of the Qin Dynasty, and the next step is to create a war beast.

The number of flying dragons and corpse soul commanders added up to about 15,000. Zhao Fu used to incorporate more than 8,000 city lord seals into it, so the 8,000 had to be subtracted from the 15,000, and the number was 7,000.

The city lord seal spent here is not yet 10,000, and Zhao Fu still has more than 100,000. The 30,000 flower demon has great auxiliary ability, and the fighting strength is not very weak. It can be integrated into the city lord seal, but there are still 70,000 left. many.

The basic strength of the Demon Spider is Tier 2, the elite level should have Tier 3 strength, the leader level spider should have Tier 4, and there are 1.2 million spiders. It is not very difficult to select 20,000 leader level spiders.

The more than 70,000 city master seals still have 50,000 remaining, and the power of the giant wolf is somewhat weak. Generally, the giant wolf has only more than one level of strength, and the leader level is only the third level.

Now Zhao Fu has to face two choices. One is to train giant wolves, but giant wolves are only Tier 3 at most, and the other is to train ordinary corpse soul guards, because the power of ordinary corpse soul guards is Tier 4. Definitely stronger than the giant wolf.

Moreover, the number of corpse soul guards reached 560,000, far exceeding the number of city lord seals. Even if all the remaining city lord seals were integrated into it, there would be no problem.

But Zhao Fu thought about it and decided to take out 20,000 yuan and integrate it into the body of the giant wolf, because the speed of the giant wolf and the brutal attack method might be more useful than the corpse soul guard at some point.

The remaining more than 30,000 city main seals are all integrated into the corpse soul guard.

Before the fusion, Zhao Fu did not hesitate to feed them a large amount of medicinal herbs, as well as the elixir of pure blood, which greatly improved the effect of the fusion of the city's main seal.

After doing all of this, Zhao Fu first integrated the city master seal into the flying dragon and the corpse soul commander. The size of the flying dragon expanded to nearly 110 meters, and the height of the corpse soul commander reached more than 100 meters.

Because of the reason why the flying dragon was shot to death last time, Zhao Fu also asked someone to design a set of dragon armor specially for this purpose.

Most of them are gold-level, and legendary materials must be added, and golden rune stones must be used.

The rune dragon armor produced in this way is stronger than the general epic-level defense equipment, enough to protect the safety of flying dragons.

As for the corpse soul commander, it has always been heavily armored and heavily shielded, and it is also rune equipment, so don't worry about it.

There are also ordinary corpse soul guards. Zhao Fu also joined the city lord by the way. They are a little shorter than the corpse soul commander, only ten meters tall, and their momentum is slightly weaker. They are also equipped with heavy armor and heavy shields.

Zhao Fu came to the flower field again, gathered 30,000 flower demons together, and then integrated the 30,000 city master seals into it, a powerful momentum burst out, and the flower demons emitted a lot of green light, and their bodies gradually changed. It is large, and finally reaches a height of seventy or eighty meters.

The human-shaped plant body is also more human-like and stronger, the facial features are also clear, and the flowers on the head are more charming.

More than 30,000 flower monsters, seven to eighty meters high, stood in front of Zhao Fu in an orderly manner, standing together with a huge momentum, surrounded by flowers, this scene is still very shocking, like an army of giant beasts .


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