The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1296 The Power of the Empire (Subscribe)

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But there are still traitors, and there are not only one, there are four in total, and they are also distributed in several continents. Three of them are the Jue Kingdom, and one is the Hou Kingdom. The Demon Horn Empire has laid chess pieces for more than ten years. Lethal effect.

However, because the blue-eyed people have always been very vigilant about the Demon Horn Empire, and they are also wary of the appearance of traitors, the defense is a joint defense, rather than spreading them out.

Once something goes wrong, the entire Blue Eyed people will know all about it. According to Yao Ming's instructions, a princely kingdom will cause wars within, and attack many countries at the same time, causing chaos in the Blue Eyed world.

It was not clear to everyone why this country launched such an outrageous attack, but a lot of attention and troops were pulled over.

The troops of the three noble kingdoms took the opportunity to attack a defensive wall, and the soldiers of the demon horns that had been prepared for a long time poured in like a flood.

When the blue-eyed people realized that it was not good, it was already too late, and they hurriedly gathered to resist, and asked all parties for help first.

Countless birds were flying in the sky, densely covering the sky, countless beasts were advancing like a torrent, the huge demonic energy was overwhelming, and the pairs of blood-colored eyes were particularly conspicuous in the dark night.

Countless blue-eyed people saw this scene, their legs became weak with fright, they felt a breath of death, and they couldn't help shaking.


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and countless terrified blue-eyed people shot out countless arrows like a rain of arrows. Birds fell from the sky full of arrows, and countless arrows in the bodies of countless beasts screamed in pain. , and then died.

But more than that, countless birds fell on the city wall, scratched the soldiers' bodies with their claws, bit the soldiers' heads with pecks, or directly knocked the soldiers out with their bodies, and the blue-eyed soldiers died one by one. .

Countless beasts also smashed into countless city walls, rushed into the city, killed countless soldiers, or stepped into mud, countless screams of pain and horror sounded, and the blue-eyed people began to flee.

The demon horn army also easily invaded the city. In order to stimulate the enthusiasm for fighting, anything under the demon horn can be done, whether it is murder, robbery, gang or rape.

Those ferocious soldiers stormed into the city, let out horrific laughter, and killed anyone they saw, no matter who they were, looting everything of value.

Regardless of whether those who surrendered and begged for mercy, a soldier laughed and cut off the hands and feet of a young man who was paralyzed on the ground, watching him scream like a worm, dragging a bloodstain on the ground.

A cavalryman tied an old man with a rope and dragged along.


With a loud bang, seven or eight soldiers slammed into a room. Looking at the young man hiding in the room and the beautiful pregnant woman, they rushed over with a grin.

The young man knelt on the ground and begged, willing to surrender and hand over all his belongings so that the demon horn soldiers would let them go.

The young man was in great pain and wanted to kill these bastards, but he didn't have any strength, and even he was about to die. Now he deeply felt the feeling of the strong being the weak, and hated why he was not stronger.

Afterwards, seven or eight soldiers stole all their belongings and carried a beautiful woman with a weak breath. They rarely played with such a beautiful woman. They planned to take the beautiful woman to the street, one silver coin at a time, and let the other soldiers continue to work.

In the end, the pregnant beautiful woman was killed by how many soldiers, and her body was thrown aside everywhere, covered in filthy liquid.

These demon horn soldiers are fairly average, and those blood relatives are even more perverted, because they are affected by that kind of forbidden power, and they prefer to kill other people. For example, hang a person upside down, then break open the person's stomach, tie the person to a post, and cut the flesh with a knife.

There are even more perverted, burying people alive on the ground, then inserting a tube into their mouths, and then pouring kerosene to set it on fire, making people burn from the body without struggling a little, it is extremely painful and cruel.

The army of blue-eyed people quickly gathered, but no matter in terms of strength or strength, the two sides were several times different, and there was no huge army of monsters.

But the blue-eyed people still launched the final sprint, because they are the last strength of the blue-eyed people. If they can't resist the invasion of the Monster Horn Empire, the blue-eyed world will perish, and their families will die tragically.


The two torrents slammed together fiercely, making a huge roar, and the sound of countless weapons crashing. The victory was like thunder, and the two sides fought desperately, blood splashing everywhere.

A blue-eyed man held a spear and pierced the chest of the monster horn soldier, a monster horn soldier cut off the blue-eyed man's arm, and then slit his throat, and a monster horn soldier smashed the blue pupil's head with a hammer...

The naked eye saw that the army of blue-eyed people was collapsing little by little, and countless soldiers could not resist the army of demon horns. They were either killed by monsters or killed by countless soldiers with demon horns.

In the end, there was no accident, the blue-eyed man was defeated, and only some soldiers escaped, and the blue-eyed man's corpse was all over the ground.

The Demon Horn Empire is very fond of shouting, and they don't dare to be interested in ordinary corpses, but the corpses of the main generals, whose heads have been cut off, are stuck on the ground with guns, announcing their great victory.

The last resistance force disappeared, and the blue-eyed man was destined to have no strength to resist, and he changed in the Demon Horn Empire.

Under the cruel method, he chose to surrender in fear, and in the end, the world of Blue Eyes perished like this.

The battle only lasted for a few days, and the surrounding world did not respond at first, but when you and the others mobilized their troops, it was already too late. The Monster Horn Empire had already captured the Blue Eyed World, and they were powerless to save it.

At this time, the Demon Horn Empire occupies two worlds, plus there are nine continents, which has far exceeded the strength of Da Qin, becoming the first powerful country here.

The countries around the Demon Horn Empire are united urgently this time, because the danger of the Demon Horn Empire is too great. If they don't do something, they will perish like the Blue Eyed World.

At the same time, some other countries have also rushed to a powerful crisis, and they also intend to cooperate with other worlds to suppress the Demon Horn Empire together.

There are still some worlds that actively invite Da Qin to join the fight against the Demon Horn Empire, and want to use the power of the Da Qin Empire to suppress the savage arrogance of the Demon Horn Empire, but Da Qin did not respond, and this time he did not attack the Demon Horn Empire. .

Because when the Demon Horn Empire was attacking the Blue Eyed World, Da Qin was also attacking the Magic Profound World, which had been coveted for a long time.


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