The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1259 First imperial blood

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Zang Mingyue smiled happily and said, "Thank you eldest brother, in fact, I also have a sense of proportion and will not offend people with too high status. This time I just went to the outer domain and was taught a lesson by a fake, I really want to be angry. Damn me, that fake has so much power."

"Fake?" Zang Wuyue asked with some interest.

Afterwards, Zang Mingyue told Zang Mingyue all the incident, how she met Zhao Fu, and the battle.

Zang Wuyue's face was a little serious, and she asked, "You said that the emperor's aura on that person is not only stronger than yours, but also many times purer than you? There is no empire blessing?"

Zang Mingyue nodded and said, "I'm also a little strange, why is that fake one with such pure emperor blood!"

Zang Wuyue explained and replied, "As the emperor's son, the emperor's blood is the most pure. If it can be purer than us, it is only the first-generation emperor's blood."

Zang Mingyue exclaimed in surprise, "No way! How could that person have the blood of the first generation of emperors, he could not have an empire, or I would have died long ago."

"This is what makes me strange. Even if ordinary people get the emperor's blood by chance, the emperor's blood will not be pure, only mixed blood, but that person is the first-generation emperor's blood." Zang Wuyue said ponderingly.

Zang Mingyue shouted, "Then what should I do? That person dared to hurt me, and he dared to treat me with such a contemptuous attitude. I don't understand my hatred for not killing him."

Zang Wuyue glanced at him and said seriously, "Okay! I will solve this matter, and that person is very difficult, so be careful!"

Hearing this, Zang Mingyue smiled reassuringly, already thinking of how Zhao Fu died tragically.

Subsequently. Zang Wuyue returned to the main hall. Originally, other people did not care about this matter, but when Zang Wuyue came back to talk about the matter, everyone was a little surprised and asked, "The first generation of emperor blood?"

Zang Wuyue answered seriously, "According to what the sixth brother said, that person should be the first generation of emperor blood, and that emperor blood is much stronger than the emperor blood of our Zang Empire. This time, the sixth brother is not wronged."

"This is not a trivial matter. We should now send someone to arrest that person, torture him, and force him to find out why he is the first emperor's blood." One person said coldly.

Zang Wuyue shook her head, "I'm afraid it's a little difficult, because the sixth brother met that person in the ruins of the Outer Territory, and it's hard to find that person now."

The elegant middle-aged man above, with a serious expression, had a faint feeling of bad premonition in his heart, and said, "Then use the imperial secret technique to calculate the person's position, if you can know how he obtained the first generation of emperor blood, maybe it will be very helpful to the Zang Empire. It is of great help, and this person is a lot of trouble, so we should get rid of it as soon as possible."

When everyone heard his words, they didn't expect the middle-aged man to attach so much importance to this matter, and even to use the secret technique of the empire, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

One person said, "Father, are you sure? Do you need to pay such attention?"

The elegant middle-aged man replied earnestly, "Yeah! My intuition tells me that this matter must be taken seriously."

Afterwards, on a tall altar, an old man dressed in sacrificial attire stood in the center of a magic circle. Zang Mingyue was also called. He didn't expect the empire to attach so much importance to one thing, and he was a little surprised that Zhao Fu would surely die.

A piece of bloody clothes was handed over to the priest, and the blood on the clothes was Zhao Fu's blood.

Holding this piece of clothing, the sacrificial priest began to recite the ancient encounter. The surrounding temperature suddenly became cold, and a cold ghost gushed out from the altar. Countless ghosts emerged, surrounding the central sacrificial priest like a vortex.

Gradually, more and more yin qi has spread, and it has spread to 10,000 meters away, and the ghosts surrounding the sacrifice have reached tens of thousands, with a vast and amazing momentum.


The sacrificial priest threw the blood robe in his hand into the sky, and the tens of thousands of ghosts surrounding the sacrificial priest like a vortex swarmed towards the blood robe in an instant.

A huge phantom appeared in the sky. It was a pale and ferocious ghost emperor, wearing a gray dragon robe, a gray dragon crown on his head, a gray dragon sword around his waist, and a gloomy aura all over his body.

This kind of secret technique mastered by the Zang Empire is called the pursuit of the ghost emperor, which summons the ghost emperor's phantom and lets it enter the endless secrets to find the whereabouts of the person he is looking for.

After the ghost emperor's phantom appeared, the priest bowed to the ghost emperor and said, "I want to find the whereabouts of this person, and I also ask the ghost emperor for instructions."

Hearing the words, the ghost emperor closed his eyes, and his consciousness entered the endless heaven. Following the breath of blood, he soon found someone.

But what I saw was a sea of ​​fog condensed with death energy. The sea of ​​fog sensed the approach of the Ghost Emperor, and with a huge tide of death, rushed towards the Ghost Emperor. The Ghost Emperor's face changed greatly, and he quickly retreated. But the tide of death was so fierce that the Ghost Emperor's consciousness was instantly drowned.

The ghost emperor on the altar suddenly opened his eyes, and a dead energy erupted from his body, and the ghost emperor instantly turned into countless fragments and scattered.

The death qi gushing out from the Ghost Emperor, like a ferocious monster, rushed to the surroundings. The fifth- and sixth-order soldiers guarding next to him did not have any resistance, and their vitality was swallowed by the death qi.


Three rays of light suddenly fell in the sky, namely blood, gold, and gray. The sky was dyed into three colors in an instant, and the three rays of light with unimaginable power of heaven and earth slammed fiercely on the sacrifice.

The priest was knocked out like an ant, and fell heavily to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and the bones of his body were broken.


This sudden change shocked the people who were watching. The Ghost Emperor's Tracking was one of the strongest secret techniques in the Zang Empire. Because it relied on the Ghost Emperor, it was no longer comparable to ordinary secret techniques.

However, it was obvious that the secret technique failed, and the sacrifice was also backlashed by a terrifying celestial secret. Judging from the degree of the backlash, it might have been inferred to some people with a huge celestial secret blessing.

That death qi was still spreading fiercely, the elegant middle-aged man snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

But the next moment, the elegant middle-aged man's face changed, because he found that the kind of death energy was like a special restraint of the emperor's power. It was even more ferocious, and it rushed towards the people around, especially those with the blood of the emperor.

Looking at the scene in front of him, feeling the horror of this deadly energy, the elegant middle-aged man couldn't help but exclaimed, "Emperor's curse!"


The elegant middle-aged man directly exploded the huge power of the emperor, and slammed into the dead aura, the terrifying power of the emperor, and a little bit turned the dead energy into nothingness. Although the dead energy was terrible, but the number was not very large, the elegant middle-aged Men can still handle it.


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