The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1189 Little Green Dragon

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Zhao Fu and the others carefully blended into the barrier and tried their best to hide their aura so as not to be discovered by the monster beasts. After entering the barrier, Zhao Fu saw a huge red firebird flying in the sky.

Seeing this, Zhao Fu asked everyone to hide first, because once a monster discovered them, they would be attacked by all the monsters. With so many monsters, Zhao Fu would have to escape, and the others would die.

"Where will these monsters gather?" Zhao Fu turned to ask a snake monster clinging to his side.

This place is very big, with at least hundreds of areas. The monsters are not concentrated in one group, they are relatively scattered. Each one has its own territory, but they will be called together during battles.

But at certain times, these monster beasts will also gather together, that is, when the Demon Horn Empire distributes spiritual elixirs and spiritual items, countless monster beasts will gather together.

The snake demon leaned against Zhao Fu coquettishly and said, "Your Majesty! There are four gathering places, and there are many buildings there, which are responsible for everything about all the monsters. The nearest one should be in the southeast."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu nodded and sneaked over with his men.

Two days later, because there were monsters everywhere here, Zhao Fu and everyone moved forward very carefully, and the speed was relatively slow. However, after two days, Zhao Fu also arrived at the gathering place.

Now it's time to make arrangements in advance. Originally, Zhao Fu had brought thousands of people here, and he only had to wait for the monster beasts to gather around, and then launch the teleportation spear, so that he could directly teleport the monster beasts into the Four Soul Demon Realm.

The teleportation spear blessed by bounded beads has the ability to teleport across the world. This is also the most critical thing in Zhao Fu's plan, otherwise the monster cannot be stolen.

The spears are quietly buried into the ground, and at that moment, they will all be projected out.

This was arranged by the one hundred assassins brought by Zhao Fu, while Zhao Fu himself was responsible for controlling the overall situation and being vigilant to avoid any surprises.

"You all deserve to die! You actually hurt my little green dragon."

A purple-haired boy of twelve or thirteen years old held a whip and whipped several boys hard. The whip was so powerful that it hit those people, leaving their skin and flesh torn. Several people screamed and knelt on the ground. beg for mercy.

It was said that Xiao Qinglong himself wanted to challenge the Qilou beast, and they had no way to stop it, so Xiao Qinglong was injured. They would definitely stop Xiao Qinglong next time so that it would not be injured at all, and let the boy spare them.

But the young man was furious and obviously couldn't listen to these words. He continued to beat several people with the whip, and finally those people were beaten to death.

The anger in the young man's heart subsided a little, so he called a few soldiers and threw the body out to feed the monsters.

Zhao Fu had been hiding nearby and watching this young man beat several servants to death without making any move to stop him. Zhao Fu was not stupid, so how could he show up because of this.

However, Zhao Fu planned to take action against the young man, because those people just called the young man the second prince, and the young man looked and smelled a bit like Yao Ming, so that young man should be Yao Ming's younger brother.

I heard that this demon was very fond of his younger brother, so Zhao Fu naturally wanted to take action. When no one was around, Zhao Fu appeared and appeared behind the young man. The young man was beaten by Zhao Fu before he could react at all. Fainted.

Ho ho ho…

After a while, the monsters roared one by one, and powerful monster aura spread. Countless monsters began to rush here, because it was time to distribute the elixirs and elixirs again.

Zhao Fu grabbed the boy's body and did not rush to take action because the monster beasts had not completely gathered around yet. Zhao Fu wanted to wait and let the monster beasts gather more, so that more monster beasts could be caught.

"The second prince is missing!"

A sound of panic and fear sounded, causing countless people's expressions to change and they hurriedly started searching. The scene was a bit chaotic.

Zhao Fu felt bad when he saw this. He thought that the plan might be exposed if he waited, so he immediately ordered someone to activate the teleportation spear.

Boom boom boom...

Streams of light flew out, and huge magic circles were revealed. The bodies of countless monsters disappeared in place, and countless monsters fled backwards in panic.

Boom boom boom...

There was another roar, and streaks of light flew towards the escaping monsters. Magical formations appeared one by one, pulling the monsters into the magic circle one by one. This made countless monsters fear and flee in all directions.

When the people around saw the scene, they immediately shouted, "An enemy has broken in!"

Afterwards, in less than a while, Zhao Fu and others were discovered, and Zhao Fu calmly asked a hundred assassins to leave through the teleportation array released by the spear.

They have monster-avoiding beads on their bodies, so they will not be corroded by the spirit of monsters when entering the Four Souls Demon Realm. If they do not have the monster-avoiding beads, they may become monsters.

Zhao Fu was standing in the sky, with one hand behind his back and the other hand holding the young man's body. He exuded a powerful aura and intimidated the entire audience. He had no sense of being in the enemy's lair.

Yao Ming arrived quickly and saw Zhao Fu again. Yao Ming couldn't help but wanted to kill Zhao Fu, but when he saw his biological brother in Zhao Fu's hands, he could only hold back.

Then he looked at the countless teleportation arrays around him and saw that many demonic beasts had disappeared. Yaoming was so angry that he gritted his teeth. The Emperor of Qin actually went to the Demonic Horn Empire to steal the demonic beasts. It was so shameless and he did not let their Demonic Horns Empire go. In the eyes.

Since returning from the last war, Yaoming has ordered people to study how to break this magic circle. He also understood that these are just special teleportation arrays, and immediately ordered the space to be imprisoned, making each teleportation array useless.

But Zhao Fu didn't have any fear at all, with a strong look

Momentum, standing there, because Zhao Fu immediately discovered that Yao Ming really didn't take action, he understood that he was interested in the young man. If Yao Ming took action at the first time, Zhao Fu would directly choose to run away.

"Let my brother go, or I will kill you badly." Yao Ming said loudly, glaring at Zhao Fu with an angry look on his face.

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly and said without mincing words, "I still need five hundred thousand demon beasts and your Demon Horn Empire's method of cultivating demon beasts."

This is the reason why Zhao Fu stayed, because he had just teleported less than 100,000 monsters. The number was too small, and Zhao Fu was very dissatisfied, so he wanted to blackmail Yao Ming and master the methods of cultivating monsters in the Demon Horn Empire. Method.

"This is absolutely not possible, you are just wishful thinking."

Hearing that Zhao Fu was so greedy, Yao Ming rejected Zhao Fu. Although he loved his biological brother, he would never exchange it for the most important thing in the empire, because it would affect the security of the empire.

When Zhao Fu heard Yao Ming's resolute look, it seemed that things were not easy to handle, so he said, "Then what price do you want to pay to let me let your brother go? Time is limited, I can leave later."

Yao Ming looked at Zhao Fu angrily. He didn't expect that as the leader of the empire, he would be so despicable, kidnapping him and threatening him with hostages.


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