The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1240 Blood Sword

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!


The blood-red dragon-patterned hood was shattered by Zhao Fu's sword, Shyvana's body was slashed and flew out, and Zhao Fu took the opportunity to shoot countless chains, and Shyvana was suspended in the air.

Zhao Fu followed the instructions, straightened the chain, and began to tear Shyvana's body with all his might.

ah ah ah...

Shyvana kept screaming in pain, feeling that her body was being torn a little bit, and blood was coming out of the wound.


Shyvana's body was torn apart, her arms, legs, head, and chest were all separated, and countless pieces of corpses were scattered, hoping that the beautiful and heroic head would fall on the ground and roll like a ball.

Zhao Fu frowned, looked at the slowly disappearing body, and moved on.


Suddenly, a flywheel weapon, with enormous power, flew towards Zhao Fu, Zhao Fu's expression in front of him, he chopped the flywheel out, and at the same time he walked out alone.

She has long light red hair, fair skin, very delicate appearance, and a very plump figure. She is wearing a tight armor and exudes a very strong aura. She is the one who just attacked Zhao Fu.

Sivir, goddess of war, a mercenary with a reputation for being ruthless. With her never-shrinking courage and never-ending ambition, she achieved astonishing fame and fortune.

Sivir stretched out the void and grabbed it, and the flywheel that was thrown by Zhao Fu automatically returned to her hand, and then threw it forcefully.

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand, and countless ghost qi surged out to form a ghost hand, grabbed the flying wheel, and shouted, "Ghost bite!"

Countless ghosts suddenly poured out from around Sivir and rushed towards her frantically. Sivir waved his fists and killed more than a dozen ghosts, but he was still knocked down by the ghosts.

The evil spirits opened their fang-filled mouths and began to tear at the flesh of Sivir, eating it one by one. Sivir kept screaming in pain, and eventually the pain was lost, and the corpse seemed to be eaten. Clean and tidy.

Zhao Fu felt a little numb and continued to walk forward.

A figure blocked Zhao Fu at one time. She was enchanting, wearing a black bodysuit, with short black hair, and the bangs that slanted down on the left to cover her eyes.

The unparalleled sword Ji Fiona, as the youngest junior of the Laurent family, is also a very powerful swordsman.

The two sides glanced at each other, and after ten minutes, a shrill scream sounded, and the sharp sword arcs cut off the flesh on Fiona's body little by little. In the end, only a pair of blood-red skeletons remained. Cruel and bloody.

Fiona's body disappeared at once, Zhao Fu sighed and looked forward, not knowing how long the road was, it seemed that five women had already been tortured and killed. Metamorphosis is impossible.

Looking ahead, if it has always been like this, then we can only give up this ruin. Zhao Fu doesn't want to continue to kill like this.

Although Zhao Fu is not a good person, he really doesn't like this kind of constant torture, unless there are some people who have deep hatred, but these women and Zhao Fu have no hatred.

Perhaps sensing Zhao Fu's thoughts, a door appeared in front of Zhao Fu, Zhao Fu opened the door curiously, and appeared in a bedroom, which was decorated very cutely in pink.

On the big bed in the middle lies a charming woman. She is wearing a tube top and short skirt. She has a sexy figure, snow-white skin and a beautiful face. She also has long black hair, a pair of ears, golden fox eyes, and nine tails. .

The nine-tailed fox, a fox that roams the jungles of southern Ionia, dreams of becoming a human.

"Reminder! Rape and kill the person in front of you, you can clear the customs ahead of time."

Looking at the beauty on the bed and the reminder, Zhao Fu felt a pain in his head. He had never done this kind of thing before, and it touched his bottom line, so Zhao Fu didn't want to do it.

But this prompt shows that if you rape and kill the woman in front of you, you will clear the customs ahead of time, that is, after killing her, everything can be over.

When Zhao Fu was hesitating, Ah Li got off the bed and came to Zhao Fu, smiling charmingly, "It seems that you are not completely broken, but you can't pass that perverted test like this."

"However, that twisted pervert, who likes to value you so much, and breaks the rules to give you a shortcut, as long as you treat me like that, you will definitely pass the perverted test."

After the little raccoon finished speaking, he hugged Zhao Fu's neck with a seductive smile, and kissed Zhao Fu with his sexy red lips, "Come on! I won't blame you, don't worry, I won't really die, as long as you can After passing that perverted trial, we won't have to suffer like this, and if you want, I will serve you every day from now on."

Zhao Fu was still a little hesitant. Although Ah Li said so himself, and he wouldn't really die, Zhao Fu was still a little overwhelmed if he really wanted to do something like that.

"Good husband! Hurry up!" Xiaoli kept kissing Zhao Fu, urging Zhao Fu to do that quickly, and then killed her.

But Zhao Fu was still hesitant and couldn't make a move.

At this moment, a sharp and twisted voice sounded, "Hurry up! As long as you do that, you can pass my trial, then you are my master, and you can also obtain the inheritance of torture! You can torture everyone, you will become a peerless powerhouse.”

Hearing this voice, Xiaoli stopped and whispered in Zhao Fu's ear, "This is the pervert, it seems that he really likes you.

Woolen cloth! Good xianggong, can you kill me quickly? "

Zhao Fu thought for a moment, but gently pushed the little raccoon away, and said calmly, "I want to quit this trial, I don't want to continue."

Xiaoli's face turned pale when he heard the words. If Zhao Fu didn't pass the test, then those of them would be abused forever.

"Master! I beg you."

Xiaoli had tears in his eyes and said pitifully, calling Zhao Fu the master.

Zhao Fu was still unmoved, because he heard the perverted, distorted and eager voice, which showed that it was not Zhao Fu who was anxious, but it. Zhao Fu didn't want to be passive like this, so he wanted to take the initiative.

"Sorry! I'm leaving to find other ruins." Zhao Fu said in a flat tone and left.

"Wait! Don't go, come here, you have passed the test."

Seeing that Zhao Fu was really leaving, that twisted and sharp voice hurriedly shouted to Zhao Fu.

Hearing this, Zhao Fu was speechless for a while. He knew that this would not have to be as troublesome as before. At the same time, he was curious about what he would get, what this inheritance was, and what was the thing that made the sound?

When Xiaoli heard this, he couldn't help crying and laughing, because he was excited and happy.

Zhao Fu turned around and a blood-colored light door appeared. He stepped into it and came to a blood-colored room. There was a stone platform with a blood sword stuck on it.


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