The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1325 Huatong

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Zhao Fu smiled and responded, "Okay! What should we do then? How do you need me to cooperate with you?"

The Flower Fairy's cheeks were slightly blushing, and she took Zhao Fu to the Flower Domain. This is the place where flower demons are cultivated, and where the flowers of the world are planted. All kinds of flowers are blooming everywhere, dressing the earth in colorful floral clothes.

And the flowers here, due to various attributes, almost never wither. They bloom all year round and carry a strong floral fragrance.

This is undoubtedly the most suitable place to display the flower world. Also, the World Flower has grown to more than 5,000 meters, but it still has not bloomed. The buds are still green. It is estimated that it will take some time before the World Flower blooms.

With a blushing face, the Flower Fairy began to set up a magic circle in the flower field that emitted colorful light.

The magic circle had just been set up, and each of the flowers around them had different auras coming out, like colorful tides, pouring into the magic circle, and a powerful aura radiated from the magic circle.

The magic circle emits a strong light, dyeing the sky into various colors. The sky in the entire flower field is like this, and it looks very beautiful and colorful.

The two stood in the center of the magic circle. Flower Fairy's cheeks were blushing, and she spoke nervously, "Your Majesty! Now we need to combine. My flower power will enter your body, and your powerful flower power will also enter." My body, in this way, a flower-nurturing power will be born.”

"At the same time, the blending of two huge flower powers will also be of great benefit to us. You can obtain the most original power of flowers, and I can also use your flower power to restore my memory and strength."


Zhao Fu looked at the blushing Hua Fairy and naturally noticed that aspect of the matter. He looked at Hua Fairy's delicate face and slim figure with some interest.

Hua Xianzi felt Zhao Fu's gaze, blushed and lowered her head, not daring to face Zhao Fu's gaze.

Zhao Fu naturally understood. He stepped forward with a smile, hugged the flower fairy, and took off her clothes. At first, the flower fairy did not object and cooperated with Zhao Fu shyly. However, she resisted at the critical moment, but the two of them still stood up among the flowers.

Following the two of them, the power of the huge flowers gathered by the magic circle was injected into their bodies.

The flower fairy radiated a strong light, and all kinds of flowers appeared around her body, including gardenias, peach blossoms, cherry blossoms, lilies... etc. It was impossible to count them clearly, as if they contained all the flowers in the world.

There seems to be a sea of ​​flowers all around, and in this sea there are eight fuzzy, ethereal, illusory flowers, distributed in eight directions of the sea of ​​flowers.

Zhao Fu judged based on the aura emitted by the eight flowers that one was the aura emitted by the World Flower, and the other was the aura emitted by the Evil Demon Abyss Flower.

Both of them are among the Seven Wonderful Flowers in the World. Zhao Fu was a little surprised. If the vague flower in the sea of ​​flowers corresponds to the Seven Wonderful Flowers in the World, but there is an eighth flower in the sea of ​​flowers, is there still one in the world? A strange flower unknown to the world?

Before he could figure it out, Zhao Fu's body became hot, and the Demonic Abyss Flower on his throat emitted a dark purple light, and then seemed to come to life.

Countless witches with sexy figures, beautiful faces, and seductive aura appeared all around, twisting and dancing around.

Zhao Fu's eyes turned blood-colored, and all the pupils in his eye sockets disappeared. Two black evil devil flowers emerged from them, carrying a chilling evil aura, as if there was a power that confuses all things.

Zhao Fu's appearance changed slightly, and the corners of his face became much more graceful, with a strong evil aura, and seemed to have a slightly more feminine temperament.


Suddenly Zhao Fu's body shook, and the Six Desires Demonic Crystal in his body erupted into a huge stream of Six Desires Demonic Qi. Six black lights flew into the sky with sharp aura.

Six demon gods appeared in the sky. They were the Six Desire Demon Gods. Zhao Fu's Six Desires Immortal Sutra actually broke through at this moment. The demonic energy of heaven and earth quickly poured into the body of the Six Desire Demon Gods like a tide. Demonic clouds enveloped the sky, creating a huge pressure. spread out.

Now that his technique has been broken through, Zhao Fu has gained the ability to summon the Six Desire Demon Gods, but things don't end that easily.

The Demon God of Six Desires in the sky raised his hand and a huge force suddenly fell down, injecting it into Zhao Fu's body. Zhao Fu's body seemed to be filled with the power of six desires, and his eyes changed at once.

Six small black runes appeared in the hearts of the two Evil Demon Abyss Flowers in his eyes, and there was a swirling demonic energy surrounding the flowers, with a suction force. It seemed that if you looked at him, you would be attracted. Breathe in the darkness.

Zhao Fu was shocked that the power of Six Desires and the power of Evil Demon Yuanhua were combined. He never thought that the two powers would be combined.

Boom boom boom...

The six statues of the Six Desires Immortal Sect felt the astonishing changes in the Six Desires Demonic Qi again, and emitted strong fluctuations. The light they emitted penetrated several worlds, making countless people frightened, and a monstrous force surged in all directions.

The six Six Desires Immortal statues seemed to be coming to life, and their eyes revealed a strong murderous aura. This shocked the people of the Six Desires Immortal Sect. They had never seen such a strong reaction before seeing the Six Desires Immortal statues.

Many powerful people looked surprised, and one of them sighed, "That man has taken the Six Desires Demon Sutra one step further and seems to have harmed countless women. We'd better kill him as soon as possible before things get out of control!"

Another powerful man nodded in agreement, "I also feel that it is better to kill him as soon as possible, Six Desires Immortal

The reaction of the statue was dozens of times more intense than before. Only by feeling the powerful threat of that person could such a change occur. I am afraid that person has obtained some kind of incredible opportunity in recent years. "

The other great masters also agreed with this statement and unanimously decided to leave the sect temporarily and start looking for the successor of the Six Desires Demon Sutra to end this matter and bring an end to the Six Desires Demon Sutra.

This also shocked many people. It was extremely rare for six powerful men to personally take action to hunt down one person.

However, they also know the grievances between the Six Desires Immortal Sect and the Six Desires Demon Sutra, so they can understand the Six Desires Immortal Sect. Countless decent sects have also expressed their support. This kind of scourge must be killed as soon as possible, but countless evil demons and crooked ways have expressed their support. Support the inheritors of the magic scripture.

Zhao Fu didn't know these things, and the real heir of the Demonic Scripture already had dozens of stunning beauties around him. Originally, he took many beauties to travel around the world and continued his journey of conquering beauties, because the Six Desires Demonic Scripture requires a large number of top-notch women. .

After learning about the incident, he could only hide in fear. He was a little confused and didn't understand why the Six Desires Sect had such a huge reaction when he hadn't done anything big yet. Six great masters came to hunt him down in person.


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