The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1272 Reincarnation (Subscription)

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The fifth enchantment is a black enchantment, and the terrifying aura it emits has reached the one-day realm. If the heaven and earth realm can mobilize the power of one world, then the one-day realm that surpasses the heaven and earth realm can mobilize the power of three worlds.

Zhao Fu didn't have the confidence to break it, so he could only try with all his strength. A blood-colored sword light rushed into the sky, and the Heavenly Execution Sword Formation emerged from the sky, and a vast sword intent spread.


A loud sound erupted, Zhao Fu's sword fell, and Wan Dao's sword light slammed into the black enchantment with the power of destruction.

Fortunately, this was considered a breakthrough, allowing Zhao Fu to pass the fifth barrier. Watching the fifth barrier dissipate, Zhao Fu couldn't help but worry. A trace might break the barrier.

Because the Extreme Heaven Realm has exceeded the Heaven Realm, there is a terrifying power to mobilize the six worlds. How could Zhao Fu break it?

"Hint! Congratulations, you passed the trial and obtained the enchantment of the earth."

Hearing this prompt Zhao Fu breathed a sigh of relief. A glass bead the size of a tomato, emitting a yellow light, with a strong atmosphere of the earth, floated out of the sky and landed in Zhao Fu's hand. This was the enchantment of the earth.

After returning to the outside, Zhao Fu chose the fifth trial as the Emperor's trial, and the reward was the blood of the fairy emperor.

The goblin emperor blood is also the emperor blood of the goblin family, and the goblins are basically similar to the flower goblins in Daqin, with pointed ears and delicate faces, but there are many kinds of goblins, and most goblins are the same as normal people. .

Fairies are also a kind of alien race. Zhao Fu wants to use the power of the blood of the Fairy Emperor to break through into the blood of the Heavenly Sage.

At the same time, there are many other advantages. Zhao Fu will be more likely to obtain the fate of the alien race, and he can also easily obtain the surrender of the alien race, because Zhao Fu also has a trace of the blood of the alien race, and it is also the blood of the emperor.

This time, because the Emperor's blood can be obtained, the difficulty has reached a high level, which means that it is even more difficult than the previous strongest defense.

However, Zhao Fu was prepared and had a lot of confidence to enter the trial space.

A platform appeared in front of Zhao Fu. The platform was very large, but there was nothing. There was only a figure standing in the center.

He has a strong body, black skin, long purple hair tied up, pointed ears, and a somewhat fierce face. This is an unknown goblin, and his body exudes a strong emperor's breath.

Zhao Fu smiled and walked towards him directly. The reason why Zhao Fu is so confident is that the trial needs to endure the coercion of the emperor.

The emperor blood on Zhao Fu's body is only a little short of breaking through to the blood of the heavenly sage, which is far stronger than the ordinary emperor blood, and that kind of fairy emperor blood is only the lowest level of emperor blood, so Zhao Fu will not be afraid of it. Coercion.


As Zhao Fu approached, the goblin erupted with a powerful pressure, making the surrounding area dignified, as if it was weighed down by ten thousand catties.

Zhao Fu's body sank, but he could easily bear it, because Zhao Fu's bloodline was much more advanced than his, and the pressure he unleashed was greatly weakened, and it might be difficult for ordinary people to resist.

Keep going!

Another roar sounded, and a larger emperor came crashing down, and the huge momentum had already distorted the void, making people very frightened.

Zhao Fu's body sank once, and he felt a giant hand pressing on him, making his body unable to move a little bit. Zhao Fu ignited his emperor's blood, and a black flame ignited, and that coercion instantly dissipated countless.

Keep going!

That coercion naturally became stronger and stronger, and finally the terrifying coercion almost made the space collapse little by little. Under this coercion, ordinary people would feel that they would be crushed alive.

However, Zhao Fu took advantage of his emperor blood to resist the past and walked in front of the figure, and when the figure dissipated, an irregular blood crystal floated in place.

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand to grab the blood crystal and put it away. Emperor blood basically exists in the form of this kind of blood crystal, and there are different grades, which are distinguished by the purity of the blood. Among them, the most precious and rare is the first-generation emperor blood.

Fusion of emperor blood is only to obtain emperor blood, and its blood is not pure, so it is called mixed blood. This kind of blood is very different from the orthodox emperor blood.

If one obtains the blood crystal of the first-generation emperor's blood, the purity of the bloodline can reach the orthodox level, that is, the same bloodline level as his children, so the various first-generation bloodlines are so precious.

After obtaining the blood of the fairy emperor, Zhao Fu went back outside. Wu Wu had already come out at this time, because as the second place, he only had three trials to choose from. Now that he has successfully passed, he will wait for Zhao Fu outside to say goodbye.

"This is a token of my Wu family. If you come to Tianyu in the future, you can directly enter the Wu family. People who know this thing will be a little more polite to you. I will continue to travel the world for trials. Keep it up, I hope you won't let me down."

Wu Wu said with a smile, and handed Zhao Fu a blue jade plaque.

That piece of jade tablet is three fingers wide, engraved with a warrior pattern, and has a martial character written on it, with a powerful aura.

Zhao Fu smiled and then said politely, "I will definitely visit in the future, and I will give you a good reception next time we meet."

Afterwards, Wu Wuhua disappeared into the sky as a streamer.

Zhao Fu came to the stone tablet once, checked the trial options in the light curtain, and planned to choose the last trial.

Jin Long spoke at this time, and he actually asked Zhao Fu to choose the most difficult trial, which Zhao Fu did not have the slightest bit of.

Confidence, because of the ordinary difficulty level trials, Zhao Fu is very difficult to pass, let alone this most difficult trial.

And this most difficult trial, only the person who ranks first in points can choose, that is the trial of reincarnation.

As long as you pass this trial, you can get the opportunity to enter the reincarnation stage, and that reincarnation stage is the treasure of reincarnation. It takes countless rare treasures to make it successfully, and there are very few in the world of apocalypse.

Because this kind of thing can only be created by some kind of extremely powerful power, or a half-step immortal, or even a real immortal, and other people have no such ability at all.

That's why Jinlong asked Zhao Fu to give it a try, because this kind of opportunity is extremely rare, even if it is a waste of a trial opportunity, because once you pass, you can enter the reincarnation stage, and you will have the biggest guarantee in the future.

No matter what danger you encounter in the future, even if it is certain death, as long as you enter the reincarnation platform, you can reincarnate, and everything will have a chance to come again.

Moreover, this reincarnation can not only retain the memory of the previous life, but also retain the bloodline of the previous life, as well as various source powers, which are things that countless people dream of, even ordinary powers are extremely excited.

Zhao Fu thought for a while, and listened to Jin Long's words, and conducted the reincarnation trial.


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