The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1166 Death

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Killing Dao is also a kind of extreme path, which is more extreme than kendo. It is transformed by killing. Every person who embarks on the killing path is not weak.

Leng Shang stepped on the platform, and the audience was quiet. This is a kind of respect for the strong by everyone. Leng Shang is definitely the most powerful candidate to compete for the top three. He also has the same strength and prestige as the top three. respect.

Just now, in the battle between him and Yin Ruoshi, that Yin Ruoshi almost lost to him, and finally relied on a slight advantage to win.

With his appearance, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became solemn, and the undisguised murderous aura on his body caused countless people to fall into the ice water, and their whole bodies couldn't help shaking.

Leng Shang stood on the platform, pulled out the blood sword tied to his waist, stared at Zhao Fu coldly, without any fear of Zhao Fu, as if he wanted to kill Zhao Fu, his attitude was a little arrogant.


Without any words, Leng Shang started to attack, only to see that he raised the sword in his hand and slashed at Zhao Fu with force, and a blood-colored sword light flew out in an instant, slashing towards Zhao Fu with the momentum of severing everything.


At this moment, Zhao Fu's Emperor's Domain surfaced at once, but in an instant, the Emperor's Domain was cut open by a sword. Zhao Fu's eyes were startled, and he avoided the cut into the Emperor's Domain. The sword light, and there was an extra two-finger-wide, but extremely deep sword mark on the ground.

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed how strong it was. It was so simple to directly break through the defense of the emperor. The emperor seemed to be nothing more than this in front of Leng Shang. Leng Shang seemed to be very likely to win. Everyone in Tiyu was shocked.

At this time, Leng Shang was already a strong man in the saint realm, and he mastered the killing intent of the saint realm.

The big figures in the stands also stared at each other and showed full interest. Leng Shang's performance was really surprising. It was much stronger than the previous duel with Yin Ruoshi. This should be the full strength of Leng Shang.

"Do you think this Leng Shang can beat that emperor?" Huo Yan, who ranked tenth, asked the top ten people on the Gudi list standing beside him.

Gu Jian replied coldly, "It may be a little difficult, because the emperor has not used all his strength so far. Before that, it may have been just a warm-up, but now is the real battle."

Huoyan's face was a little embarrassed, because the battle between himself and Zhao Fu was said to be a warm-up, but Leng Shang was indeed much stronger than him.

Zhao Fu's expression at this time also became serious, because he had already felt a pressure from Leng Shang, and his own cultivation and understanding were not as good as his.


Zhao Fu stretched out a hand and grabbed it in the air, and a gray sword appeared in his hand. It was the sword of death, and countless death breaths spread out in an instant.


Then Zhao Fu slashed hard, and the huge death energy was like a big wave, with the aura of death, it slashed towards Leng Shang.

Leng Shang's pupils shrank, turning into a blood-colored sword light, with ferocious power, rushing towards the big wave formed by the death energy.


A sword explosion sounded, and the big wave formed by the death energy was actually divided into two by the blood-colored sword light. Leng Shang shot past Zhao Fu like a stream of light, and slashed at Zhao Fu with a sword.

Zhao Fu's face was expressionless, and there were seventy-two blood-colored spheres floating above his head. When Leng Shang came over, the seventy-two spheres formed seventy-two blood-colored spears, each of which was three meters long. The swift and violent force shot at Leng Shang.

Facing the blood-colored spears formed by the seventy-two holy realms, Leng Shang's expression changed, because this was equivalent to seventy-two holy realm powerhouses attacking him together.

Leng Shangyi improved his offensive and entered a defensive state.

bang bang bang...

The blood-colored spears fell one by one with terrifying power. Leng Shang swung his sword while dodging, bringing out a large amount of blood light, smashing the blood-colored spears into pieces, forming a storm like the essence, and the ground was constantly moving. 's broken.

At this moment, Zhao Fu has raised the sword of death high, and slashed out with a forceful sword.


A huge gray sword light slashed out in an instant, and slashed towards Leng Shang, as if cutting the air into two.

Leng Shang's expression changed, and he blocked the blood sword in his hand in front of him, but it was still slashed and flew out.

Stabilizing his body, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of Leng Shang's mouth, and his eyes began to look at Zhao Fu solemnly.

"This emperor really didn't use his full strength, and now he starts to use his hands, which is completely different from before," someone couldn't help but say.

Another person was also surprised and said, "It seemed that we underestimated this emperor before!"

The top ten people on the Gudi list were silent and didn't say anything, because they felt that Zhao Fu's power still hadn't erupted.


A roar sounded, Leng Shang burst out with all the killing intent, and a murderous storm spread, his body was half a foot off the ground, his eyes had turned blood red, and his long hair and clothes were dancing with the wind.

This huge murderous aura spread, making people feel incomparably horrified, making people's bodies weak, and causing the world to begin to mutate, and a trace of blood appeared.

At this time, Leng Shang was like a god of killing. With this strong killing intent, the killing intent in Zhao Fu's body was out of control, and how could the intent of killing the sword leak out? Zhao Fu understood what he wanted to do. Solve the battle as soon as possible to avoid any surprises.

Zhao Fu stepped out and began to distribute all the

Power, a huge black arrogance, ignited from Zhao Fu, the noble, domineering, and powerful emperor's momentum, like a wave of waves, hit the hearts of countless people.


Leng Shang slanted his sword, and his murderous aura made the space freeze. With this earth-shattering power, Leng Shang charged towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu also raised the death sword in his hand, and countless thousands of meters of gray light spread out, and a figure appeared above the back of Zhao Fu's head. It was a pale, but very beautiful woman in a palace dress.


Zhao Fu's sword fell, and the woman charged towards Leng Shang with a monstrous death aura. The two collided heavily. Leng Shang's killing intent that solidified the square space was instantly penetrated by the ocean-like death energy. , and he himself was forced to fly backwards.

Then he fell to the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell into a coma.

Countless people around couldn't help but swallow their saliva, a little shocked, "This is the true power of that emperor? It's really strong!"

The big figures in the stands also looked a little more serious, because Zhao Fu's step-by-step performance had begun to make them pay attention.

"Who else can fight?"

Zhao Fu's face was filled with a confident and arrogant smile, and he said loudly, this kind of battle is actually quite enjoyable, because it uses his own strength, not other external forces.


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