The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1317 Demon God

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

This place is actually a kilometer long, the ground is flat, and it is paved with black stone bricks. There is a huge black magic circle in the center, emitting a strong magic light, and a tall wall surrounds it.

And there is actually a strong restriction here, but it doesn't seem to block Zhao Fu, but isolates other people, which allows Zhao Fu to enter and escape the pursuit of others.

This place has a huge demonic energy, and the atmosphere is cold and evil. At first glance, it is not a good place. Zhao Fu does not want to continue to cause trouble, and plans to leave from the other side.

"come over!"

Suddenly, a huge incomparable will poured into Zhao Fu's brain, causing Zhao Fu's body to walk towards the black magic circle uncontrollably.

Zhao Fu was shocked and cursed loudly, "Damn it! Why did you come to a place where you shouldn't be? With that huge will, it's obviously not something he can resist."

"That lord! I really didn't intend to break in, please let me leave."

Zhao Fu doesn't know how many times he has said such things, why is the Emperor Dao Academy so dangerous everywhere, and all of them are so overbearing. In the face of such a huge will, Zhao Fu was not afraid or nervous.

Because this feeling of will is issued by the power, so Zhao Fu has no room for resistance, so he can only shout.

"Humph! Let go of you? Are you dreaming? The old man can sense that your bloodline is holy blood. Not only is the bloodline terrifying, but there are several more terrifying powers in your body. The old man will refine you and leave here."

A gloomy and twisted old man's voice sounded, and Zhao Fu only now discovered that the original circle was a sealing circle, and it was sealing an extremely terrifying old monster.

"What kind of broken academy is this! Can't you protect an old monster with such a strong seal? It's good to set up various restrictions. How can you let people break in casually?"

Zhao Fu feels so angry, so stupid, so unlucky, how come to such a place again, and his life is in danger, Zhao Fu feels that he does not want to come to Emperor Dao Academy in the future.

The body came to the center of the black magic circle uncontrollably, and then sat cross-legged on the ground, the black magic circle automatically rotated, and a huge magic power spread out, and the surrounding space seemed to freeze.

The demonic energy of heaven and earth gathered in a flash, and the thick demonic cloud covered the entire sky. The dull thunder sounded in the demonic cloud, and black arc clouds emerged, and an extremely oppressive force was pressed down from the sky. It's impossible to breathe at all.

That dark and evil demonic energy caused the temperature to plummet, like ice and snow, with a sense of incomparable fear.

The vision here spread to the entire Emperor Dao Academy. Feeling this terrible magic, many teachers and students' faces changed and rushed here.

At this time, many people gathered here, watching the terrible visions in the sky, including Feng Qiang Hua and Jian Yiyue.

"You saw him break into this place with your own eyes?" Feng Qianghua asked a group of people with a serious face.

The group of people nodded in fear and said, "We also saw him go in with our own eyes, but when we wanted to go in, we were blocked by the ban."

"How can anyone get in here?"

Jian Yiyue frowned, and she couldn't understand, because although this place looked very ordinary, but no one had ever entered it, she had been here for so long, and she had never heard of it.

"What! My son's beloved wife is trapped there."

An incomparably beautiful purple youth appeared, with a trace of anxiety and worry, looking into the restriction.

Hearing this title, Feng Qianghua was very unhappy, staring at Young Master Ziyun with a pair of eyes, warning, "Ziyun! He is the concubine of His Highness, you better not have other thoughts, or don't blame His Highness for treating you. You're welcome."


A huge jingle sounded, Jian Yiyue had already attacked, and a huge sword light slashed towards the ban, but the ban did not respond at all.

Feng Qianghua also slashed out with a forceful slash. The huge dagger light with a ferocious blade wind seemed to be able to destroy everything, but the slash of the slash on the ban was like hitting an iron wall with cotton, and there was still no response.

With Jian Yiyue and Feng Qianghua's power beyond the Emperor's Heaven Realm, they couldn't even shake the restriction, which shows how terrifying this restriction is.

They couldn't shake it a bit, and Young Master Ziyun couldn't. He ignored Feng Qianghua's words and said to the person next to him, "Call the teacher! This is not something that students can break."

Just after he finished speaking, the handsome young man and the middle-aged man in black robe appeared in the sky with serious faces.

Seeing the two of them appear, Feng Qianghua was overjoyed and said, "I also asked the two teachers to open the ban and rescue the imperial concubine. My Highness must be very grateful."

The handsome young man shook his head solemnly, "The forbidden deity here cannot be opened either. Do you know that the prohibition here is set by the old dean?"

Hearing the old dean, all around took a breath of cold air. Although they had never seen the mysterious old dean, they knew that the old dean of Emperor Dao College had reached the realm of a half-step immortal.

The ban he laid down is generally impossible to break, because at that realm, he already possesses some real immortal power.

Looking at the fluctuations caused by the ban, it is obvious that terrible things are happening inside, but now that the ban cannot be broken, then Zhao Fu may

will die in it?

Feng Qiang painted several people anxious, heartbroken and powerless. Someone so important to them would die here, and it was so simple and easy, it was a waste.

Zhao Fu sat cross-legged at the center of the black magic circle, and felt a sense of fear in his heart. He tried every means to break free from the control of that will. But it didn't work at all, so are they really going to die here?


An incomparably huge magical power rushed out of the ground like a volcanic eruption, causing a sensation in all directions, and a black beam of light shot straight up into the sky, causing the sky to tremble, and countless magical energy from heaven and earth poured into Zhao Fu's body along the beam of light.

A huge amount of magic power also poured out from under the ground, madly pouring into Zhao Fu's body like a flood.

"Boy! Is it very painful and uncomfortable for your body to be eroded by the demonic energy of the world? But it will only take a while for you to become the old man's clone. This is your honor."

That gloomy and twisted old man's voice, with a gloomy smile, resounded in Zhao Fu's mind again.

But Zhao Fu was stunned for a moment. The body was injected with two huge magical powers. There was no pain at all. On the contrary, he was very comfortable. His body and mind seemed to be soaking in a hot spring. .


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