The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1310 Chasing and Killing

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Zhao Fu got the godhead and turned around and ran. The fat man was also a little panicked, so he didn't think about it, and followed Zhao Fu to the side.

The six golems agreed when Zhao Fu was about to run, raised the weapon in his hand, and with a majestic force, he was about to smash at Zhao Fu.


A knife sounded that shattered the heavens and the earth, the whole sky shuddered, countless red lights emerged, and a huge knife light, with the power to smash the world, flew towards the six golems.


A loud noise erupted, and the six golems were slashed into countless ghosts with one knife, rushing to the four directions like a tide, and slowly disappearing. The academy summons six golems."

The people around looked at the red-clothed old man, and their hearts tightened. He was the chief elder of the executive court, and his strength was approaching that of the almighty, so he could easily deal with the six golems.

However, the six golems summoned were only a thousand meters high, and they were not very strong. If the six golems came down, it is estimated that tens of thousands of red-clothed old men would not be opponents.

Some people also directly reported without hesitation, "Elder! It's a man with a cloak, who doesn't know his appearance, but has a pair of terrifying pupils. He opened a wooden box and summoned six golems."

The old man in red snorted coldly, "Find that bastard. If he dares to resist, call the law enforcement team. This elder will reward you with 1,000 points if you do well."

"Thank you, Great Elder!"

The people around were pleasantly surprised. One thousand points can be exchanged for a lot of good things, so they all chased after Zhao Fu.

Fortunately, Zhao Fu ran fast at the beginning, otherwise he would definitely be overtaken by that group of people, but now Zhao Fu is hiding in an alley and does not dare to go out.

Because of the terrifying fluctuations emanating from here, it attracted the attention of many people, but they were no more than other people who wanted to catch Zhao Fu.

Now Zhao Fu has no interest in visiting, and just wants to leave the Emperor Dao Academy as soon as possible. He never imagined that he would encounter these things, and it would be impossible to keep a low profile in the Emperor Dao Academy.

At this time, Zhao Fu naturally wanted to change his appearance. He could no longer wear a cloak. Zhao Fu used ghost energy to turn his long black and purple hair into gray, and also hid a pair of terrifying pupils and put on a mask. .

However, there is another person beside Zhao Fu, that is the previous Fatty, Zhao Fu is not worried that he will say, because of what happened just now, he is the mastermind, if Zhao Fu is caught, he will also be severely punished.

Zhao Fu also had no idea of ​​getting to know Fatty, but that Fatty was very interested in Zhao Fu, and was mainly curious about how Zhao Fu could open that box. And introduced himself, "Xie Tai! My name is Lin Dapeng, and it's an honor to meet you."

Zhao Fu responded indifferently, nodded in response, and took advantage of no one to pay attention to the street, so as to want to leave the Emperor Dao Academy.

However, Lin Dapeng still followed, Zhao Fu was a little displeased and shouted, "Why are you following me?"

Lin Dapeng smiled and said, "I just want to know how you can open that box, because there are several in my house."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu was a little surprised, but how could Zhao Fu tell him that he has six bloodlines?

Lin Dapeng obviously didn't believe it, and pestered Zhao Fu and said, "Brother! Don't worry, as long as you tell me that method, I will not treat you badly."

When Zhao Fu saw Lin Dapeng was about to pester him, he wanted to find a chance to get rid of him, but a group of women in the street appeared imposingly, which made Zhao Fu to be honest again, because those women were wearing silver skirts, which were painted by Feng Qiang. the maid.

Although I didn't know why I escaped last time, if I was caught by them once, there was basically no chance of escape.

After the silver maids left, Zhao Fu also wanted to leave, but a few waves of people actually came fiercely, making Zhao Fu cautiously hide in the crowd, not daring to reveal a bit of breath, because he understood these people and rushed forward. I came by myself.

The person next to him was a little strange and asked, "What happened? What are these people doing so aggressively?"

Another person said unexpectedly, "Don't you know? Now that the Emperor Dao Academy has spread, they are all looking for a man with a cloak and a pair of terrifying eyes."

The man who asked was even more puzzled, "Why are so many people looking for that man?"

Another person saw that he really didn't know, so he said in detail, "When that person just entered the Emperor Dao Academy, he caused a stir, making the Jin Longzhu at the door extremely scared, and the matter spread to those who have a good relationship with the Dragon Clan. In the ears of the Dragon Blood Empire, they just want to see that person."

"One wave is a person from the Dragon Blood Empire. There are many people who dare to be interested in this, so they are also looking for him. Also, that person is not a student of the Emperor Dao College, but just came to visit, and the Emperor Dao College has no right to interfere."

"There is another wave of the Ferocious Beast Empire. I heard that the man made the emperor of the Ferocious Beast Empire, the eighth person on the Earth Ranking List, kneel on the ground in public, and slapped the beast. Empire, the Ferocious Beast Empire will naturally not let him go."

Hearing this, the person who asked the question said in disbelief, "No way! That person is so strong, Fierce Page is the eighth-ranked powerhouse in Heaven and Earth, and has the blessing of Emperor Blood, that person can really make him kneel?"

The person who answered the question nodded and explained, "That person is using the power of the weapon to control the country!"

Hearing this question, the person also understood, and said with a smile, "That fierce page is too arrogant and acts savagely and unreasonably,

Now is the retribution, but unfortunately I was not there, I really want to see how the mad page is angry. "

"By the way! Where are some people? What's the matter with him? In particular, we saw that the maid of the most beautiful woman in our Imperial College was also looking for him."

Hearing this, the person who answered the question also smiled and said, "There are also some people who are being arrested by various parties because that person released six golems in the trading market, and I heard that there is a reward of 1,000 points. "

"As for the maid of the number one beauty in our academy looking for him, that's because Feng Qiang, the number one beauty in our academy, asked that man to be her concubine, not an ordinary concubine, but an imperial concubine, equivalent to an empress s position."

"No way!"

The interrogator was stunned and didn't believe this, because with Feng Qiang's character, even the first-ranked emperor couldn't look down on him, how could he just look at a man casually.

"This is true, I didn't believe it at first, but many people have seen it with their own eyes, and it was announced by Feng Qianghua in public. I heard that that person has the highest level of dragon and phoenix, and is the best person to be the emperor." one person explained.

"Then what's going on now? How could these maids look for him? Could it be that he refused to run away?" the previous man continued to ask.


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