The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1327 Overlord War (please subscribe)

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Zhao Fu shook his head and said it was nothing. Looking at Hua Fairy's beautiful face, he smiled evilly and pressed Hua Fairy under him again, and asked, "Fairy! Let's be together, right?"

Hua Xianzi responded shyly.

But just when Zhao Fu wanted to do something, something happened around him, and the Flower Fairy reminded him, "Mr. sir! The flower fairy may be pregnant."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu could only stop. The two of them put on their clothes and headed to the location of the strange movement. In fact, the place where the strange movement occurred was not that far away, just a few hundred meters away.

An unknown small red flower, only a few inches tall, has four petals. It absorbs the power of the surrounding flowers and grows rapidly.

And it emits a strong red light, and a figure slowly condenses in the red light, waiting for the red light to slowly dissipate.

A flower fairy appeared in front of Zhao Fu. She had a graceful figure, snow-white skin, and beautiful appearance. She had long red hair and a fresh little red flower on her head. She was wearing clothes made of flower petals, just covering her head. It has a pair of transparent, leaf-shaped wings.

The most surprising thing is that their body shapes are the same as those of normal people, instead of just the size of a palm like the three of Meimei.

Zhao Fu once asked the Flower Fairy, and the Flower Fairy replied that there are many kinds of flower fairies, with different appearances, and some have special abilities, but their abilities are roughly the same. There won't be any difference.

Hearing this, Zhao Fu also checked the ability of the newly conceived flower fairy and found that it was just like a normal flower fairy, and he felt relieved.

Now there are more than a dozen such flower fairies being created every day. Zhao Fu feels quite satisfied. He is about to take the flower fairy back to the palace and make her a concubine. It is estimated that Feng Qi is unimaginably huge and will not be weak. How much is Yu Tuoba Qing?

"Mr. Sir! The flower world here still needs me to come here often to maintain it. I also want to stay here to absorb the power of flowers and restore strength and memory." Flower Fairy said to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu thought for a moment that the Flower Domain was undoubtedly the most suitable place for flower fairies, so he said, "Well! Then you can stay here! I will order someone to build a palace here for you to live in, and for future flower fairies as well." I’ll leave it all to you to manage.”

The flower fairy showed a happy smile, "Thank you, sir! I forgot to mention that I have left a trace of the power of fairy flowers in your body. Sir, you have to hide it well. Also, you can absorb the power of various flowers, and you can also use it to The power of the Evil Demon Abyss Flower on your neck is at its maximum."

Zhao Fu sensed that there was an extra flower inside his body. This flower was very small, only the size of a mung bean. It had eight petals and emitted eight kinds of light, but it carried extremely strong power.

Zhao Fu was a little touched by this. This was obviously very important to Hua Fairy, but she still gave it to him and couldn't help but be tender with her for a while.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu returned to the palace and consecrated the Flower Fairy as his concubine. The phoenix aura was really amazing. In fact, if he had conferred the flower fairy as a concubine earlier, with her huge phoenix aura, he would have understood that her identity was not simple.

However, Zhao Fu really had no intention of possessing Flower Fairy at that time. If it were not a misunderstanding, Zhao Fu would not be able to take advantage of her as Flower Fairy's benefactor.

A huge war is taking place in Huangwu World, the world next to Baishen World. This is a war of overlords.

This Huangwu world is quite special. There are no sects or countries here. Everything is gathered in the form of tribes. The race here is called the Huangwu tribe. They are all tall and have strong muscles. They are born warrior.

However, the cultural customs here still seem to remain in the primitive society. Everyone wears animal skins, has animal teeth, and holds rough weapons in their hands, giving them an aura of barbarism.

The geography of the Huangwu world is also quite special. It has sixty-eight pieces of land, most of which are very small. Several areas can become one piece of land, and various tribes live in them.

There is one largest land among the sixty-eight pieces of land, and it is located in the center of the sixty-eight pieces of land, so it is called the overlord land. As long as you obtain this overlord land, you can be called the Huangwu Overlord and accept the surrender of other small lands. It also has the ability to mobilize other small lands.

The overlord war taking place now is a huge war for the overlord land. The winner is the overlord, commanding sixty-eight continents.


A young man with a heroic appearance, dressed in purple clothes, held a sharp sword, with nine purple dragons surrounding his body. With a strong kingly aura, he slashed out with all his strength with one sword, and the huge purple sword light split the world.

Opposite was a burly young man, holding a huge stone hammer, bursting out with a terrifying force, roaring loudly, like a mad beast, unstoppable, and rushed towards the young man in purple.


The purple sword light came with terrifying power. The burly young man swung the stone hammer with all his strength and hit the purple sword light with a huge destructive force. However, in the end, he was sent flying by the sword and spit out a big mouthful. blood.

The young man in purple had appeared next to him, pointed his sword at the young man, and said coldly, "Now you have lost, not only in terms of force, but also in terms of tribe. Now you have only two choices, either surrender or death. "

The burly young man had no hesitation. Because his strength was inferior to others, he was convinced by the defeat. He half-knelt on the ground and shouted loudly, "I, Ye Wu, surrender to the Si tribe!"

This Si in the Si tribe feels a bit familiar, because the young man in purple is none other than Si Ji, the former heir of Daxia.

After escaping from the human world, Si Ji came to the Huangwu world. In order to gain the strength to come back again, she tried every means to marry the daughter of a big tribe leader, and accepted the baptism of Huangwu, becoming half Huangwu. tribesmen.

Later, after accepting that tribe and developing it to the present, the barbaric power of the Nine Provinces Cauldron Belt was undoubtedly the greatest help to him, because the Xia Dynasty was also founded during the barbaric period, with hidden barbaric power, which gave him enough Strength.

In the end, Si Ji launched the Overlord War and became the tenth overlord of Huangwu World.

During this period, Si Ji suffered a lot, and his temperament also changed a lot. He was more stable and sharp than before, with a heroic temperament. After suffering so much and enduring a lot of cold looks, Si Ji only In order to one day be able to take revenge on Da Qin.

This day has finally come, and now he is the tenth overlord of Huangwu World, and has become the existence that attracts everyone's attention.

With today's status, Si Ji never thought that although he was not truly the master of a world, he could mobilize the power of a world, but now he was only qualified to compete with Great Qin.

Because they were only a few worlds apart, Si Jike had been paying attention to various things going on in Da Qin, and he also understood that Da Qin had conquered three worlds.


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