The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1186 Lord of Qin

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"Can these monsters transform into human form?"

While Zhao Fu was enjoying the service of the three monsters, he curiously asked Hongye Shou next to him.

Because it is difficult for monsters to transform into human form, it requires extremely high cultivation and strength. Otherwise, other means, such as some transformation pills, are needed to make it possible to transform into human form in advance.

Hongye Shou replied, "This is not necessarily true. First of all, they need strong strength and high-level bloodline to be able to transform into human form. Once they transform into human form, their strength will be several times that of before."

When Zhao Fu heard this, he felt that the three monsters under him were all at the ninth level. This surprised Zhao Fu. If they were at the ninth level, they would be comparable to the power of the former city lord.

If half a million monsters have this strength, then wouldn't there be half a million city lords? If Zhao Fu has this strength, he can directly sweep ten worlds and become a kingdom, and then he can attack the three major forces for revenge.

Zhao Fu was slightly excited when he thought of this, but after a while, he learned that only five or six thousand monsters had turned into humanoid monsters, which made Zhao Fu a little disappointed.

However, there are five to six thousand monsters equivalent to ninth-level experts, which makes Da Qin no longer very lacking in experts and makes up for the shortcomings of Da Qin's lack of experts.

Pity! Instead of bringing more demon beasts to Da Qin, if Da Qin also knew how the Demon Horn Empire cultivated demon beasts, then Da Qin could cultivate its own demon beasts, which would have sufficient foundation.

A soft gasp interrupted Zhao Fu's thinking. The enchanting woman was already riding on Zhao Fu.

After these events, Zhao Fu also saw with his own eyes those monsters that had not transformed into human form. Each of these monsters were larger in strength and size than before, and they were more ferocious and cruel. They numbered half a million, which was comparable to the 100,000 ferocious beasts of Great Qin.

Zhao Fu couldn't help but want to get the Demonic Horn Empire's army of monsters. They could give Great Qin a huge increase in strength. Now he also had some expectations for the Demonic Horn Empire to start a full-scale war.

A few days later, people throughout Daqin began to decorate with lanterns and streamers to celebrate the arrival of the New Year. The streets were full of people, and various vendors were selling their goods, making it very lively.

Zhao Fu, like the previous year, looked down at the prosperity and liveliness of Da Qin from a high building. Then Xiao Jiu ran up holding Xiao Qiang's hand and asked Zhao Fu to play with them. Zhao Fu smiled and picked up the two of them and walked down. building.

The short-term joy made Zhao Fu forget his worries, but in a few days, Zhao Fu would face the real thing, which was the matter of the next leader of the Great Qin Kingdom.

Zhao Fu looked at Li Si and said, "Have you collected all the bloodline information of the winner? Who are the better ones?"

Because Zhao Fu does not have a bloodline to continue, he can only find it from the winner. The winner is the royal family of Great Qin and is qualified to become the next Lord of Great Qin.

Li Si sighed heavily. Although there were a few outstanding winners, how could they be compared with Zhao Fu? They were like the sun in the sky and the gravel on the ground. No one in the entire Great Qin was qualified to replace Zhao Fu. The Lord of Qin.

"Your Majesty! If possible, I would be willing to die on your behalf. You are in your prime now and should not die early. You will definitely bring Great Qin to glory."

Zhao Fu smiled touchedly and said, "Things are already like this, and there is nothing we can do to change anything."

Bai Qi stood there with a trace of sadness and discomfort, unable to say anything.

Zhao Fu looked at the two ministers beside him with a smile. Li Si and Bai Qi were the first ones to follow Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu was completely at ease with them, so he solemnly said, "From now on, I will leave all the affairs of Great Qin to you two." I hope you two will not live up to my expectations."

Li Si and Bai Qi immediately knelt on the ground and said sadly, "I will defend the foundation of Qin to the death!"

Zhao Fu responded softly, "Then call the right person to come and show me! Also, be sure not to leak this matter to avoid causing panic."

Now Zhao Fu is not only the lord of Great Qin, the supreme being of Great Qin, but also the core of Great Qin and the banner of the spirit of Great Qin. If there is news that Zhao Fu is going to die, it will definitely cause huge turmoil.

Li Si nodded and retreated.

Afterwards, several winning disciples received orders and walked towards the Great Qin Palace with great excitement. They had heard that the current Emperor of Great Qin would die soon, and the next Emperor of Great Qin would be selected from among them.

Thinking about standing at the top of the Qin Dynasty, being admired by hundreds of millions of people, and having those ministers with high status and great military exploits to surrender at their feet, this feeling is beyond imagination.

Although this thing was too exciting, they still endured it because the Emperor of Qin was not dead yet, and the next Emperor of Qin was personally selected by him. If your performance is too superficial, you will definitely not be selected.

"See your majesty, may your majesty live long live."

Six young men in white clothes with extraordinary temperament knelt on the ground respectfully, lowered their heads and shouted loudly to Zhao Fu who was sitting on the dragon throne.

Zhao Fu sighed immediately, "Does Great Qin really want to choose a leader of Great Qin among the six people kneeling in front of him?"

Facing the six people, Zhao Fu was very dissatisfied. Perhaps it was because he knelt down so easily and was respectful. Also, the qualifications of these six people were pretty good, but they were far from being compared to some of the geniuses outside. They seemed too mediocre.

But Zhao Fu has no choice. He has no bloodline to continue, so he can only choose among the winners. These six are outstanding disciples among the winners. They are Zhao Fu's only choice. One of them will definitely become the next Great Qin. Lord.

"I still want to test them a few times, maybe they will perform unexpectedly." Zhao Fu thought in his heart.

Li Si also had a sad look on his face. He was very dissatisfied with these six people. Zhao Fu definitely looked down on them, but these six people were already the best people. Da Qin had no choice now.

Bai Qi was silent, but there was a hint of worry on his face. If these people became the masters of Great Qin, then it would be enough for Great Qin to maintain its current strength without retreating. It would be difficult for Great Qin to expand in the future.

At this time, Bai Qi didn't have any confidence in his heart. Under the six of them, he would open up territory for Da Qin and defend Da Qin's foundation.

"You guys go down!" Zhao Fu said with a headache.

Hearing this, the six people looked a little disappointed, because they heard that Zhao Fu was very dissatisfied with them, but they were not disappointed, because now Da Qin could only choose the leader of Da Qin from among them, and they still had great hope of becoming the emperor of Da Qin.

"Your Majesty! Concubine Wu is coming in and wants to see you." A soldier hurriedly walked in and reported to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu was stunned and asked the soldiers to let Wu Qingniang in. Seeing that Wu Qingniang's eyes were red and filled with tears, Zhao Fu asked everyone to retreat first.


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