The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1308 Human Phoenix Empire (Subscribe)

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The crowd made a boiling voice, and everyone turned their heads one after another, only to see a group of extremely beautiful maids wearing silver palace skirts, walking out from one side with aloof temperament, and in the middle there was an indifferent and noble woman wearing a golden palace skirt, exuding huge coercion .

The beauty of this woman can no longer be described in words. Countless people only feel that their heartbeats are accelerating, and the blood is rushing rapidly. They stare straight at the woman, as if they have fallen in love with her deeply.

Her appearance made the scene quiet, and the world seemed to come to a standstill. Her aura had completely surpassed Zhao Fu's, because her aura had surpassed the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and she definitely belonged to the people in the Heavenly Ranking.

Feng Qiyun and the big Han were also silent at this moment, because the woman had a powerful aura that made them bow their heads and were subdued by her aura.

In this way, in the silence, the crowd automatically gave way, the group of maids walked slowly, and the noble woman passed by indifferently in the face of countless infatuated gazes.

In the audience, only Zhao Fu was not affected by her aura, mainly because of the Holy Blood, but Zhao Fu also automatically stepped aside. Facing the Emperor Heaven Realm powerhouse, Zhao Fu would not have much resistance even if the weapon of the state broke out. strength, not to mention that she has surpassed the Emperor Heaven Realm.

People around you can know who she is. She is the fourth-ranked Feng Qiang Hua, the young emperor of the Feng Empire, which means that the next heir to the Feng Empire is her, so she is called the young emperor, and it is still the last few years. The number one all-American beauty.

The Renfeng Empire is a terrible empire comparable to the Human Empire. The two of them are in the top ten of the Human Territory Empire, which makes other empires fear a little.

Zhao Fu had to bow his head under this terrifying power, because the power on her body was not only stronger than Zhao Fu countless, but could crush Zhao Fu directly with one finger.

It seemed that these people were just passing by and had no intention of interfering in the matter. Those beautiful and detached maids walked past Zhao Fu slowly, their expressions were indifferent, and they did not look at Zhao Fu.

The painting of Feng Qiang in the maids team also passed by Zhao Fu indifferently, without a trace of Zhao Fu in his eyes, could not have any interest in Zhao Fu, and Zhao Fu did not dare to take a breath.

"The Emperor Dao Academy is really too terrifying. There are all kinds of terrifying characters. From now on, be careful and don't be too arrogant." Zhao Fu warned himself in his heart.


A dragon roar emanated from Zhao Fu's body, the dragon roar from that dragon and phoenix, and Zhao Fu's body emitted golden light, Zhao Fu's expression changed, and he suppressed the dragon and phoenix with all his strength.

But the footsteps of Feng Qianghua, who passed by Zhao Fu, stopped, and a pair of peerless beautiful eyes fell on Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu felt that gaze, and his heart instantly became nervous. Without any hesitation, Zhao Fu planned to flee to the side.

But the next moment Zhao Fu's expression stiffened, because a huge force imprisoned Zhao Fu's body at that moment, so that Zhao Fu's body could not move a bit, even the power of the state-suppressing weapon was forcibly suppressed, and there was no resistance at all. .

"What are you running for?"

A pleasant and pleasant voice sounded, Feng Qianghua looked at Zhao Fu calmly with a pair of beautiful eyes and said.

Zhao Fu couldn't help but feel nervous, because she could kill herself at will, and answered cautiously, "Nothing! I just want to leave."


Feng Qianghua asked back, turning around and walking towards Zhao Fu.

Seeing Feng Qianghua coming, Zhao Fu was startled and tried to struggle a few times, but he couldn't break free, and finally he could only sigh.

Feng Qianghua came to Zhao Fu, stretched out her hand and pressed it in the air, Zhao Fu's body was shaken, his body was completely out of control, and a lot of golden light appeared all over his body.


A golden beam of light came from the sky with a huge momentum, countless white-gold rays of light enveloped the square, and a coercion fell.

This huge figure appeared, with a dragon-like body and a head, but with a pair of phoenix wings, and only a pair of claws, and they were still phoenix claws. The last body was white-gold scales, with an extremely noble aura.

"Sure enough, it is a dragon and phoenix! It is still the highest level of dragon and phoenix!"

Feng Qianghua showed a beautiful smile, which made the hearts of countless people around him tremble.

The maids all around also smiled, bowed to Feng Qianghua, and said in unison, "Congratulations, Your Highness!"

Zhao Fu now understands what's going on. It's the dragon and phoenix within Zhao Fu's body. The dragon and phoenix in Zhao Fu's body are of the highest level. They have a huge attraction to some countries where women are kings, enough to make countless people snatch them. Respect women.

In that empire, most women were in power, and women were more noble than men. There were also many women who had three wives and four concubines, but all of them were men.

Feng Qianghua reached out and took off Zhao Fu's cloak, with a very handsome face, a pair of extremely terrifying eyes, a black head with a few strands of purple long hair, especially that kind of transcendental and holy temperament that seems to surpass the emperor, which makes countless people feel A feeling of being out of reach.

"Your Highness is now announcing that you have become His Highness's Empress. Where is your power? Your Highness will immediately deliver the betrothal gift, rest assured that Your Highness will not treat you badly." Feng Qianghua showed a satisfied smile, saying that it made countless people All jaw dropped.

Zhao Fu was firm, "Sorry! I refuse."

This must be rejected. As the emperor of Da Qin, how could Zhao Fu be humiliated and become a woman's concubine?

, Zhao Fu does not want to serve women with many men, even if women are beautiful, there are many benefits.

"Do you have the right to refuse?" Feng Qianghua chuckled lightly, with a hint of contempt and a hint of domineering in her tone.

Zhao Fu scolded inwardly, he really did not have the strength to resist, and Zhao Fu did not expect that he would be arrested to be a concubine even if he came to visit the Emperor Dao Academy. I have done it before.

"Take him back to His Highness's courtyard! And you can send a message to the mother emperor to tell her the good news." Feng Qianghua commanded with a faint smile.

Several maids also came to Zhao Fu, and now Zhao Fu can't move at all, and they intend to carry Zhao Fu directly.


An incomparably huge force fell on Zhao Fu, and the power that imprisoned Zhao Fu disappeared instantly, and although Zhao Fu didn't know what was going on, he seized this opportunity and activated the Void Cloak, causing his body to instantly disappear in place.

"Your Highness!"

Several maids turned around and shouted solemnly, because the power just now was definitely a powerful power.

Feng Qianghua's face also became serious, and she said coldly, "Continue to look for it! Even if you are a powerful person, this Highness will snatch it over."


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