The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1191 Qingzhou Territory

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Since the Guti Inner Territory cannot go, Zhao Fu can only go to other territories to buy a large number of corpses and rune stones. Zhao Fu wanted to get some information and found that the closest place to Da Qin was the Qingzhou Territory next to it.

In the Guti Domain, Da Qin is at the farthest boundary. Because it is a newly entered world and its location is to the right, I found that the Qingzhou Domain is actually a little closer than the Guti Inner Domain.

Seven or eight days later, Zhao Fu brought Hong Ye Shou, Yu Zaoqian, Mo Yao'er, Ye Ningshuang, Shui Ruoliang, and Pu He to Qingzhou Territory.

Because of the long journey and to avoid the onset of the Emperor's Curse, Zhao Fu had no choice but to no longer act alone and take a few women with him.

Among them are the three most powerful people, namely Ye Ningshuang, Shui Ruoliang, and Pu He. They are the ancestors of the Demonic World. Ye Ningshuang is the ancestor of the Ye Dynasty, and Shui Ruoliang and Pu He are the ancestors of the Demonic World. The ancestor of the Demonic Dao Sect, his cultivation level was at the eighth level when he entered the world of Apocalypse.

Now that the three of them are masters in the saint realm, they may need help from the three of them when they first come to Qingzhou Domain.

Although it is my first time to come to Qingzhou Territory, it feels similar to Guti Territory. It is almost full of various races. However, compared to Guti Territory, the cultural customs here have a poetic flavor, and the tone of speaking is also a scholarly tone. of.

There are also numerous academies here. There are countless academies here. They have produced major poets and are deeply loved and respected by countless people.

"Master, eat vegetables!"

"Master, drink!"

The two goblins in front of Mo Yao'er and Yu Zao each held Zhao Fu's arms, one picked up the food and the other brought the wine, serving Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu was a little helpless and enjoyed their service. The other women were sitting next to him, all of them wearing cloaks to cover their appearance.

However, relying on the alluring temperament exuding from them, they are undoubtedly peerless beauties. When the people at the table heard the seductive and slutty voices of Tamamo no Mae and Mo Yao'er, they all swallowed their saliva and couldn't help but look towards Zhao Fu. aim.

It wasn't until Mo Yao'er slapped the table angrily, scaring everyone, that he looked back and didn't dare to look.

"Brother, please continue talking. What happened after the three emperor stars arrived at the same time?"

"After that, a huge explosion resounded throughout the world. The platform for Guti's grand event was almost destroyed, and the mysterious emperor disappeared."

"Really? I thought the two sides were going to continue to fight. I didn't expect that such a genius would appear in Guti Domain. It was really shocking. The three most powerful people all used suppressive weapons, but they couldn't kill him yet. .”

"Yes! Now it has been spread all over the Guti Territory, and I also heard what others said. Now the three forces are looking for the whereabouts of that person at all costs, and they must kill the mysterious emperor. Such a character will achieve too much in the future. It’s too appalling.”

"Brother, do you know the whereabouts of the Emperor's son? It seems that you have met such a unique genius."

"How do I know? I don't tell you even if I know it. If I sell this information, I won't be able to spend all the money in my life."

Zhao Fu looked a little serious when he heard the sighs of these two people. He didn't expect that the news would spread so far and that other regions would also know the news. It seems that he should be more careful in the Qingzhou Region in the future.

There are still three major forces who are trying their best to find information about him. Zhao Fu is also worried because his appearance at the Gudi Festival is accidentally leaked. They may discover the Great Qin Empire at any time. By then, the Great Qin Empire will have to face three kingdom-level forces. .

There is really not much time left for Da Qin. Da Qin needs to continuously and rapidly increase its strength. Strength is the guarantee of everything.

"Young Master, your slave girl wants it again!" Demon Yao'er said charmingly in her ear, stretching her jade hands under Zhao Fu.

Tamamo Mae also smiled charmingly and stretched out her hand.

Zhao Fu even regretted bringing the two of them here, because it was too tempting, and most men would have to collapse. However, the endurance of the two of them was several times that of other women, which prevented Zhao Fu from bringing more women.

Immediately there was a shameful crashing sound in the guest room. Ye Ningshuang and Shui Ruoliang were once sworn enemies. They never thought that one day they would be under the same man. Pu He lay shyly on the side panting, and Hongye Shou lay on top of Zhao Fu. She likes to serve her best.

Then, Zhao Fu continued on his way with six rosy-faced women.

Because the teleportation array blessed by bounded beads can teleport across extremely long distances, it quickly reached the inner domain of Qingzhou.

There are also several major business groups here. Zhao Fu found a business group and it was easy to reach a deal. Because Zhao Fu had money, everything was easier to handle.

And here we can't enjoy the advantages of the Wanlong Merchant Group. The prices of corpses and rune stones are normal prices, not the previous cost prices. In the future, Da Qin will spend a lot of money on this.

The matter ended perfectly. Zhao Fu and the six girls were about to return to Da Qin, but there was a roar in front of them, the weather suddenly changed, and a terrifying aura hit them.

People around him hurried over and said that several prodigies in Qingzhou were snatching a treasure.

Zhao Fu had no intention of going forward, but the Ten Thousand Dragon Seal on his chest suddenly materialized, emitting bursts of silver light and carrying a hot power that stung Zhao Fu's chest.

It only took an instant for Zhao Fu to understand that that item might be extremely important to the Ten Thousand Dragon Seal, so Zhao Fu asked the six girls to go back first and planned to go and have a look.


A cold young man in red swiped a spear, and countless fiery streams of light flew towards the other two people with terrifying hot power.

The fair young man among the two people snorted coldly. The folding fan in his hand, a strong wind, hit the place fiercely.

There was a loud noise on the fire-colored streamer, and countless fire-colored streamers exploded and turned into countless fire points falling down.

The other person was a fat, dark young man, holding a big axe. The ax brought out a huge black arc and split the incoming firelight away. And with a hint of anger, he shouted loudly, "Ye Kuang, you are only fifth on the Qingzhou list, and you are telling me to get lost in such a loud tone."

The young man in red, who was called Ye Kuang, snorted coldly and stabbed the fat black young man with his spear. This made the fat black young man even more angry. He raised the ax in his hand and the two stood together.

And the fair young man, seeing the fierce fight between the two, flew directly to the sky.

There is a huge ball of light in the sky, with dragons swimming in it, carrying an extremely powerful momentum. This should be what the three of them are trying to snatch.

The fat and dark young man is named Niuhu and ranks fourth on the Qingzhou Ranking. The fair young man is named Yue Qingmu and ranks sixth on the Qingzhou Ranking.

With their status, they have to snatch something. It is obvious that this thing is not simple. People around them are worried about their status and strength and dare not approach them, so they watch from a distance.

Niuhu and Ye Kuang saw Yue Qingmu taking the opportunity to snatch the treasure. They turned around and attacked him together, which forced Yue Qingmu to stop.


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