The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1133 Crazy Attack

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

"What? All three worlds have been defeated, and the new world can't be beaten?"

Countless people were shocked, and some even did not believe the news, because it was too incredible, because it is understandable if one world invaded and failed, but now three worlds invaded at the same time, and they would fail miserably. Everyone did not expect it at all.

At first, everyone thought that the three world people were too careless and too weak to give each other a chance, but when they knew all the information, a huge wave was raised in their hearts.

The world inside is a principality! In just six years, the world has achieved world unification? What is this existence? How could it be so powerful and capable?

That Principality is not inferior to the Three Realms in terms of military strength, and there are even more powerful beasts that swept everything.

There is also the king of the other party, which is also a horror. With a cultivation level lower than that of many kings, it is shocking to forcibly kill eleven kings.

The three worlds lost a total of seventeen kings. This was the first time in nearly a hundred years that so many kings died at the same time. The loss of troops was also extremely heavy. Originally, there were 6 billion troops, but only 1.5 billion remained in the end.

The power of this new world is also terrifying! How can it be so powerful? In the past, those who thought they knew everything and thought that the situation of the war had been decided had very ugly faces, because things were completely the opposite of what they imagined.

The news spread very fast. First, the three attacking worlds knew about it, and their faces changed greatly, and then the surrounding world also knew how powerful this new world was.

Countless people were shocked and speechless at this powerful world, because it was beyond everyone's expectations.

Even the strongest force in the vicinity, that is, the Demon Horn Empire, attaches great importance to it, because it feels a strong sense of crisis and understands that its strongest competitor has appeared. Among the dozen or so worlds around it, only Da Qin can Give each other this feeling.

When the Sect Master of Xiu Dao Sect heard the news, he chuckled, a little surprised, he didn't really care about this matter, but the other party's performance was still a bit surprising, and he was already interested.

The king of Xiongshan Kingdom's eyes narrowed. This world is really unexpected. He even made a mistake in his estimation. However, there is a world power, which is equivalent to one-tenth of his Xiongshan Kingdom's power, which is worth his attention.

The people of the Eight Dragons Yuan Sect were also very surprised. They didn't expect that the New World, which should have been bullied everywhere, would make such a strong debut, and they didn't expect it to be like this.

The Icefield Kingdom also retracted the previous contempt, because it seemed to feel that a new star was about to rise, and it was about to shine on the world and become famous all over the world, and everyone knew its name.

The matter is not over yet, because the news that shocked them even more came that the newly entered world actually started to counterattack the three worlds.

Is the world crazy? To be so crazy, to attack the world that has been developing for decades with the combat power of the new world, and to attack three at the same time, everyone thinks how crazy and heart palpitations are.


With a huge momentum, Zhao Fu turned into a stream of light shooting the green world, followed by countless generals behind him, and the ferocious army below, like a tide, marched forward with a momentum that swept everything.

Countless people in the entire Luyin world were in a panic, and countless countries hurriedly sent people to resist. At the beginning, the Luyin people were also prepared and built a defensive wall. Later, everyone thought they would not use it at all, but now it is used to save their lives.

There are a total of six continents in the green world. Bordering the human world is a continent called Evergreen, with an area of ​​more than 7,000 areas.

"Be sure to stop the other party from the green world, otherwise it will be miserable for the other party to rush into the green world."

This is the common goal of countless forces on the Evergreen Continent. All of them swarmed to the defensive wall. The world that has developed for decades is not in vain. Not only soldiers are first-order, but countless people are also first-order. The combat power will be replenished soon.

Daqin can't do this. It is true that Daqin's current background is weak, and it is not as good as the world they have developed for decades, but as long as Daqin is strong enough, if there are ten enemies with one, so what if the number of people is large, if you come to 100 million, you will kill 100 million. If you come to one billion, you will kill eleven, if you come to ten billion, you will kill ten billion.


With a terrifying aura, Zhao Fu rushed towards the opponent first, followed by countless powerful generals behind him, and the fierce tide below, with a terrifying aura, rushed forward unscrupulously.

At this time, there are not many kings on the other side, but the people with high cultivation base are already several times that of Da Qin. This is another underlying problem that cannot be made up in a short time, and people from other continents of Luyin are also rushing over.

Zhao Fu was surrounded by innumerable state-suppressing weapons, the terrifying power that even the heavens and the earth could not bear, and Zhao Fu had no scruples, rushing towards the group of high-level people.

The group of high-level people standing opposite, facing Zhao Fu who rushed in first, looked solemn and did not have any carelessness. They directly separated 10,000 high-level people and let them besiege Zhao Fu, and the others faced countless others. Great Qin generals.

The battle between the two sides exploded in an instant!

Zhao Fu laughed wildly, and let the bronze swords in the hands of the twelve golden men of Daqin's state-suppressing weapon appear. The twelve bronze swords were three meters long, emitting blue light, and appeared with huge killing tools, distributed in a fan shape. behind Zhao Fu.

Dragging twelve bronze swords with twelve cyan sword marks, Zhao Fu passed through the welcoming crowd in an instant.

Puff puff……

Like a shocking sword light pierced through

After that, countless people's bodies were cut into pieces by the sword light, like a broken bamboo, countless corpses fell to the ground, and a corpse rain fell in the sky.

The several kings present were shocked, and they hurriedly exploded with the full power of the State-Suppressing Tool, and together with other people with high cultivation level, suppressed Zhao Fu.

The surrounding generals were also extremely fierce, and terrifying fluctuations sounded in the sky.

The tide-like army on the ground rushed towards the defensive wall with the momentum of destroying everything, as if it could smash the defensive wall.

boom boom boom...

Suddenly green light exploded on the defensive wall, and a terrifying aura erupted. I saw green spears flying out with tremendous power, and the speed was like light, shooting at the fierce beast rushing in front. .

ooh ooh...

A scream sounded, and the power of the green spear was extremely terrifying. It instantly shot through the armor outside the beast and shot into the body of the beast. Many beasts were injured, and about a few hundred beasts died.

This caused all the beasts to fall into rage, the flying dragon frantically spewed flames and cold currents downward, the corpse guards held heavy shields and slammed into the city wall fiercely. Kill the ring.


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