The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1238 Beautiful man

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Zhao Fu became interested when he heard the word relic, but Zhao Fu didn't believe the person who appeared in front of him, so he said, "First hand over your soul imprint, and then take us to the relic, I can give you a follower Opportunity."

Chen Zhenghe was a little excited. He didn't expect it to be so easy to succeed. He immediately handed over his soul imprint and took Zhao Fu to the ruins.

After a while, the crowd of Zhao Fu came to a big rock, only to see Chen Zhenghe knocking on the big rock seven times, the void trembled, and a black hole appeared.

Zhao Fu and the others carefully carried them into it. It was a rock passage, and the passage was very flat and smooth. On both sides of the wall were very fragrant paintings, all of which were paintings of men and women, which made people feel the urge to bleed.

Zhao Fu took a look at these paintings, but felt that they were useless, so he stopped paying attention, and LeBlanc didn't seem to be interested.

Everyone continued to move forward and came to a gorgeous hall. There were seven wine tables on the upper platform, and seven beautiful men were sitting. Below were all corpses. These corpses were male and female, naked and naked, but their expressions were full of expressions. Pleasure and comfort.

The appearance of the seven extremely beautiful men was already a little better than Zhao Fu, and they were all tall and slender.

And exudes different temperaments, some are gentle like sunshine, some are cold like ice, some are domineering like a king, some are lively like a small beast, some are arrogant, and some are gentle and talented. These seven appear together and can definitely confuse thousands of girls.

The domineering and handsome man sitting in the center said with a chuckle, "There's another batch! The seven of us can have a good time again."

A beautiful man next to him looked at the LeBlanc people with lewd and evil eyes, "This time there are a lot of top-quality goods, and I really don't need to wait any longer."

Zhao Fu frowned slightly, but he didn't move. He saw the domineering and handsome man wave his hand with disdain. A wave of pink light spread out, and countless runes appeared in the hall. The bodies of everyone in Zhao Fu suddenly stiffened in place, unable to move.

At the same time, the body also felt a rush of heat. No matter the body of men and women was hot, and their breathing became rapid, Princess Frost's mind was blank, their bodies were weak, their faces were flushed, and they had already groaned.

Kalista's eyes were full of spring, her face was blushing, and she was breathing heavily. Evelyn licked her lips hungrily, her body exuding a seductive breath, and LeBlanc looked charming and dissolute.

With a domineering smile, the domineering man stepped down from the upper platform and said, "Now you can have a good time, play with women first, and play with men."

The other men also came down with a smile, the domineering man hugged the charming LeBlanc, and the other handsome men stepped forward one by one.

One picked up the hungry and thirsty Evelyn, the other picked up the cold and shy Kalista, the other picked up the charming Lin Yaner, the other picked up the arrogant Princess Frost, and the other picked up the weak Bai Rou. Princess, there is another Princess Qiumei who hugs a seductive figure.

Looking at the seven beautiful people in their arms, the seven beautiful men were also a little moved, showing a lewd smile, planning to enjoy one party, holding many women, and returned to the platform.

Not satisfied alone, he picked up the hot Princess Hannan and the beautiful and generous Princess Wulin.

Some of them were dissatisfied and said, "Why do you want three for the second child? The seven of us can't be divided, and we want the boss. After you have played with that woman, don't play with the disabled first, I also want to play with that stunner. "

The domineering and handsome man looked at LeBlanc, who was charming and seductive in his arms, and responded with a smile. He was reluctant to play bad for such a superb stunner.

Another beautiful man said with a smile, "Boss, why don't we play together! I also like the beauty in your arms."

Now all the women are powerless, blushing, panting slightly, looking desperately in need, even if the seven beautiful men can't resist what they do.

Many beautiful men put them on the platform, and their hands began to slowly take off the clothes on those beauties.


Just after this, a black gas burst out from each woman's body and submerged into the bodies of seven beautiful men, which made the faces of the seven beautiful men change.

The six black crystals in Zhao Fu's body shook, and the huge six desires gushed out. Zhao Fu's eyes were cold, and his body returned to freedom at this time.

clang clang...

With a wave of Zhao Fu's hand, countless iron chains flew out, tying up the seven beautiful men. When the black energy entered the body, the seven beautiful men's bodies stiffened, so Zhao Fu took the opportunity to easily bind them.

At the same time, with a wave of his hand, countless black lights shot out and submerged into the bodies of the surrounding people, making them return to normal.

The girls lying on the platform also returned to Zhao Fu.

"Master! Can you give me a play?" LeBlanc said in a coquettish tone as she hugged Zhao Fu.

Then, LeBlanc turned her head, and although her face had a charming smile, she looked at those beautiful men with cruel eyes.

Zhao Fu snorted coldly, "The seven of them can be handled by me. Since they want to meet and get together, I will fulfill them now."

I saw Zhao Fu stretch out a hand and face the seven beautiful men, countless six desires and demonic energy poured into their seven bodies, and the seven beautiful men suddenly felt their bodies extremely hot, which made their faces pale.

A person hurriedly said, "Sir! I am willing to surrender to you."

Zhao Fu ignored his words, because the fate of the woman who dared to touch him was only a death sentence, and Zhao Fu did not accept their allegiance.

Afterwards, the seven handsome men gasped loudly, their eyes were red, like bulls in heat,

Zhao Fu loosened the chains, and the seven of them rushed towards each other as if losing their minds, and the seven began to do indescribable things.

Zhao Fu had no interest in watching it. There was a six-desire demon liquid left in each of them, and they would just collapse and die.

Let the remaining people go out first, Zhao Fu walked to a secret door in the main hall, entered a secret room, and found a treasure box with more than 30 pink fruits in it.

These pink fruits are only the size of longan, with a smooth surface, a slight pink glow, and an attractive and rich fragrance.

Zhao Fu took a look and found that this pink fruit, called Charming Fragrant Fruit, can be given to women to obtain a Charming Spirit physique, and its strength and cultivation will be greatly improved. It is considered an extremely precious thing.

In addition, Zhao Fu also discovered a cultivation technique with a very high level, suitable for cultivation by those with a charismatic physique, as well as a piece of saint-level equipment.

Looking at it again, there was nothing else to gain, Zhao Fu exited the dark room and watched the real frenzy. Zhao Fu didn't have time to wait for the seven handsome men together, so he continued to increase the amount of Six Desires' Demonic Qi, making them even crazier, like beasts.

In the end, the seven beautiful men had empty eyes, and their faces were happy and comfortable. They lay on the ground weakly, collapsed and died.


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