The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1203 Ancient Sword

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At this time, Zhao Fu was staying in another world, inquiring about information about the Ancient Sword Sect, and was not in a hurry to return to Da Qin, because he had not yet gathered a thousand sword geniuses, but he had caught five before, and he still needed 995.

Zhao Fu also wanted to attack the Ancient Sword Sect, otherwise he would not understand the hatred in his heart, and the disciples of the Ancient Sword Sect were really suitable for transformation into sword-wielding demons.

At the same time, Zhao Fu also knew that the Ancient Sword Sect was furious and was looking for information about him everywhere, and was trying every means to kill him. It also issued a high reward and threatened others. Anyone who dared to have contact with him would be punished by the Ancient Sword Sect. Must be destroyed.

The Ancient Sword Sect ranks second in strength in the Guti Domain, and since he has spoken, countless people naturally do not want to have anything to do with Zhao Fu.

And for that high reward, he is now searching everywhere for the whereabouts of Zhao Fu.

Other parties are also looking for Zhao Fu's whereabouts, because Zhao Fu is too dangerous. They want to know Zhao Fu's purpose, especially the Yinyou Dynasty and the Xiongshan Kingdom. They are also looking for Zhao Fu at all costs, and they also want to use any means to kill Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu killed him.

This caused some confusion in the inner realm, all because of Zhao Fu's appearance, but the inner realm was so big that no one had discovered where Zhao Fu was.

In a cave, a cold and charming woman was hung up with her hands bound by iron chains, her clothes were torn, and a pair of snow-white things were exposed on her chest.

Zhao Fu now stopped using the Six Desire Puppet Technique. The cold and charming young woman had now regained her consciousness and stared at Zhao Fu with hatred and anger.

And Zhao Fu looked at her coldly and said, "Madam of the Ancient Sword Sect! Now tell me all the secrets of the Ancient Sword Sect that you know, and maybe I can give you a good time."

The cold woman snorted coldly and turned her head away, "You don't have to think about it. I will never betray the Ancient Sword Sect. If you want to kill me, I will kill you. The Ancient Sword Sect will definitely not let you go. Then you will also He will die miserably."

Zhao Fu was a little angry, "Really? I want to think about it and see whether I die first or whether you, the Ancient Sword Sect, are destroyed by me first. I will definitely sacrifice all of your Ancient Sword Sect to the emperor."

The cold woman turned her head to the side and did not want to pay attention to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu sneered and stepped forward, grabbing the snow-white thing exposed by the cold and beautiful woman with one hand, "Are you really not afraid of what I will do to you? I just want to know all the secrets of the Ancient Sword Sect."

The cold and beautiful woman was caught by Zhao Fu, and she immediately started struggling. She looked at Zhao Fu angrily with her eyes and shouted sternly, "Kill me if you want, you bastard and lewd thief. I will never betray the Ancient Sword Sect. If you dare to do anything to me, I will kill you even if you are a ghost."

Zhao Fu had a sneer on his face and didn't care at all about the cold woman's words. He tore off all her clothes, completely exposing her delicate body.

This made Leng Yanren continue to yell at Zhao Fu in shame and anger.

But Zhao Fu did not take the next step and left the cave. Zhao Fu should be able to conquer the cold woman with the Six Desires Sutra.

But that only made her body need Zhao Fu. If she couldn't surrender her mind, she would still maintain her own thoughts. In other words, if she fell in love with her, she wouldn't reveal the secrets of the Ancient Sword Sect.

Zhao Fu had dealt with many women like this before, but most of the women still retained their independent thoughts and were not controlled by Zhao Fu.

And Zhao Fu didn't want to continue using the same trick to conquer any woman.

However, as the wife of the Ancient Sword Sect, Zhao Fu obviously would not make it easy for her. He injected the demonic energy of the Six Desires into her before leaving, causing the Leng Yan woman to fall into it.

After Zhao Fu left the cave, he began to think about how to continue capturing the disciples of the Ancient Sword Sect.

Now the Ancient Sword Sect issued an order for all disciples to stay in the sect and not to leave to prevent Zhao Fu from retaliating against them. The Ancient Sword Sect also did not guess that Zhao Fu was targeting those disciples, not the wife of the Ancient Sword Sect leader.

Zhao Fu naturally would not attack the Ancient Sword Sect. That would be tantamount to seeking death, so how should he act? How can we catch the disciples of the Ancient Sword Sect?

After thinking about it, Zhao Fu came to the Emperor Sword Realm again and looked at the five people in the Sword Pond. They had already stopped struggling, and their bodies were transforming into holding swords.

The five of them were originally geniuses that everyone looked up to in the Ancient Sword Sect, and their strength ranked among the top among the many disciples. But now they have ended up like this, which is very regrettable.

Especially one of the women, she looks fresh and refined, extremely beautiful. She is also a famous beauty in the Ancient Sword Sect, but now she is transforming into a murderous monster.

Zhao Fu collected all the things they had on them, and indeed there were five tokens. These tokens were naturally the tokens of the Ancient Sword Sect, so they should be able to sneak into the Ancient Sword Sect.

Now that the disciples are not coming out, Zhao Fu can only sneak in quietly, and most of the elders and powerful men of the Ancient Sword Sect are out looking for Zhao Fu, so the interior is naturally relatively empty, making it suitable for Zhao Fu to sneak in.

Zhao Fu carefully walked towards the Ancient Sword Sect with the token. Since the Ancient Sword Sect controlled ten worlds, the sect was naturally huge and had countless disciples. Zhao Fu easily sneaked into it relying on the token.

It was so simple that Zhao Fu was very surprised. Just now, he was wearing a cloak and carrying a token, and entered directly from the sect without any obstruction.

Now that he entered the sect, Zhao Fu began to carefully implement his plan. He still couldn't catch them one by one. Because there were so many people, it would take too long to catch them one by one, and something was definitely wrong.

Zhao Fu also thought of a good idea. In a hidden corner, Zhao Fu grabbed a disciple of the Ancient Sword Sect and asked, "Where does Xiao Changfeng, the second-ranked member of the Ancient Sword Sect, live?"

The disciple was so frightened that he quickly told Zhao Fu the information he wanted, and Zhao Fu casually handed over the information.

The disciple killed him and his body was disgraced. In the Emperor Sword Sword Realm, his qualifications were too low and he was not suitable to be a demon wielder, so he could only be killed.

The reason why Zhao Fu went to Xiao Changfeng was because his strength was only inferior to that of the ancient sword, and his identity was very unusual. He was the grandson of a certain elder of the ancient sword sect. If a person was gathered together in his name, then It's very easy to do.

"Brother! Try harder."

As soon as Zhao Fu sneaked into the courtyard where Xiao Changfeng was, he heard a charming woman's voice and the sound of impact.

Following the sound, Zhao Fu soon discovered a young man with a hint of evil spirit, riding on the body of a coquettish and beautiful woman.

The woman has a very attractive figure, jade-like skin, and a pair of big breasts. Because Zhao Fu has collected information about the Ancient Sword Sect, he knows some of the top people. This woman seems to be ranked seventeenth in the Ancient Sword Sect. My name is Lin Yaner.

There was a sneer on Zhao Fu's face. While the two of them were concentrating on doing that, Zhao Fu's Emperor's Domain silently covered them, blocking out all sounds and things.

Then, in order to subdue the two of them as quickly as possible, Zhao Fu directly used the power of the Six Paths Golem.


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