The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1145 System Army

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Originally, the Dark Water Continent was a system force and a player force, each occupying half of the continent, and the divisions fought. The system forces controlled by Daqin continued to absorb the system forces of other continents, and the other party also continued to absorb the players' forces.

But the speed is far from Daqin's side. Now Daqin's side has more than 8,000 cities, while the other side has only more than 4,000, and the strength is more than doubled.

At this time, they also knew that the Daqin Empire unified the human world and counterattacked it. The matter was so big that it must not be hidden.

The end of the peace contract is next year, when Daqin Shiyou will officially invade the world of fish scales, which makes the world of fish scales very frightened, because Daqin's strength seems to be able to crush them.

Because with the current strength of Da Qin, they dare to invade the three worlds that have been developing for decades, and they have developed for a few years, needless to say.

Under such huge pressure, the fishscale world did not have a unified opinion, but instead had many ideas, and even a kind of person who voluntarily surrendered to Daqin was born.

However, the Nether Water Continent has been ceded to Daqin, and the Dark Water Continent, which is closest to it, will definitely be the first to be attacked, making it a very dangerous place.

As a result, many people are no longer willing to come, which affects the speed of absorbing other forces. Otherwise, the system forces controlled by Daqin will be even more powerful, but the opposing player forces can't help but want to escape.

Because here they have to face two pressures, one is from Daqin, and the other is from the increasingly strong system forces, some people can no longer bear the pressure.

Zhao Fu thinks that this is the right time to start. Taking advantage of their low morale, they can get a lot of cities by capturing them. This is the most beneficial. Otherwise, when they all withdraw, they will only get an unmanned territory.

Eight thousand cities can have eight thousand city lords. The current city lords are not so important, mainly people with high cultivation bases, and more importantly, the army has reached 800 million.

Because of the peace contract, Da Qin was unable to intervene directly this time. There were only 4,000 cities on the opposite side. Zhao Fu had nothing to worry about when he arrived. If he wins, he will definitely win.

Zhao Fu thought about it and made a simple plan.

The leaders of the opposing player's forces often get together to discuss things. Now the world is turbulent and the situation in the Dark Water Continent is unstable. Important things will happen at any time, making the hearts of the leaders of all parties very uneasy.

One person couldn't help but ask, "What should we do? Whether to defend or retreat, make a decision as soon as possible, and morale will fall to the bottom."

Another person sighed, "Let's withdraw! The strength of the opposing system is already twice ours, and we have to worry about Daqin's invasion. If you worry about it all day, people will get sick sooner or later. Maybe the other party didn't call before you. We lose."

Another person agreed, "I'm serious or withdraw, I'm really fed up with the days of worry and fear."

One person also said, "The main thing is that Daqin is likely to invade next year. At that time, the Dark Water Continent will be powerless to stop it. It will be a catastrophe, otherwise we can still spend a lot with the opposite side."

But another person said angrily, "Then we really have to give up the places we have worked so hard to attack? Are you saying that you think other continents will welcome us?"

This made everyone ponder, they were really unwilling to give up their current territory, and how could others welcome them to other continents, because it was occupying their resources and territory.

Moreover, these people must be scattered and concentrated on a certain continent, which is almost impossible, because the threat of gathering together is too great, other continents will never allow them to exist, and it is possible to destroy them as if they were the enemy.

"Not good! The opposing system forces began to gather forces and began to attack us!"

An announcement interrupted everyone's thinking, and everyone was surprised, and hurriedly asked, "How many troops did they send, and from which direction are they going to attack us?"

The soldier replied, "About 400 million, attack from the east!"

Now is also the time to make a final decision, "Fight? Or withdraw?"

At this time, the system army was only sending half of the troops, and the other half didn't know what to do, but it was definitely going to attack them.

Everyone glanced at each other, and one said, "Let's find a way to resist the system army first! Otherwise, we can't retreat without their attack."

Most of them nodded, and a small number of people just made a look, but they were thinking about other things.

Players from all sides gathered their forces and prepared to resist the system army. They also received news that the other 400 million army would attack them from the other side. Just as they thought, the system forces wanted to attack them.

The abolition of the city lord seal is of great help to some weak forces, otherwise it would be difficult for them to deal with the eight thousand city lords on the opposite side.

At such an important moment, the players of all parties were vaguely divided into two factions. One faction was gathering forces to fight the system, and the other one wanted to use other people as a defense to make them evacuated safely.

First of all, if the system forces attacked so fiercely, their troops are still twice their size. It is uncertain whether they can successfully resist them. Even if they are successfully resisted, what will happen to the Daqin invasion next year?

This place is definitely not allowed to stay, so they want to evacuate. Of course, these people did not show it on the surface, and they did it relatively secretly, because now that the system army is invading, they still need others as shields.

Players have different powers, and Zhao Fu ordered people to observe the players.

The movement of the Ministry did not directly launch a rapid attack, but deliberately gave the opponent time to react.

Because Zhao Fu already knew that their hearts were not divided, especially under great pressure, they might fall apart, and their split was what Zhao Fu wanted to see.

"What's going on? Why are there so many fewer troops?" A player leader, feeling faint, asked loudly.

The soldier next to him replied, "Report to your lord! There are still some cities that have not come, and the subordinates have already ordered people to urge them."

This made the player leader feel even worse. What did he think of, he hurriedly said, "Go check it out, have they evacuated from the city?"

After a while, the soldier ran back with a pale face and said, "My lord, they all evacuated, and their subordinates were also killed by them."

"This bunch of bastards!"

The player leader yelled angrily, and the group of people actually used them as a shield to delay their evacuation.

There were originally more than 4,000 cities, but now there are only about 3,000 left. At the same time, there are still people fleeing. It can be said that the situation on the player's side has collapsed.

What about the people who stay now? Faced with the current situation, they have no chance of victory.


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