The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1305 Dragon Soul (Subscribe)

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Then, after waiting, there was no arrogance, and the others were ready to give it a try to see if they could enter the Emperor Dao Academy.

They looked at the powerful Tianjiao and walked into the Emperor Dao Academy with a relaxed appearance. They thought it was very simple, but it was only when they entered the range of Longwei that they knew it was terrible.

Countless people stepped into it one step at a time, only to feel that the sky was falling, their minds were blank, their bodies were directly paralyzed on the ground, and they could not move a little.

"very scary!"

Seeing a group of people who have fallen, those who have not yet entered the Dragon Might, cried out with a look of surprise, and they were also a little afraid to move forward.

Some people thought for a while, exploded with all their strength, and walked into it, feeling a huge coercion, heavy pressure on their bodies, they gritted their teeth and moved forward step by step, and beads of sweat the size of beans appeared on their bodies.

However, some fell down, and some people still successfully entered the Emperor Dao Academy.

This gave many people confidence, and they also entered the Dragon Power, but they were still the ones who failed.

Zhao Fu also wanted to go over to the Emperor Dao Academy, and the young man next to him couldn't help laughing, "You don't want to enter the Emperor Dao Academy, do you? I advise you not to ask for trouble. I guess you don't even know the Emperor Dao Academy. I'm here to introduce you, so don't go looking for abuse."

The young man didn't have any malicious intentions, but just reminded him that Zhao Fu looked at the entrance of Emperor Dao Academy and replied with a chuckle, "No need!"

Zhao Fu walked towards the Emperor Dao Academy, the young man wanted to persuade Zhao Fu, but the middle-aged man next to him interrupted him, "Don't persuade him, maybe that person can enter the Emperor Dao Academy, you haven't felt that person is not. Is it simple?"

This sentence made the young man stunned, Zhao Fu is unusual? Looking at Zhao Fu's back, the young man still didn't believe it, because he still felt that Zhao Fu would not be able to enter the Emperor Dao Academy.

Before Zhao Fu had walked a few steps, he was crowded around by people, and there was a dense crowd in front of him, which was an impermeable wall of people. The young man couldn't help laughing when he saw Zhao Fu's weak appearance.


Suddenly there was an unimaginable coercion, like a big hand slamming on everyone, all the people's souls trembled, as if they fell into the endless abyss, endless darkness came, and some people His legs were weak, and he knelt directly on the ground.

The young man's smile stiffened, the middle-aged man was a little shocked, and the others looked at Zhao Fu in the center of the crowd with a look of horror.

Zhao Fu couldn't help but burst out with his own strength, and he didn't hide it in any way. The people around Zhao Fu were all paralyzed on the ground, and only Zhao Fu was standing among them.

The young man was stunned. He never thought that the person he had just talked with had such terrifying power. Although the middle-aged man had expected it, he couldn't help but be shocked.

This coercion not only caused the complexion of the people around him to change greatly, but even the guards guarding the gate of the Emperor Dao Academy's expression became solemn, feeling an incomparably huge danger coming, giving people a feeling of suffocation.

Zhao Fu walked forward once, and now no one dared to stand in front of Zhao Fu, and one by one gave way in awe.

And Zhao Fu also arrived in front of Long Wei, looking at the coercion emanating from the golden dragon, he carried it into it one step at a time.

ooh ooh...

A terrified dragon roared, and those dragons felt Zhao Fu's breath, and they shrank back in the dragon column, like a few little snakes. They are the masters.

Not only did everyone look stunned, but the guards also looked horrified, because this was definitely something that had never happened before, so Jinlong had never been so afraid when he met someone who was strong and terrifying.

This is the first time that Emperor Dao College has encountered such a thing. It has never been encountered before. In fact, the pressure of the Golden Dragon is not only like this, because the power of the Golden Dragon has not been fully released, and if it is released, it will not be easy to resist.

But now Jinlong is indeed afraid, not because of Zhao Fu's strength, because Zhao Fu is definitely not the strongest person in the Emperor Dao Academy. It is because of some kind of aura on Zhao Fu's body, which makes Shenlong instinctively afraid.

Who is this person in front of him? How can there be such terrifying power and such astonishing ability.

Zhao Fu sighed, he didn't want to cause such a sensation, and ignoring everyone's gaze, Zhao Fu walked to the door of Emperor Dao Academy.

At this time, the guard couldn't help but said, "This lord! Where are you from?"

Zhao Fu said indifferently, "Just an inconspicuous little person!"

Of course, the guard refused to believe. Such a terrible person was not an ordinary little person, so he hurriedly reported it to the upper management of the academy.

At first, the upper levels of the academy didn't care, thinking that there was a slightly stronger person, or a rather special person, but the appearance of that person made the gatekeeper dragons feel scared, which could not help but surprise them.

Because the guardian dragon of Emperor Dao Academy is not an ordinary dragon, it is a thing that is integrated with the gatekeeper array. If it exerts its power, even the great power may be killed.

It can be said that even if the power comes, it will not frighten the dragon, unless it is something that can naturally suppress their blood and dragon soul, causing them to have an instinctive fear.

That kind of thing is undoubtedly rare, and it is almost impossible to have it. Even the most noble dragon species of the dragon family will not frighten the dragon. How did the cloak man do it?

This incident even directly alarmed the great power of Emperor Dao College. After learning some information, I couldn't help but want to see

Zhao Fu, see if Zhao Fu is an existence.

However, another almighty came forward and calmed everything down, making it seem that such a thing did not happen to Emperor Dao College, and the original guards received orders, this matter should not be spread, and violators will be severely punished!

Of course, many guards understand that things are terrible, so they won't be talking about these things if they kill them. However, with so many people at the gate of Emperor Dao Academy, the information about Zhao Fu quickly spread, causing a small-scale sensation.

Of course Zhao Fu didn't know about these things. After entering the Emperor Dao Academy, Zhao Fu seemed to have come to a world of spirits, which was completely different from his impression.

What comes into view is a green meadow with many unknown flowers growing in it, the sky is very blue, the breeze is breezy, and the scenery is very beautiful.

There are also stone brick roads on the grass, leading to different places. There are also statues of soldiers ten meters high and powerful and domineering. There are road signs on each road, indicating where each road goes, and There is only one way to face the new life.

Zhao Fu tried to enter another way, but was banned and bounced back, it seemed that there was only one way to choose.

Following that road, he came to a gate of light. The gate of light was dozens of meters high and was guarded by two statues of soldiers. Zhao Fu walked into it and came to a building complex. A lot, like coming to a city.


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