The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1209 The Power of Great Qin

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Zhao Fu didn't pay attention. He would surrender after Yu Qingshui had suffered enough. After a while, Zhao Fu looked at Yu Qingshui. The classic skirt was soaked through, due to the fragrant sweat that Yu Qingshui was all over.

But the wettest thing was the skirt of Yu Qingshui's lower body, which was dripping continuously and wet a large area of ​​the ground.

Zhao Fu couldn't help but be a little surprised, "Is this the advantage of Water Tribe women?"

Seeing her unbearable look, Zhao Fu walked over and suppressed the demonic energy of six desires in her body, causing her to temporarily regain her consciousness.

"Have you thought about it clearly now?"

When Yu Qingshui heard Zhao Fu's words, he cursed in shame and anger, "Now I want to kill you bastard and let you die immediately."

Zhao Fu sneered and tore off Yu Qingshui's soaked clothes, so that Yu Qingshui's plump jade body was completely in front of Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and hugged her, while Yu Qingshui resisted with all his strength.

Zhao Fu's hands also moved, and after he kissed her forcefully, he said in an evil voice, "I will give you one last chance. As long as you convince Yu Xuan to surrender, I will never hurt you, but if you don't agree, I will do it right away." Taste your body in front of your son and show him how lustful his mother is."

"After I break through the world of fish scales, I will still violate your body in front of Yu Xuan and let him see it, and I will continue to torture him, and I will do it in front of everyone who knows you."

Yu Qingshui gritted his teeth tightly, his eyes flashing with tears. Staring at Zhao Fu angrily, he wished he could cut Zhao Fu into pieces.

Zhao Fu looked at Yu Qingshui with cold eyes, and when he was about to untie his clothes, he shouted to the door, "Bring the fish spirit in."

"No! I... promise you."

When Yu Qingshui saw that Zhao Fu really wanted to do that, he couldn't help but choked up and cried and agreed.

Zhao Fu snorted coldly and asked the guards not to bring the fish spirit in, and untied the iron chain. Because of the previous torture, Yu Qingshui collapsed on the ground with his legs weak, sobbing continuously.

Seeing how pitiful she was, Zhao Fu calmly took out a piece of clothing and gave it to her.

Yu Qingshui took Zhao Fu's clothes, stopped crying, slowly put on his clothes, and stood up coldly.

Looking at her appearance, Zhao Fu frowned and said with authority in his voice, "I don't like you acting like this. Give me a smile."

Yu Qingshui was very angry, but he still suppressed it and forced a smile.

Zhao Fu chuckled and said with satisfaction, "Don't worry, as long as you make Yu Xuan surrender, I will treat you well and will never hurt you. You also know that the world of fish scales cannot withstand Great Qin."

Yu Qingshui was also thinking about this matter in her heart, and understood that Da Qin was right. She would finally give in for the sake of her two sons, but she didn't care about anything.

"Mom! Are you okay?"

After a while, the door opened and Yu Ling ran in. He stepped on a large puddle of water on the ground, stumbled and almost fell to the ground. Yu Qingshui picked up Yu Ling with a blushing face and left the hall.

After Zhao Fu came, many ministers gathered together and told the matter to many ministers. This made many ministers a little surprised. With the help of Yu Qingshui, they were naturally more confident in conquering the fish scale world, but it was a little despicable.

All parties are actively preparing to attack the Fish Scale World.

Three days later, before Da Qin took the lead in launching an attack, all the worlds took the lead and launched a fierce attack on Da Qin.

All parties in Great Qin also actively responded to the challenge. Zhao Fu led his people to the Eastern Continent. Because there was a demon ghost, Zhao Fu had to go to the Eastern Continent. As for the attack on the Fish Scale World, Zhao Fu left it to Astina and Wang Jian. For the two of them, Zhao Fu Still quite relieved.

Both sides had nothing to say at first and launched an attack directly. Countless combined armies rushed towards the Great Wall like a torrent sweeping everything.

Countless monster beast armies roared, shaking the sky, and kept attacking. In addition, the anti-large creatures in the three worlds also exploded with powerful momentum, spreading like a strong wind, which was shocking.

Zhao Fu looked at the incoming combined forces, with a sneer on his face, and shouted, "Let go!"

Boo hoo hoo…

White streams of light, with extremely sharp momentum, cut through the sky, dragging out flow marks. Countless people felt a sense of fear under the huge rain of arrows.

Puff puff……

Countless arrows fell, and the terrifying stream of light passed by. The bodies of countless soldiers were cut into half by the stream of light in an instant, and blood splashed everywhere. The combined army suffered huge losses for a while.

Not only the joint soldiers, but also the monster beasts were penetrated by streams of light. A dozen streams of light tore the body of a hundred-meter monster beast apart, and blood poured down. The scene was extremely terrifying.

This shocked countless people in the alliance. They had seen Da Qin's move before, but because of the small number, they could only use it once or twice at most. Da Qin did not have this move.

But now the number of arrows is almost three or four times that of before. Especially the arrows shot at the monsters are shot with huge crossbows, and the effect is several times stronger than ordinary arrows. Even the monster with a strong physique cannot stop it.

Those crossbows are naturally the result of Great Qin's improvement of the dragon-shooting crossbows. Most of them are made of gold materials. Although the power of the arrows fired is much smaller than the real dragon-shooting crossbows, they are still very amazing.

Boo hoo hoo…

When countless coalition armies were shocked, Da Qin

Countless rune arrows were shot out, and the sound of tearing through the sky was heard. The sharp force made countless people feel death.

"There is still one, what's going on?"

Countless joint armies ordered to stop the attack immediately, and Yao Ming looked ugly and ordered the army of monsters to stop, because the monsters had also suffered a lot just now.

The war situation was instantly suppressed by Great Qin. This is how terrifying the rune arrows are. However, despite achieving such an effect, the rune arrows consume a huge amount of money.

The runestones given by the vice-president of Wanlong Chamber of Commerce previously consumed more than half of them in two strokes. Although it was very heartbreaking, it was able to achieve its purpose, and Zhao Fu thought it was worth it.

On the other side of the Demonic World, there was no accident that they were forcibly suppressed by Da Qin's rune arrows and could only be forced to stop.

His eyes turned to the most important battlefield of the Fish Scale World. Eight sea beast kings drove out four million sea beasts and divided them into two teams to attack two continents.

Moreover, each team is assisted by 1 billion soldiers. These troops were drawn by Da Qin from other armies. The purpose is to forcibly conquer the Fish Scale World without any accidents, so that there will be no resistance in the Fish Scale World.

The largest continent in the fish scale world in the middle was occupied by Astina. First of all, its military strength reached 1.5 billion, and there were also more than 500,000 terrifying monsters.

The aura of murder filled the world, and a disaster of destruction enveloped the fish scale world. This was the power of the Great Qin.


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