The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1284 Dark Department (four more subscriptions)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

The Emperor Taishang had an angry look on his face, but he immediately understood what was going on. He looked at Zhao Fu with resentment, raised his last strength, and punched Zhao Fu, but was blocked by Zhao Fu.

In the end, Emperor Taishang fell down with an unwilling face, blood flowed from his mouth, and his body twitched a few times, and then there was no movement.

The beautiful woman happily looked at the corpse on the ground. Now that the Supreme Emperor died, they had no worries about the future. The lust that had just been suppressed was burning in her body again. The beautiful woman squatted on the ground and served Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu laughed evilly, looking at this graceful and beautiful woman with a hungry face, serving himself in front of her man's corpse, and soon the two of them got up.

After that, it is to take control of the political power. In fact, Zhao Fu did not have this plan at first, because it would cause some trouble. The Charming Monster World knows that Daqin is laying chess pieces here, so it will naturally favor the Monster Horn Empire, but it would be a pity not to give away the country for nothing. .

Because of the puppet of the young Charming Demon, the Supreme Emperor had also died, and the beautiful woman quickly took over the government of Gurao. Among them, many ministers were naturally executed, and the whole family of these ministers was executed. As for the women, they were given to Zhao Fu as pets.

During this period, several other royal families also rebelled, causing the country of Gurao to be shrouded in the shadow of war, and a chilling breath permeated the air.

The originally debauched Charming Monsters also looked serious at this time, no longer as they were before, because they understood that the fate of the country was about to undergo a major change.

Most of the people continued to support the beautiful woman, because after all, the beautiful woman was the unifying party, and the Charming Youth as a puppet, naturally, she was more popular with the people, and a large number of more important military powers were in her hands, and these people naturally did not want to cause trouble.

The royal family, who had rebelled several times, was only temporary, and their preparations were not sufficient. In addition, there were few troops and no weapons to control the country, and they were finally defeated.

The beautiful woman who became the queen also became extremely cruel and cruel, and carried out bloody suppression, which made countless people feel fearful and fearful.

Those who dared to rebel, men, women and children, were stripped of their clothes, and a three-meter long spear pierced through them, pierced their internal organs, and pierced through their mouths.

When the body was penetrated, he struggled frantically, but was forcibly pressed to the ground, his body was penetrated by a spear, and he died in severe pain.

Many people knelt down and kowtowed in fear and begged the soldiers to let them go. They would swear allegiance to the Queen, but those soldiers still used spears to pierce their bodies, screaming in agony.

Some children who were afraid of ignorance were also confronted in the same way. One after another, sharp piercings ran through their bodies from bottom to top. Their screams were even more harsh. Seeing these young children struggling in pain made those soldiers feel pity and sympathy. .

But they still torture and kill these children like this, because if they don't, then the same will happen to them.

Countless spearheads pierced through the corpses. The other end of the spear was inserted into the ground, standing on the ground one by one. The expressions on each corpse's face were extremely painful, and blood flowed down the spear to the ground, dyeing the ground black. , The huge dead air covered the sky, and the gloomy wind choked with misery.

There are more than 600,000 corpses in total, all over the mountains and plains. The scene is extremely shocking, making people feel a kind of despair, and the body is constantly shaking in front of this.

Such a bloody repression immediately restored calm in the Gurao country, and no one dared to make trouble, because everyone was filled with fear and surrendered to the rule of that beautiful woman.

A few days later, the corpses that had been penetrated by the spears began to rot, emitting bursts of stench, and the yin qi shrouded the sky, thick and strong, and countless carrion-eating birds stayed on the corpses, pecking at the flesh on the corpses.

This place has become a forbidden place, and no one dares to take a step here. The strong corpse odor is disgusting, and it will come close.

The beautiful woman on the throne was full of pride and domineering, like a king, looking down at the kneeling ministers below, with a smile on her face.

Zhao Fu understood a little, stood beside him and said with a smile, "My arrival! Is it as you wished?"

The beautiful woman smiled and replied lightly, "Bengong has always had this idea, but I haven't been able to dare to implement it. Thanks to your presence, I will serve you well in the future."

The courtiers kneeling below heard the empress dowager's dissolute words, and they didn't shy away from it. When they said to the man that they were serving the man next to them, if they normally would unanimously advise the emperor to kill the dissolute demon empress.

But now there is only fear, trembling kneeling on the ground, not daring to lift their heads, seeing the cruelty of the beautiful woman, now they dare to say anything.

At the same time, I was a little curious as to what the identity of that man was, that the Empress Dowager was willing to serve her like this.

Zhao Fu lightly smiled and stretched out his hand to stroke the beautiful woman's face. He also knew that her name was Mei Xiang Mushroom and that the princess' name was Xiang Li.

Charming mushrooms are like pets, enjoying Zhao Fu's stroking, and now that Zhao Fu has left a ban, no man can touch her, so there is nothing to worry about.

At the same time, Zhao Fu tried his best to hide all information to avoid letting other people in the Charming Monster World know Zhao Fu's identity, which would still cause some trouble.

This time, the Charming Monster World felt a bit absurd. Everything changed as Zhao Fu had expected, and the fact that he had gained a vassal state for nothing was considered a small gain.

With the current level of Zhao Fu, the Hou Kingdom is actually a little distasteful, because Zhao Fu wants to be upgraded to a kingdom as soon as possible, so he will care about a small Hou Kingdom.

Not only did Zhao Fu want to take revenge on Gu Jianzong,

There is also a reminder from the great power now that the former city master seal cannot be used, and now the production attribute has disappeared, who knows what will happen in the future, so it is best to upgrade to a kingdom as soon as possible, so as to have the power to protect yourself.

Back in Daqin, Zhao Fu learned a very secret news, which made Zhao Fu smile in surprise, because Daqin's spies found out why the Demon Horn Empire was so powerful.

There is a demon vein in the world of demon horns, which will condense the purest and most powerful demon qi between heaven and earth. When these demon qi condense at a high level, they will become the demon spirit spring. The spring water of this demon spirit spring is of great help to the demon clan.

The Demon Horn Empire used the Demon Spirit Spring instead of the Ten Thousand Demon Pond to cultivate such powerful monsters, and combined the Demon Spirit Spring with some other spiritual fluids for the soldiers to consume. The demon blood in the soldiers' bodies was greatly strengthened, and their strength was greatly enhanced. So tough.

The location of this spiritual spring has already been known to Da Qin. If the Demon Spirit Spring is destroyed, the strength of the Demon Horn Empire will drop a lot.

Zhao Fu immediately brought Mossack, Mora Fei, and Yu Ling, because the three of them were capable of breaking through all defenses.

ps; write the dark wind in the future!


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