The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1181 Monster Leader (Subscribe)

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The nine dragons slammed into the purple energy cover with terrifying power, Yao Ming's face changed, the next second the purple energy cover shattered, and Yao Ming was knocked out by the nine golden ones, spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

At this time, Zhao Fu's breath was weak, and there were already many wounds on his body, while Yao Ming only suffered some minor injuries. With Zhao Fu's current strength, some of them couldn't beat Yao Ming.

The main reason is that the injury has not recovered, the body is extremely weak, and it is also affected by the emperor's curse, so it is so unbearable, otherwise, with Zhao Fu's true strength, he will never be defeated so easily.

As the commander-in-chief of the battlefield, Bai Qi glanced at the tragic battle situation, sighed, and ordered to retreat, abandoning the continent of the green world.

Afterwards, Daqin withdrew his troops in an all-round way, and the people on this continent also evacuated back to the human world early.

Yao Ming had a cold look on his face, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Zhao Fu who was fleeing. He wanted to leave Zhao Fu behind, but there was no way to do it, and he was finally hit by Zhao Fu.

This time, Zhao Fu was spared first. Yao Ming rushed to the Elf World with the Demon Horn Army as planned. As long as he took back the Elf Continent and united the three worlds to attack the Human World, the foundation of Daqin lies there. At that time, Da Qin could not escape with his wings.

In the battlefield of the Elf Continent, the two sides are actually on the same level, and the Elf World did not launch a full-scale attack, because they knew that if they could not break Daqin, they would cause a lot of casualties.

Their main purpose at this time was to hold back the Daqin army, so that they would not go to Luyin World to support.

With the army of monsters, the half-wolf army and the green army coming, the elves must win in the end. Facing the four major forces, Daqin can only retreat in embarrassment.

This battle finally subsided. The three continents that were originally captured by Da Qin were now seized by the three worlds with the help of the Demon Horn Empire. Da Qin is now huddled in the human world and fully defended.

The Three Worlds and the Demon Horn Empire were not too anxious to attack, because the human world is where the foundation of Daqin is located, and it is impossible to attack without any preparation.

The four forces are mobilizing more troops, making adequate preparations, and wanting to destroy the Daqin Empire in one fell swoop.

From the beginning of the battle, the surrounding world has paid great attention. When I think of the grandeur and domineering of the Daqin Empire when it first integrated into the world of Apocalypse, it has captured the three continents aggressively, and now retreats to the human world in a state of embarrassment. The empire seems to be dying.

However, there is no way to do this. Now the Great Qin Empire has to face three world attacks, and now the strongest empire in the vicinity is also involved. As a new world, the Great Qin Empire is difficult to stop.

In particular, the Demon Horn Empire was really too powerful. When several worlds united, they couldn't suppress him, and in the end they had no choice but to reconcile with him.

Some people said before that the power of the Daqin Empire would surpass that of the Demon Horn Empire, and that the emperor of Daqin was stronger than the Emperor of the Demon Horn Empire, but now it's a bit of a slap in the face, because the facts are already in front of them, and after the two sides have compared, the results have come out.

Not only is the Daqin Empire inferior to the Yaojiao Empire, but the Daqin emperor fought against the Yaojiao emperor, and the Daqin emperor was defeated and fled.

It was also heard that it was the Emperor of Qin who had suffered a serious injury, so he would be so unbearable, otherwise the Emperor of Qin would not have been defeated so easily.

I don't know if this news is true or not, because they are not on the battlefield, so it may be false. It is the sophistry of those who support the emperor of Daqin. The fact is that the emperor of Daqin is not as good as the emperor of Yaojiao.

Everyone couldn't help sighing, "It's still the Emperor Yaojiao who is the strongest, and no one here can surpass him. Although the Emperor Qin is also very powerful, he is still a little tender compared to the Emperor Yaojiao. They It's not a Goodie event."

At the same time, the surrounding countries have also greatly increased their vigilance against the Demon Horn Empire, and all parties are wary of what the Demon Horn Empire will suddenly do.

Everyone also looked away from Da Qin and fell on the Demon Horn Empire again, because they only paid attention to the most dangerous and powerful people, and Da Qin was obviously not worthy of their attention.

When the four worlds united to destroy the Daqin Empire this time, everyone shouted, "This time the Daqin Empire is very likely to be over, and it is basically difficult to stop the powerful invasion of the four countries."

It's just a pity that such a force should have unlimited potential, but it was too arrogant and flamboyant, and finally ended up like this.

Turning his eyes to the Daqin Palace, Zhao Fu's face was pale on the hospital bed. The imperial doctor was bandaging Zhao Fu's wound. Li Si was reporting the casualties to Daqin, the situation outside, and the news that the four worlds were jointly preparing to invade the human world.

The four worlds are about to be crushed by the army, which is a huge crisis for Da Qin, because this time Da Qin may not be able to resist.

And Da Qin couldn't resist this time. The final result of Da Qin was only demise. Zhao Fu is now weak, with new injuries and old injuries, and such a headache. This feels like a torture.

"How to resist now?"

Zhao Fu had already rushed all the ministers to the ward, and after listening to their suggestions, he was also thinking about it, and he also inquired about Bai Yao in detail and some things about Bai Shang.

In the end, Zhao Fu made a decision to formally incorporate Yechao into the Daqin Empire, and also list the Devil's South Continent as the territory of Daqin. The relationship between Yechao and Daqin has been exposed, and there is no comparison at all to cover it up. It is listed as an official city, and its main seal can be integrated into the beasts.

The target of integration is the phantom flower demon, in the previous work

During the battle, Zhao Fu did not once send out the Illusory Flower Demon among all the beasts.

Because one's own strength cannot be revealed to the enemy at one time, it must be kept in hand, so as to have the greatest effect, while the Huan Hua Yao's fighting ability is average, the real strength is the ability to create illusions, which is what Zhao Fu values ​​most.

Before Zhao Fu had 30,000 Illusory Flower Demons as Daqin's trump card, this time it could come in handy. With the newly added 20,000 Flower Demons, there would be a total of 50,000 Flower Demons.

The fish scale world Daqin controls the system power of a continent, and it will not be touched for the time being, because it will have a great effect in the future.

Finally, there is the information provided by Hundred Monsters. They have also participated in the previous battle and found a very important information about the monster army of the Monster Horn Empire.

This piece of information is that the bred monsters are very easy to become monsters. They have accumulated a lot of monster energy in their bodies, and they also have the wisdom to give birth to themselves. They only need a little monster energy to penetrate, and they will instantly become monsters.

Moreover, the monsters that these monsters turn into are not only not weak, but also much stronger than ordinary monsters. Once they are transformed into monsters, they are at least elite-level monsters, and most of them are boss-level monsters, and there is even no shortage of boss-level monsters.

After listening to what they said, Zhao Fu saw a chance to resist the Demon Horn Empire.


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