The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1246 Fighting for the front

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

"Evil Dragon!"

In the face of seventy-two spears with a powerful salvo, Zang Mingyue's momentum remained unchanged, and with a loud roar, the purple dragons swimming around her body were injected into the knife. The Zilong rushed towards Zhao Fu.

bang bang bang...

The spears stabbed Zilong's body one by one, piercing through holes, but Zilong still charged towards Zhao Fu with a fierce momentum, and opened his mouth to Zhao Fu, wanting to swallow Zhao Fu in one bite.

Zhao Fu's eyes were cold, and he raised the killing sword. Countless blood lights appeared. Zhao Fu waved hard, and a huge blood light slashed out.


A painful dragon roar sounded, the huge blood light slashed, and the purple dragon was divided into countless segments from the beginning to the end. This was the killing effect of the killing sword.

At the same time, Zhao Fu looked at Zang Mingyue, the six gray dots in his right eye were turning rapidly, innocent and cold ghosts gushed out, three ghosts a hundred meters high suddenly appeared around Zang Mingyue, raised their fists with great strength, Zang Mingyue called.

Zang Mingyue sneered disdainfully, "How dare a mere ghost attack this emperor's son... emperor blood!"

Just listening to Zang Mingyue shouting loudly, a pair of eyes turned purple, his hair seemed to be dyed purple, and a purple light wave spread out with tremendous force.

Before the three ghosts could attack Zang Mingyue, they were swept out by the purple light wave, screaming and turning into countless ghosts.


There was a loud crash of steel, and Zhao Fu did not know when he disappeared in place and appeared above Zang Mingyue. A sword with fierce sword power slashed towards Zang Mingyue. At that moment, Zang Mingyue also swung a long sword. Block Zhao Fu.

Zang Mingyue looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, with a trace of contempt on her face, "You can't defeat this emperor with your strength. You don't know the power of being a real emperor."

Zhao Fu also looked at Zang Mingyue, sneered, and asked, "Really?"


Zhao Fu's whole body stirred with blood, the power of the emperor's bloodline expanded with all his strength, a black arrogance ignited from his body, and a strong storm spread.


With a dull voice, Zhao Fu caught the sudden burst of power and slashed Zang Mingyue out with a sword.

Zang Mingyue, who flew out upside down, had a look of anger and roared, "Wan Ling Zhan!"

clang clang...

One after another sword light appeared in the sky, with tens of thousands of handles, exuding a huge sword energy, shaking the square, the sharp sword energy, people in the distance also felt a danger.

In the next moment, Wan Dao Dao Guang was like a tsunami, crashing down towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu defended with all his strength, and the blood sword kept waving, slashing out bloody arcs, smashing the sword light that came over.

However, the power of Wan Dao Dao Qi's slashing was too strong, and it was still slashed and flew out, the protective cover was also broken, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of the mouth.


Zang Mingyue took the opportunity to charge at Zhao Fu again, and the long knife in his hand pulled out a large amount of purple light. Makes the sky roar.

There was also a trace of anger in Zhao Fu's heart. He raised the killing sword in his hand, and a blood-colored sky surged into the sky, forming a huge blood-colored sun, and a perverted and crazy killing intent enveloped all directions.


Zhao Fu's sword fell, and a huge blood-colored sword light that seemed to cut Wanshan apart, slashed towards Zang Mingyue.

At this moment, Zang Mingyue roared loudly, and the long knife in his hand spurted out a more intense light. He swung the long knife in his hand with force, and a huge purple light fiercely cut out.


There was another huge explosion, and the sword light and the sword light collided. In the end, the sword light smashed the sword light, and Zang Mingyue's body was also knocked hundreds of meters away. Clothes, but the wound is not deep.

The severe pain made Zang Mingyue's face turn a little grim, and yelled at Zhao Fu, "You deserve to die!"


I saw Zang Mingyue roaring loudly, a huge purple energy rushed into the sky, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered quickly, the sky darkened, a dark cloud shrouded the sky, and a huge coercion came out from above the dark clouds.


A sword sounded, and the majestic sword qi smashed the dark clouds in an instant, and the fierce sword qi poured down like the water of heaven. There are countless people here with fear on their faces, feeling that their bodies will be affected by the sword qi. cut.

A phantom sword with a height of 10,000 meters, exuding endless sword energy, appeared in the sky with a sky-shattering momentum.

Zhao Fu felt the terrifying blow of this blow, and put on the sword of the dead clan again. The sword pointed at the sky, and a gray beam of light rose into the sky. The spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth was also gathering frantically, and a beautiful figure in a palace skirt appeared in the gray light. , she is like the god of death.

The surroundings became extremely gloomy, countless gray death auras spread, and countless people felt the power of death.


Zang Mingyue controlled this 10,000-meter long sword, with endless sword energy, vowed to slay the heavens and the earth, and fiercely slashed at Zhao Fu.


Zhao Fu also chopped off the sword of the dead clan he held high in his hand, and that figure, like a god of death, charged towards Zang Mingyue with a deadly aura that swept the world.


A loud bang exploded, and the two annihilating forces collided together. The force seemed to destroy the sky and the earth. The dazzling light turned the sky and the earth into a white light, and the shock wave with destruction.

Spread tens of thousands of meters between moments.

The sky and the earth shook, and the void tore out small cracks, the ground collapsed instantly, and the stones turned into countless powders.

After everything subsided, a large pit of tens of thousands of meters appeared on the ground, and there was a trace of destruction floating on the ground, making people tremble as if they had fallen into ice water.

Zhao Fu and Zang Mingyue each took a few hundred steps back, with a trace of blood on the corners of their mouths, probably both of them were injured.

Everyone around looked at the destruction caused by the two and broke free from the uncontrollable trembling. Is this still a human battle? It is simply a level of destruction, and it is not a level of battle with them.

Shishuge, Youquan, Mingjian, etc. Although they knew Zhao Fu, they had never seen Zhao Fu's power. From this moment, they realized how terrifying his power was.

The goalkeeper next to the mahogany gate was also surprised. If they hadn't tried hard to maintain the barrier, it is very likely that they would have destroyed this place. One of the goalkeepers couldn't help but said, "Let the two of them fight like this without interfering? "

The goalkeeper who was in charge of the trial before nodded, "This is the rule! Let the two of them fight! Two emperors fighting for each other, this is a rare scene."


With a loud bang, Zang Mingyue was slashed by Zhao Fu's sword, and hit the ground heavily, directly smashing a big hole, Zang Mingyue coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, and climbed up from the ground looking a little embarrassed.

The several princesses who served him had ugly faces. This was the first time that Zang Mingyue was so embarrassed. The other emperor was also really strong.


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