The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1136 The Strongest King

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Now that the name of Daqin has resounded in the surrounding world, and spread to further distances in a rapid way, everyone was a little surprised at this time.

The cultivator's sect master couldn't help but smile. He really underestimated the power of this force and said, "Pay attention to this Great Qin Empire! Maybe some interesting things may happen in the future."

The young woman nodded, and felt that the Great Qin Empire was very unusual. With the strength of the new world, it was able to forcefully counter-invade the three worlds. It has unlimited potential in the future, and it might even become a new kingdom.

The king of the Xiongshan Kingdom looked surprised. This Daqin Empire was really unusual. It actually had such strength. When the Xiongshan world was integrated into the world of Apocalypse, it had this ability.

We must pay attention to the affairs of the Great Qin Empire. Maybe this Great Qin Empire will cause shocks in Gudiyu. Its potential is not only that, but the king of the Xiongshan Kingdom suddenly has this feeling.

In fact, his intuition was correct. Daqin not only made a sensation in Gudiyu in the future, but also made a sensation in Gudiyu before. The master of the killing sword they were looking for was the king of the Daqin Empire.

Balong Yuanzong was also a little surprised by the strong rise of the Daqin Empire, the Daqin Empire? Why does this name have a hint of murderous aura? It seems really not simple, it is worth paying attention to.

Its suzerain immediately ordered that people immediately investigate the news, trying to figure out what kind of empire this Daqin Empire was.

The Icefield Kingdom also has this idea. He is very interested in this Daqin Empire. It is the first time that he can counter-invade the three worlds with the power of the new world. Moreover, with his development speed, it is a bit astonishing.

Maybe it won't take decades, a new and powerful empire will rise, and then the twenty-first kingdom may appear in Gutiyu.


All the top forces in the inner domain of Gudiyu expressed great interest in the power of the Daqin Empire, and sent people to inquire about some information about the Daqin Empire.

It can be said that Daqin has just revealed his strength, and immediately attracted countless attention from the entire Gutiyu. It can be said that it is really rare. Not many people can do this, even the most terrifying nearby demon horn empire can't do it.

However, now that the Daqin Empire has appeared, the most terrifying existence can only be Daqin, and the most feared person around is Daqin.

Zhao Fu doesn't know these things now. At this time, he is leading the army forward to kill, and all those who block it will be killed without mercy!


The Daqin army was raging on the green land like a torrent, and the momentum swept through everything. On that continent, there was no one or anything that could stop the Daqin attack.


The eight sea beast kings led the Daqin army into the half werewolf world. The momentum was the most ferocious and violent. The terrifying aura enveloped the entire continent, causing all living beings to fall into fear, and no one could resist.


On the other side of the Elf World, Zhao Mo and the others also brought their army to wreak havoc on the Elven Continent. They also took over the entire world with the trend of sweeping the world. They captured half of the Elven Continent in an instant, and no one could stop them.

The three armies are fighting recklessly in the three worlds, submerging everything like a monstrous flood, and entering a land of no one. When encountering gods and killing gods, encountering Buddhas and killing Buddhas, no one can resist. In the face of such a terrifying offensive situation, the surrounding countries are urgently Hold a meeting.

"What do you think we should do? This Emperor Qin is really terrifying. He has already conquered three continents. Do we need to take action?"

"Yes! Are we going to make a move? If things go on like this, maybe all three worlds may be captured by the Daqin Empire, and then the Daqin Empire will occupy four worlds at once. Who can resist this?"

"But now it's a grievance between them. We can't do it well! I'm afraid of causing trouble. Originally, the three worlds wanted to invade the Daqin Empire. Now they're beaten to the ground. That's what they deserve!"

"That being said, the Great Qin Empire is about to destroy three worlds, and the expansion of its strength is too terrifying. At that time, our safety will be tested. Do you think that the Great Qin Empire will not invade us?"

"Hey! This Great Qin Empire is really open, and its strength is really unexpected. Back then, I was envious of the three worlds having such good luck, with such a big piece of fat in front of me, but now I'm a little fortunate that it wasn't with him. nearby."

"Yeah! It seems that he has completed the great cause of unifying the world in more than six years. No wonder he will enter the world of Apocalypse ahead of time. If he is given a few years of development, it will be great."

"Don't talk about these. We should make a decision quickly now. It is estimated that the Daqin Empire has already captured three continents. If you don't hurry up, it will be too late."

Everyone heard the words and continued to discuss. In the end, for their own safety, they planned to intervene in this matter a little. They could not continue to develop like this in Daqin, so they mobilized their troops and prepared to go to the three worlds.

On the other side, Da Qin had indeed swept across the three continents, but it also encountered the ultimate resistance. All the remaining forces from the continent rushed in, and the force was three times that of Da Qin, including the former soldiers and some temporarily mobilized militia.

It can be seen that the determination of the three worlds is to intercept Daqin and stop the sweeping trend, otherwise the three worlds may really be destroyed by Daqin.

Standing in the sky, Zhao Fu's expression did not change at all. There were countless Great Qin generals behind him, and on the opposite side were many kings and powerhouses in the Luyin world.

The two armies on the ground also faced each other, and the two sides collided fiercely, causing the surrounding

Falling into a dead silence, no one can not be afraid of this momentum, because this is a world-class war.

At this time, Zhao Fu was not in a hurry to attack, because the opponent's strength was already very strong, and he should have come prepared. Zhao Fu was not fully sure.

A young man with long hair and femininity came out from the opposite Luyin. His aura was the strongest, and he should be the strongest king in the Luyin world.

I saw him come out, staring at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, and his voice was cold and arrogant, "Are you the emperor of the Great Qin Empire?"

The corners of Zhao Fu's mouth rose, revealing a sneer, and with a wave of his hand, the twelve golden figures around him shook, and a majestic and invisible force attacked the opponent with an aura like a broken bamboo.

Feeling this power, the feminine young man's face changed, and a dark green energy cover appeared on his body.


That huge force hit the defensive cover, making a huge roar, the dark green energy cover cracked countless cracks, and the feminine young man's body immediately retreated a few steps.

"I! I don't like your tone of voice!"

Zhao Fu's voice sounded, with a hint of majesty, a hint of arrogance, and a hint of domineering, which made the audience congeal, and it almost caused a war.


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