The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1221 Snake

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This place was filled with broken bones, most of which had probably been dropped to death. The huge suction force sucked the body down from such a high altitude. Most people would definitely fall to death if they didn't have any means.

Just now, Zhao Fu shot out thousands of chains to resist the suction force, otherwise he might end up like those people.

The surprising thing was that as soon as his feet landed, the huge suction force disappeared, but the danger was not over. Zhao Fu felt that a lot of the power in his body was being absorbed by the ground.

Without any hesitation, Zhao Fu released the Emperor's Domain, wrapping the two people's bodies and isolating the suction force.

It is really dangerous here. If the strength of the Emperor's Domain is not extremely high, it cannot resist the suction. Generally, the King's Domain cannot defend itself, and the body will be sucked dry by the suction emanating from the ground.

And as soon as the feet leave the ground, the huge suction force will appear again, sucking the body down again.

Zhao Fu led Lin Yan'er forward and came to a large cave entrance. Zhao Fu immediately became cautious because Zhao Fu felt a great danger in the cave entrance.


Suddenly, countless things made sharp screams and poured out of the hole like a tide. With the help of the illuminating orb, Zhao Fu could see clearly what it was.

They are a group of creatures that look like humans and beasts. They have human shapes, but they look like wild beasts. They are very ugly. Their bodies are incorporeal and can swim in mid-air.

This group of monsters surged out and surrounded Zhao Fu and the two, and then bit the Emperor's Domain with their sharp teeth. The Emperor's Domain was bitten open bit by bit, and tiny holes appeared.

Zhao Fu's eyes turned cold, he took out a white sword and pointed it at the sky.


There was a roar, a powerful momentum spread, and a dazzling white light rushed into the sky. The dazzling white light illuminated the surrounding abyss like daylight.

Under the white light, those monsters screamed and died one after another. The monsters that kept pouring out of the cave also stopped and hurriedly retreated.

Zhao Fu was right. These creatures lived in such a dark place and were similar to ghosts. So Zhao Fu took out his angel sword and unleashed a powerful light attribute attack. This attack was very effective against those monsters.

Holding the angel sword that emitted strong holy light, Zhao Fu led Lin Yaner directly into the cave entrance. Countless monsters were so frightened that they backed away and did not dare to take a step closer.

In this way, Zhao Fu held the angel sword and kept moving forward.

After a while, those monsters disappeared somewhere and no one was seen again. Zhao Fu became more serious because the aura ahead was more dangerous.

Hiss, hiss...

Countless gray-black snakes rushed out from the front. Each one was dozens of meters long and looked very ugly. It was full of sharp teeth. Although it looked like a virtual body, it looked more like a solid body.

They were no longer afraid of the holy light emitted by the angel sword in Zhao Fu's hand, and opened their huge snake mouths to bite the two of them.

Zhao Fu didn't show any fear and kept swinging his sword, bringing out white sword arcs to kill the big snakes that were attacking. Lin Yan'er next to him also used attacks to keep killing the big snakes that came out.

But these big snakes seemed to be endless, pouring out in a steady stream. More importantly, Zhao Fu found that as he continued to kill the big snakes, his own power was also constantly decreasing. This was not a consumption of power, but a strange disappearance.

This made Zhao Fu stop and let the big snake hit the Emperor's Domain.

Lin Yan'er turned to look at Zhao Fu strangely and asked, "What's wrong, Your Majesty?"

Seventy-two bloody energy shields emerged from the body and merged with the Emperor's Domain. Zhao Fu replied, "Stop killing these snakes. Use brute force to pass through them."

Bang bang bang...

Zhao Fu picked up Lin Yan'er's body, raised the energy shield, and turned into a stream of light with ferocious power, hitting the inside of the cave and knocking out all the big snakes blocking the way.

Those big snakes swarmed up, trying to intercept Zhao Fu. The giant snakes seemed to form a mountain of snakes to block Zhao Fu. Looking at the twisting snake bodies, this scene was still very scary.

Zhao Fu still resisted attacking because he found that once he attacked these snakes, his body's power would disappear strangely, so Zhao Fu could never attack.

But now it was blocked by this thick mountain of snakes. Zhao Fu couldn't help but think of another way. Since he couldn't attack, he would use other attacks.

Zhao Fu was very well prepared this time. He took out buckets of kerosene and poured it on the ground, then lit it. The fire was still burning. The hot power was enough to melt steel into molten iron.

Countless big snakes screamed in the fire and were burned alive. But as they died, the burning flames were also swallowed up by invisible power.

After a while, the blazing flames were finally swallowed up by an invisible force.

This made Zhao Fu stunned and felt how strange this place was, and the countless big snakes rushed towards Zhao Fu like a tide, making a hissing sound that made people's hair stand on end.

Zhao Fu poured out countless amounts of fire oil at once, and the raging fire began to burn. The snakes were burned to death one after another, and the flames were swallowed up little by little, and finally disappeared. However, the number of those big snakes did not seem to decrease at all.

At this moment, Zhao Fu understood something. He could never resist this level, nor could he forcefully kill the big snakes. He could only use a

Some tricks.

After pouring out barrels of kerosene at a time, countless big snakes continued to pounce on Zhao Fu, and were then burned to death by countless flames. The flames were also decreasing little by little, and Zhao Fu took the opportunity to rush over.

The flame emperor's domain can still withstand it, so he won't be afraid of the scorching heat.

Countless big snakes continued to rush in to stop Zhao Fu, and Zhao Fu lit countless kerosene. The fire still devoured everything, and those big snakes were burned alive. Zhao Fu took the opportunity to rush into another distance.

After doing this for more than thirty times, Zhao Fu finally got rid of the countless big snakes. Fortunately, there was more fire oil this time, otherwise he would not have been able to get through here at all.

After getting rid of the big snake, a huge hole appeared in front of Zhao Fu on the ground. This hole was very round and tens of thousands of meters wide. Despite the biting cold, the light of the illuminating orb could not shine there because it would be blocked by an invisible force. swallowed by darkness.

"Your Majesty! Are you still going down?" Lin Yaner looked at Zhao Fu nervously.

Zhao Fu returned and said, "We're all here. The final destination may be down below. I'll continue on and see if there's anything there."

"Yes! Then I will go down with Your Majesty." Lin Yan'er hugged Zhao Fu nervously, without the smile she had before, because she felt an extremely strong danger below.


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