The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1230: The Magic Witch (fourth update, please subscribe)

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Everyone continued to move forward and finally came to a hall. The fog here is also the thickest, and there are countless vines faintly visible on the ground, and there seems to be a square platform in the middle.

Zhao Fu stopped outside the hall and did not go inside. Although there seemed to be no danger here, it was definitely better to be careful.

Zhao Fu took out a stone and threw it tentatively into the hall. At this moment, all the vines seemed to come alive, twisting and turning.

Swish, swish, swish...

Countless vines were already flying towards Zhao Fu and the others with terrifying power. Zhao Fu's expression did not change and he let Mosak and the others maintain their own territory. Zhao Fu took out the King Wood Sword and thrust it into the ground.

A green energy shield spread out, which was a hundred meters wide. The vines inside the green energy shield immediately withered, and their vitality seemed to be sucked away.

Zhao Fu used Wang Mujian's ability to absorb life, which should be very effective in dealing with these plants.

Those vines kept shooting in and withering away. Some of the vines had strong vitality and could break through the green energy shield, but they could not destroy the defense that everyone jointly put up.

As a large number of vines died, the surrounding fragrance gradually became thinner, and finally the appearance of the hall was completely revealed to everyone.

This hall is still the same as the previous hall, with a square platform, but the platform is surrounded by countless vines. Now these vines have withered and completely lost their vitality. Wang Mujian absorbed a large amount of life force, and his strength was greatly improved.

Zhao Fu cut off the vines wrapped around the platform with a few swords, then walked onto the platform and found that it was still a summoning stone platform named LeBlanc, the Witch of Deceiver.

Putting his hand on the magic circle, Zhao Fu activated the magic circle at once.

Countless bloody fragrances gathered towards the magic array, making the magic array filled with fragrance. At this moment, this fragrance no longer had the ability to create illusions, and a figure emitting a powerful aura appeared on the magic array.

She was wearing a blue skirt and a blue cloak, holding a staff. She had a mature figure, short silver-white hair, and purple lips, which made her very charming and charming. The fragrance of flowers is addictive.

"LeBlanc responds to the call and is willing to serve my lord!"

After LeBlanc appeared, she also knelt on one knee, looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of beautiful eyes, and made a charming voice with a faint smile.

Zhao Fu sensed LeBlanc's power. She was obviously stronger than Kalista and Evelynn, and she should be a powerful illusion mage.

There were no surprises next. Zhao Fu accepted LeBlanc's allegiance, and then looked at the hall. There was no door or anything else. This time, the ruins were explored.

Zhao Fu was a little disappointed. This time the ruins did not obtain anything, but he only gained three powerful subordinates. Thinking of the strength of LeBlanc and the others, the results of the ruins exploration this time were pretty good.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu took them back.

Lin Yaner and others watched Zhao Fu return and another extremely beautiful and alluring woman appeared beside them. They also understood that after the ruins were explored, there was also a summoning stone platform at the end, and that woman was the summoned character.

Princess Frost and others couldn't help but become nervous. Now that the ruins have been explored, Zhao Fu said before that if they were not satisfied with what they obtained, they would skin them to make sky lanterns.

Zhao Fu walked out, glanced at them, and said calmly, "Let's go!"

Princess Frost and others breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that Zhao Fu had no intention of harming them, but they couldn't help but ask, "Emperor! You have finished exploring the ruins, when will you let us leave?"

Zhao Fu snorted coldly and did not reply. He was still angry with them, so naturally he couldn't let them go and lead others ahead.

The faces of Princess Frost and others were not very good, and they understood that Zhao Fu was still unwilling to let them go, so they would still have to worry about their own safety, as well as Long Yang's safety.

However, this is okay. After Long Yang recovers from his injuries, they will have the strength to protect themselves. Otherwise, even if they leave like this, if they encounter a void beast or other people, they will die. Now that they have Zhao Fu's protection, they don't have to worry about danger. .

Princess Frost and others felt much better after thinking this, and followed the others.

When we arrived outside the ruins, the sky had darkened. There were countless twinkling stars in the night sky, which was very spectacular and beautiful. However, the light was a bit poor and we couldn't see very far objects, so it was not suitable for traveling.

Zhao Fu could only stop and rest in place for the night, just as he entered the Taixu ruins. Zhao Fu had not had a good rest yet, so he could take this opportunity to rest and recover the energy and energy he had consumed.

Melaphi, LeBlanc and others are full of energy, so they are responsible for keeping vigil nearby.


Gray dragon shadows appeared on Zhao Fu's body, making Zhao Fu look pained. The Emperor's Curse broke out at this time, because Zhao Fu had not been with the woman for a while.

"Your Majesty! What's wrong with you?" Lin Yan'er looked at Zhao Fu's painful expression and walked over and asked with concern.

But the next moment she was pushed to the ground by Zhao Fu, and then Zhao Fu began to invade her body. This made Lin Yaner excited and tears filled her eyes. She had been waiting for this day for a long time. She responded fiercely to Zhao Fu, but before After a while, he collapsed on the ground.

The seven Frost Princesses next to them had blushing faces and their heartbeats were beating rapidly. Zhao Fu was actually doing such a sexy thing in front of them.

"Come here!" Zhao Fu let go of the helpless Lin Yan'er,

He turned and said in a commanding tone.

The seven Frost Princesses understood what was going to happen, but for the sake of their lives and the unconscious Long Yang on the ground, they were still determined and walked towards Zhao Fu.

Long Yang, who was unconscious on the ground, recovered after a period of time. His injuries began to improve, and his consciousness gradually recovered quickly.

At this time, Long Yang, who was sleeping, heard the moans of the seven women he loved. He was shocked and struggled to open his eyes. Although he only opened them a little and his eyes were still blurry, he could clearly see a man. He is riding on the seven women he loves.

A surge of anger rushed into his heart, and his mind seemed to explode. Long Yang, who was originally weak, fell into a coma.

Hearing the shameful sound coming from behind, LeBlanc and Evelin showed charming smiles on their faces, turned around and walked towards the back. Callista saw the two walking over and followed them.

Mossak stood up and stopped the three of them and said, "What do you want to do?"

LeBlanc chuckled and said, "Of course I want to get closer to my master, and you get out of the way. You can't stop me with your strength."

Mossak heard the voices of the women behind him begging for mercy, understood something, stepped aside, and snorted coldly, "If the master blames me, you will know that you are wrong!"

LeBlanc smiled charmingly and ignored Mossack's words. Looking at the beautiful scene behind them, the three of them took off their clothes and joined in.


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