The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1232 Green Blood

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I saw a half-human, half-goat monster coming out, bursting out with a powerful momentum, then raising the steel fork in his hand and thrusting it into the ground. A huge black-gray barrier instantly spread out, tens of thousands of meters wide. .

The sandworms that entered the barrier were obviously weakened, and the barrier was weakening their power.

At this moment, a beautiful and alluring woman walked out, raising the staff in her hand, and countless dazzling blue lights spread out. The sandworms went crazy at that moment, attacking the same kind around them.

In less than a moment, the originally ferocious tide of sandworms turned into a pile of corpses, which was shocking and dumbfounding.

The group of people who originally ran away had expressions of disbelief that the other party had wiped out the sand beast tide so easily. They felt that it was too powerful and could not be compared to them.

Zhao Fu didn't take these sandworms seriously. Mossak was weakened first, and LeBlanc used illusions. These sandworms had low intelligence and were easily confused.

Continuing to move forward and killing several more waves of sandworms, Zhao Fu and his team arrived at the deepest part of the dangerous place.


The ground trembled violently, countless blood and sand flowed, and a monstrous terrifying aura emanated from the ground. The surrounding area fell into deathly silence, and the air became extremely solemn.

A body ten thousand meters long, enough to cover the sky and the sun, emerged from the ground. It was an extremely huge sandworm. It looked up to the sky and let out a roar. The sound wave spread like a substance, shaking the ears. pain.

Lin Yan'er and the others have already retreated to the back. They are not capable of participating in this level of battle, and Zhao Fu is no longer fighting alone, because now that there are so many subordinates, they will naturally besiege this sandworm.

Mossak roared and inserted the steel fork into the ground, and a black-gray barrier spread out with lightning speed. The power of the giant sandworm was immediately weakened.

Melaphi disappeared from the spot and appeared from the void on one side. With a swipe of the dagger in his hand, a wound more than a hundred meters long was created. Green blood flowed out, causing the giant sandworm to let out a cry of pain.

Kalista threw the blue spear hard, and the blue spear shot into the sandworm's body with huge power, causing the sandworm to cry out in pain. Kalista grabbed it in the air, and the The spear that was shot automatically returned to her hand.

Evelin, who has a sexy figure, appeared next to the sandworm in a flash, and landed on the sandworm with a punch that had the power to break a mountain. The sandworm's body cracked under the force, and countless green blood splashed everywhere. The insect screamed once.

After receiving so many attacks in succession, the sandworm was angry and wanted to attack, but at this time LeBlanc took action.

She raised her staff, and countless blue rays of light formed into a blue flower. With a wave of LeBlanc, the blue flower flew into the sandworm's body, causing the sandworm to freeze in place, but only for a few seconds.

At this moment, Zhao Fu also launched an attack, and the swords of the surrounding dead clans emitted strong sword light. Zhao Fu slashed hard, and a huge sword light cut through the air, knocking the sandworm's body away for hundreds of people. rice, fell heavily to the ground.

The ground shook violently, and countless yellow sand flowed, looking like a disaster.

The sandworm was only attacked by Zhao Fu and others for one round. Now it was frightened. Knowing that it was no match for Zhao Fu and others, it turned its head into the ground and tried to escape.

Of course Zhao Fu wouldn't let it escape, and the golden pupil of his left eye turned rapidly.

Clang, clang, clang...

Countless iron chains shot out from the void with great force, tightly binding the huge body of the sandworm. The sandworm twisted hard, trying to break away from the iron chains.

And its whole body exuded a kind of yellow light, and the blood-colored gravel around it flew into the sky little by little, and then formed long spears made of sand, numbering tens of thousands, and flew out in all directions like a rain of guns.

The Mossacks used attacks or defenses to resist. Zhao Fu also pulled the iron chain closer and waved his sword to chop the incoming spear into pieces.

Although there are many of these sand guns, the power of each one is not very strong, and they are relatively scattered, so they are easy to deal with.

Sandworm tried his best to make this move, but his strength was a little weak. Zhao Fu took the opportunity to pull the chain with all his strength and pulled Sandworm to the ground.

The others attacked quickly. Melaphy kept waving his dagger, causing wounds. Kalista also kept piercing the body of the sand beast with her spear. Evelin attacked the sand beast with punches.

The attacks from everyone caused the sand beast to scream in pain, and wounds appeared on its body, making it look very miserable.

A dozen or so people in the distance who originally planned to escape couldn't help but came back out of curiosity to take a look. They looked horrified and swallowed their saliva. When the sandworm came out with monstrous flames, they thought that the sandworm had the power to destroy the world. No one could. withstand.

But now they are being unilaterally abused by that team, and they don't seem to have any defensive power. The strength of that team feels super strong.

However, they did not dare to stay where they were, because they had led the sandworms to them. If that group of people found out that they were still there, they would definitely hunt them down, so they had to escape from here as soon as possible.

The sandworm had been seriously injured after a fierce attack. Zhao Fu came to it and asked, "Do you surrender to me now?"

Zhao Fu had said before that Zhao Fu wanted to conquer any giant creature. However, as the strongest creature in the fierce land, no matter what creature he could conquer, Zhao Fu would try his best to conquer it, because after returning to Da Qin, he would have a strong s help.

The sandworm seemed unable to speak, but showed a willingness to surrender, but

Just as Zhao Fu was approaching, the sandworm suddenly burst out with a huge force, broke some iron chains, and swallowed Zhao Fu in one gulp.

This shocked everyone and they hurriedly attacked Zhao Fu.

The moment Zhao Fu was swallowed into his mouth, he had already displayed the Emperor's Domain and the Holy Realm's Domain. Seeing the countless teeth on the flesh wall biting him, Zhao Fu snorted coldly and exploded with all his strength, a burst of arrogance. The body ignited, and the dead sword in his hand emitted a dazzling sword light.


A loud sound rang out, and a huge sword light shot out from the body of the sandworm and shot into the sky. The whole sky suddenly became murderous. Countless blood fell like rain. The huge body of the sandworm fell to the ground, dead.

Zhao Fu also came out of the big hole that was opened. He looked at the body of the sand beast and felt a little angry. This sand beast was looking for death, pretending to surrender, and wanted to eat Zhao Fu in one bite. Zhao Fu could only kill it. It's up.

After killing the sandworm, Zhao Fu remembered another reminder: kill the giant sand beast and get 100,000 points.

I don’t know whether it was because of killing the giant beast in the sand, or because of the cooperation of many people, but the points obtained were relatively small, not as many as before.


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