The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1152 Ancient Tree People (Subscribe)

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Their belongings, Zhao Fu, also disliked them, mainly because of the population and the city, so let them give up everything and flee to the mainland controlled by Daqin.

All parties quickly learned the news of the withdrawal of the two countries. They began to hide, and wanted to kill a sudden attack to wipe out the two countries.

But now that the plan has been revealed, they no longer have any scruples, and directly and fiercely kill the two countries, and spread the news that the two countries are traitors and traitors, which makes the two countries at the point where everyone shouts and fights.

The next few countries seized this opportunity to quickly capture the territory of the two countries and gain a lot of benefits, while delaying the evacuation of the two countries, and with the help of the armies of all parties, the two countries were wiped out.

These two countries are already vassal states, and the area has reached thousands. If these territories are destroyed, they can divide them up.

The sudden attack by the surrounding countries made the two countries that were evacuating urgently couldn't help but stop. Because of their attack, they could not evacuate at all.

In the end, I could only order that all the soldiers stay behind to resist the invasion of several countries, and many people continue to evacuate.

Now time is running out, several countries hurry up to attack the two countries, and the two countries hurriedly send troops to resist, the people are also hurriedly evacuating, other parties are rushing towards the two countries, and Daqin is also rushing to gather troops.

"Kill! Both of them are traitors to our world, don't let one go."

The armies sent by the recent countries formed several torrents, and rushed forward with a momentum that shook the Quartet.

In the front, the soldiers of the two countries have simply built a defense, waiting for the attack of several countries, and in the rear are countless people who are panicked and afraid to flee.

Maybe suddenly becoming a traitor, which makes the morale of the soldiers of the two countries a little low, making the war situation very unfavorable. If this continues, they will definitely lose, and they cannot stop these forces, so they will not be able to withdraw.

A military general riding a horse galloping, immediately shouted loudly, "Don't judge right or wrong, now they are here to kill your relatives and friends, if you don't want your family and friends to die under their swords, then you can only fight!"

This made the originally low morale suddenly rise, and now they can't think about the right or wrong of this matter, and now all they have to do is protect their relatives and friends and let them evacuate safely.

But the number of soldiers united by several countries is already several times that of the two countries, and the fierce momentum makes the surrounding air a bit depressing.

The galloping military general riding a warhorse also stopped, came to the front of the army, and looked at the army attacking in front of him seriously. .

"In the face of so many of them, are you afraid now? Remember that it is your duty to protect the country as a soldier! This time, it is not only for the country, but also for the safety of countless people. Although you will die, you will still die when you fight on the battlefield and are wrapped in horse leather. Glory!"

Each soldier's eyes also firmed, looking at the army coming in front, holding the weapon in his hand, making the world chill.


The general who stood at the forefront on a warhorse raised his spear, shouted loudly, and led a group of cavalry. If the torrent was like a torrent, it was unstoppable and rushed towards the army of several countries.


The army of several countries also divided a team of cavalry, also with a rapid momentum, rushed towards the green cavalry.

clang clang...

The sound of countless metal collisions erupted, and the two teams of cavalry collided fiercely.

On the other side, the army of several countries rushed forward like a tide, with the momentum of destroying everything, and the green side had built a defensive formation, like an indestructible mountain.


A loud noise broke out, and the fierce tide hit the mountain, making a loud noise, and the Great War broke out.

Spears stabbed out from behind the shield wall, piercing the body of the person who rushed up, and blood spurted out. Some shield soldiers were directly knocked out by the giant force, and the people who rushed up slammed into the shield wall, screaming in agony. keep ringing.

People from all over the world of Luyin and the Half-Wolfman continued to come here. With their combined strength, it was easy to destroy the two countries.

But at this time, the Daqin army also assembled, and launched a ferocious attack on the two worlds at the same time.

This did not surprise the people of the two worlds, because they also guessed that Daqin would do this in order to protect the two countries, so they quickly transferred their forces and started the planned defensive operations.

roar roar...

The ferocious beast on the side of Daqin let out a roaring roar, and its huge and violent momentum changed the world, like a disaster.

Zhao Fu sent an army of beasts to attack first, but the results were not very good. The two worlds were already prepared to fight against the beasts in Daqin, that is, anti-large creatures.

bang bang bang...

On the side of the green world, a large amount of green light was emitted, dyeing the sky green. One after another, huge spears, dragging beams of light, with the power to pierce the air, flew towards the Daqin beast.

roar roar...

The half werewolf side also summoned a monster that was half wolf and half human. As soon as it appeared, it let out a roar. These monsters had a strong aura, and their blood-colored eyes were full of cruelty and madness, and they attacked the Daqin beast.

Not only these two

A war broke out in the world, and the elf world next to it was obviously united with the two worlds, and gathered forces to attack Daqin.

boom boom boom...

There was a loud noise, and the ground trembled violently. The towering trees with a height of 70 to 80 meters actually grew hands and feet, and they also had human faces. This was the ancient tree man mastered by the elves.

Zhao Fu also had defensive troops in the Elf Continent, and he did not concentrate all his troops on attacking the two worlds, so he didn't need to be afraid of the Elf World attacking him at this time.

The sudden war broke out, stirring up the world and making the world full of chills. The surrounding worlds were completely caught off guard. They did not expect that the two sides who had just reconciled would suddenly break out of such a large-scale war, which really shocked them.

Fortunately, both sides exercised restraint. After paying some casualties, the battle stopped. Langcang Kingdom and Lelai Kingdom retreated to Daqin with difficulty. The losses were also heavy. Only 70% of the people were evacuated, and only 30% of the soldiers came back alive.

The war only subsided for a short time, and it did not end. Both sides were guarded at the border by large armies.

The two sides are already on the verge of fire and water, unable to reconcile, and the world will no longer interfere too much, and I am afraid that there will be no peace here.


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