The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1314 King (Subscribe)

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But now Zhao Fu has anger in his heart, so he can only bear it, because the person in front of him is a little bit stronger than Feng Qianghua, and it is easier to kill him.

Zhao Fu could only compromise and said, "If Your Excellency is interested in this kind of Sword Intent, I will leave some for Your Excellency to comprehend."

Jian Yueyue looked at Zhao Fu coldly and asked, "Do you think I will choose which one to keep some sword intent and the sword intent itself?"

Zhao Fu's heart sank. It was obvious that most people would choose to keep the Sword Intent body, because it would be easier to comprehend it, or even obtain it directly. Wouldn't it mean that he would be trapped here and never be able to leave? Possibly life-threatening.

"What now?"

Zhao Fu was thinking about how to escape next, and even regretted visiting the Emperor Dao Academy.

"Bitch man! Do you think you can escape from the palm of your highness?"

The golden rays of light filled the sky, countless phoenix shadows were flying, and the phoenix rose painting appeared in the sky with a huge momentum.

Zhao Fu's heart fell to the bottom, and he didn't expect to be found by Feng Qianghua so quickly, but Zhao Fu couldn't get rid of a sword in June, and with a Feng Qiang painting, Zhao Fu felt that he was going to die here.

Jian Yiyue raised her head and saw Feng Qianghua's arrival, her expression became serious, and her voice was cold, "Feng Qianghua! This is my yard, please leave by yourself."

Feng Qianghua snorted coldly and pointed at Zhao Fu, "Your Highness here doesn't want to come, this time is to take away this scumbag."

Zhao Fu was very upset when he heard Feng Qianghua's words, the words of a mean man.

Jian Yiyue's pair of beautiful eyes looked at Feng Qianghua and said plainly, "Everything in my yard belongs to me, so he is also my belongings, do you think you can take my belongings?"

Feng Qianghua's eyes were cold, and her voice had a hint of anger, "Jian January! This time, my Highness will take him away no matter what, and he will be the concubine of the Renfeng Empire in the future. My Highness advises you not to talk to your Highness. fight."

Jian Yiyue was also a little surprised. She glanced at Zhao Fu. Although she was a little stronger than Feng Qianghua in terms of strength, the power behind her, Renfeng Empire was stronger than Jianzong. Now Fengqianghua is using Renfeng Empire. Press her.

But Jian Yiyue is such a person who is so easy to give in, Zhao Fu’s sword intent may be higher than her level. If she understands or obtains it, it will undoubtedly have unimaginable benefits for her, and it can even surpass the ranking. The first emperor.

How could Jian Yiyue give up when such a huge opportunity was presented to him in person.

"I have already said that everything in my yard is mine, and no one can take it away," Jian Yiyue looked at Feng Qianghua with her beautiful eyes, and she looked at Feng Qianghua with a different aura. It is weaker than Feng Qiang painting.

Zhao Fu was still a little nervous at this time, watching the two extremely domineering women confront each other, thinking about escape strategies in his mind.


A huge phoenix roar sounded, and a huge golden phoenix appeared behind Feng Qianghua, with an incomparably huge aura shocking all directions, Feng Qianghua reached out and grabbed it, and the golden phoenix turned into an extremely slender golden phoenix. Knife.

"Jian January! It's been a long time since I had a fight. Today, His Highness will see if you can keep the third position."


Feng Qianghua burst out with her own power, turned into a golden streamer, and shot towards Jian Yiyue with incomparable power.


Jian Yiyue was expressionless, pulled out a white long sword, and a huge sword-like intent spread, then turned into a white streamer, with an incomparably sharp momentum, to meet the rushing golden streamer.


A loud bang broke out, and the two streamers collided with huge force, generating a devastating shock wave, which flew out in a sweeping momentum, and countless clouds in the sky turned into nothingness, and slender cracks floated. out.

The aura of destruction rushed to all directions like a tide, like a biting chill, and the expressions of the people around changed greatly, because the souls were trembling under this aura.

The battle between the two powerhouses who surpassed the Emperor Heaven Realm was naturally extremely terrifying, causing the sky and the earth to change, the sun and the moon were dim, the stars were dim, the wind was surging, the sand was flying, the trees were swaying, and it was like a catastrophe.

Zhao Fu honestly hides in the distance, and stays close with Zhao Fu's strength, he will surely die.

However, Zhao Fu hid in the distance, but did not dare to run, because although the two were fighting, they had always locked on Zhao Fu. If Zhao Fu escaped, the two would attack Zhao Fu. A little hope.

The battle between the two people, most of the people in the Emperor Dao Academy, felt that, looking at the vision of the world in the distance, they still didn't understand what was going on.

Some people were curious and gathered to the other side. Finally, someone understood what was going on, and the news spread immediately.

"What? Jian Yiyue and Feng Qianghua are fighting for a man. They are fighting fiercely? How is this possible."

No matter Jian Yiyue or Feng Qianghua, they are all peerless beauties, not only beautiful, but also terrifyingly powerful, and their identity is even more terrifying.

At this time, I heard that the two of them were fighting for a man. How could this be possible because of their status and beauty? People do not believe this.

If it was just because of a trivial matter that the two of them fought, everyone would still believe it, but they definitely didn't believe that the two of them would fight for the sake of a man.

It is simply impossible for people to fight, so someone would spread such stupid rumors.

However, although they didn't believe this stupid rumor, because the two were fighting, everyone was curious and couldn't help but go.

This made them absolutely never expect that the matter turned out to be true, that they were indeed fighting for a man, and that man was the imperial concubine Feng Qianghua personally announced.

At this moment, the voices of countless heartbreaks sounded, and they were extremely envious, jealous, and hated for that man, and wanted that man to die without leaving any scum.


The terrifying battle caused by the two caused an almighty to finally take action, and an incomparably huge force instantly imprisoned the two fighting in the sky.

A middle-aged man wearing a black robe, a national character face, and a dignified face appeared, shouting loudly, "What's the matter with the two of you? Knowing that the Emperor Dao Academy prohibits private fights, the two of you dare to be so blatant."

Zhao Fu was very pleasantly surprised at that moment, because the long-awaited opportunity finally came, and the two of them were imprisoned by the power, so naturally they could not do anything to Zhao Fu, so Zhao Fu immediately activated the Void Cloak, Instantly disappeared in place.

However, just as Zhao Fu teleported to a spring, he heard countless men gasping for breath.


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