The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1200 Kendo

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Although the losses this time were relatively large, both in terms of soldiers, ferocious beasts, and monsters, the gains were also huge. A total of two continents were captured, a population of 11 billion, and more than 20,000 cities.

This brings the total population of the Qin Dynasty to 115 billion, the number of cities to 190,000, two more continents, and a lot of improvement in luck, making up for the luck lost by the three previously occupied continents.

At this time, only three of the seven continents in the Fish Scale World were left, and the remaining four fell into the hands of Great Qin. After this war, the strength of the Fish Scale World itself was greatly reduced.

Now there are only three billion troops at most, which is no longer something to be afraid of. Da Qin only needs a chance to gather some troops to completely capture the Fish Scale World.

Due to the tense war outside, Zhao Fu transferred back a lot of troops and now continues to maintain a state of mutual restraint.

Zhao Fu also sent envoys from various parties, hoping to unite the surrounding world to suppress the Demon Horn Empire. If allies help, Da Qin's situation will become much better now.

Even if there is a world to contain it, that would be good. Da Qin can use part of its power to deal with one specifically and increase Da Qin's strength as quickly as possible, but no one wants to cooperate with Da Qin.

Because with the threat of Great Qin, being suppressed by all parties is exactly what they want to see. In the battle between Great Qin and all parties, the strength will be weakened. This is also what they want to see, so it is naturally impossible to participate.

Zhao Fu can only think of other ways to increase Da Qin's strength, and now that the method of turning monsters into monsters has been exposed, Da Qin needs new methods.

This time, Great Qin also used the Flower Demon and the Teleportation Spear, but the other party thought of countermeasures. They used a powerful barrier to block the Flower Demon's pollen, and the Teleportation Spear's teleportation ability enabled them to activate space confinement. , making the teleportation ability ineffective.

Zhao Fu suddenly thought that since monsters could easily transform into monsters, what would happen to sea monsters?

Those sea beasts are huge in size and relatively weak in strength, but if they can be transformed into monsters, they can also increase some of Da Qin's combat power.

In particular, Great Qin has eight sea beast kings. You can directly order them to drive away the sea beasts and let them directly enter the monster world. There is no need for Great Qin soldiers to capture and drive them away, so there will be no loss to Great Qin.

However, the number of sea beasts in the Fish Scale World is now severely reduced.

When the Fish Scale Tribe invaded the human world before, they attracted countless sea beasts. Now that they are attacking the Fish Scale World, the eight sea beasts have driven countless sea beasts to attack the mainland, which has caused a lot of losses to the sea beasts.

It was unclear how many sea beasts could be driven away, so Zhao Fu still ordered eight sea beasts to try to see how many they could drive away.

Of course, Zhao Fu had brought hundreds of demons with him beforehand to see if the sea beasts could quickly transform into monsters. They were monsters themselves, so they knew this matter very well.

At this time, most of the Fish Scale World belonged to Da Qin, and the remaining three continents were forced to defend with all their strength. Zhao Fu could go to the Fish Scale World without any scruples, and by the way, he caught a six-meter-large crab and let Bai Fu See if you can transform into a monster.

Hongye Shou stepped forward and stretched out a jade hand. Countless demonic energy condensed from her hand, forming demonic balloons. She drove the demonic balloons into the body of the giant crab.

The crab's eyes turned blood red, its aura became chaotic, and it kept struggling, trying to break free from Zhao Fu's restraints. Other than that nothing has changed.

Hongye Shou frowned, turned to look at Zhao Fu and said, "Your Majesty! These sea beasts have low intelligence and it is difficult to breed intelligence. Although they are huge in size, they have poor qualifications. They can be transformed into monsters, but it takes more time. .”

"Also, these sea beasts can only become low-level monsters at best. It is rare for high-level monsters to appear, and even fewer can turn into human form."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu was also a little disappointed, but it would be good to transform into monsters and increase some strength of Da Qin, so Zhao Fu immediately asked eight sea beast kings to drive away the sea beasts. In the end, about 400,000 sea beasts were driven into the Four Soul Demon Realm.

After dealing with these things, suddenly the Emperor Sword in the sword seal started to vibrate and emitted bursts of sword light. This made Zhao Fu startled and felt a huge change in the Emperor Sword world. Then Zhao Fu entered the Emperor Sword world. within the realm.

The Emperor Sword Sword Realm is definitely one of the strongest means in Zhao Fu's hands, but it has not been developed. If it is developed, there is no need to fear the three major forces.

It is also worthy of Zhao Fu's vigorous development. Its power will be extremely helpful to Zhao Fu in the later stages, because this is a killing sword that can kill immortals. It will be very powerful against powerful people in the future.

After entering the Emperor Sword Realm, a huge bloody vortex appeared in the sky, exuding a monstrous killing intent. The air was so cold that it was impossible to breathe. It was very painful and uncomfortable.

The hundreds of sword-wielding demons who were originally fighting outside were also taken back by the Emperor Sword Realm. Now they are sitting cross-legged under the bloody vortex, with wisps of blood floating away from their bodies and flying into the huge bloody whirlpool.

The power of the whirlpool has covered the entire Emperor Sword World, and the Emperor Sword World is also constantly shaking. The situation has suddenly changed, and everything has become a bit chaotic.

Zhao Fu couldn't help but feel happy, because he understood that the Emperor Sword Realm was about to be upgraded, and its power would be greatly enhanced, and it could also transform more people into demons with swords.


The bloody vortex suddenly exploded, making a huge roar, and countless blood energy spread rapidly.

, the sky and ground of the Emperor Sword Realm are also constantly expanding, and finally form a world with hundreds of areas.

An even greater power was injected into the Emperor's Killing Sword, and the Emperor's Killing Sword exuded blood and emitted a sword cry of joy.

Zhao Fu saw that not only was the power of the Emperor Sword greatly enhanced, but its quality was also improved a lot. It should be able to grow together with the Emperor Sword World.

Zhao Fu was very surprised by this. When the time comes, Zhao Fu will definitely possess a supreme killing weapon, one that will change the color of the world and make the gods and demons retreat.

The world once stabilized, and the killing sword pool in the center became ten times larger. Now more swordsmanship masters are needed to invest in it, transform it into wielding swords and become demons, and continue to provide the killing energy for the Emperor Sword World.

The number of people who can now be transformed into demons holding swords has increased from one hundred before to one thousand now, which means that one thousand swordsmanship geniuses are needed.

This number is a bit large, and swordsmanship geniuses are not the kind that can be caught in large numbers. They are also very rare. Moreover, the famous swordsmanship geniuses in the surrounding world have already been captured by Da Qin. They want more swordsmanship geniuses. You can only go further.


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