The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1331: Battle with all sides (fourth update, please subscribe)

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Mo Yue had a dejected look on his face, and he sat helplessly. The secret hidden in the deepest part of his heart had long been known by his father, the person who was least likely to know. Now he had no strength to persuade his father.

In that way, the father can get rid of the mother and restore his energy, the mother can also be satisfied, and he will not do such taboo things. The younger sister will have a better life in Daqin with the help of her mother. Tribe They will also get greater support from Da Qin.

Xue Er, who was outside the tent, heard the fierce sound inside the tent and reacted greatly due to her physical condition. Her face turned red and her eyes were full of spring.

However, Xue Zhen is still very restrained now. Although he really wants to go in, he still stays away, telling himself in his heart that he can't think about it and don't listen to it.

But if you were farther away, you could still hear the voices of the women in the tent sinking with incomparable happiness and comfort.

Xue Er almost couldn't help but want to go in directly, but she still controlled herself and was about to leave. Maybe that bastard husband had withdrawn his order.

At the same time, I was a little surprised and a little disappointed. The Emperor of Qin was indeed too terrible in this regard. Now that he heard it with his own ears, Xue Zhen completely believed the rumors at that moment.


Suddenly a cry of pain rang out, making Xue Zhen's body tremble. That was the voice of Mo Li, who was also Xue Zhen's daughter. When she heard that her daughter was being tortured by the Great Qin Emperor, Xue Zhen rushed into the tent angrily.

I saw the fragrant scene in the tent, as well as the flesh and lust spreading around. The smell of obscenity and obscenity, as well as the faint evil spirit of six desires floating in the air.

Xue Zhen inhaled the faint demonic energy of the Six Desires, and was stimulated by the sound of the scene. She could no longer control her body and threw herself directly on Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu looked at such an alluring beautiful woman, and it was what he liked, so the two of them quickly got up.

The dejected Mo Yue returned to the tent, but he didn't see his mother waiting here. He breathed a sigh of relief. With his mother's character, she should have left long ago.

But the next moment, Mo Yue's body went limp, and he knelt down on the ground helplessly, looking at the tent with a blank expression, because the voices of his mother and other men could be heard inside, and the reactions were extremely violent.

Although he had eavesdropped on his father and mother's voices several times, this was the first time he heard his mother's screams of joy, excitement and wantonness.

You don't need to think about it to know that my mother is happily having a fierce relationship with the Emperor of Qin, catering to the Emperor of Qin in every way, like a slut.

It took most of the day, until night, when torches were lit to illuminate the surroundings, and the sound stopped.

With a twisted smile, Mo Yue asked softly in the tent, "Your Majesty, can I come in now?"

From just now to now, Mo Yue has been outside the tent, listening to the voices of several missing mothers and the Emperor of Qin. Under the inexplicable stimulation, he actually likes this feeling.

Zhao Fu responded softly and silently walked into the tent. The woman in the tent had already put on her clothes again, with a rosy face and a faint smile.

The mother and sister are now lying in the arms of the Emperor of Qin. The sister is smiling happily, hugging the Emperor of Qin with one hand, as if she is in love with him. Her mother also lay affectionately in her arms, lowering her head slightly, not daring to face herself.

Zhao Fu followed the original plan and said, "I can help your tribe transform war beasts, but you need to provide the beasts and tribe stones yourself. The more ferocious and powerful the beasts are, the better."

"And you can rest assured that I won't do anything, I can do it in front of you, and the beasts and tribal stones are yours, you should be able to fully control them."

Let me explain here, the tribal stone is also the city master's seal. It has different names, but the function is the same.

Hearing that he only helped them transform the war beasts, but did not get the method, Mo Yue felt resentful in his heart. He had sacrificed his mother and sister, but did not get the method to cultivate the war beasts.

"What a good husband! Just help my son!"

Xue Zhen also played her role, kissed Zhao Fu on the face, and said to Zhao Fu in a sweet voice that she wanted to help the Mo tribe and obtain the maximum benefits.

Mo Yue looked at his mother, hugging others, calling them husband, and even kissed him. Most of the resentment in his heart was eliminated, and he still felt excited.

Facing Xue Zhen's intimate gesture, Zhao Fu was a little embarrassed. Now he understood that the beautiful woman in front of him was Mo Yue's mother, and she was also the woman of the leader of the Mo tribe. He was really amazed at the strength and chaos of the tribal world. folk customs.

But Zhao Fu was not someone who would do anything for the sake of women, so he still said, "Great Qin can only do this, but I can help you transform as many war beasts as you have tribal stones."

"Okay! I promise you."

A thin middle-aged man walked in outside the tent. He was Mo Ke, the leader of the Mo tribe.

Although Mo Ke was not here, the information here was reaching him all the time. He also understood that this was Da Qin's biggest concession, so he directly agreed.

Now that the tribe has four thousand tribal stones, it can directly possess four thousand such terrifying war beasts. Thinking about that terrifying power, coupled with the various sophisticated equipment provided by Great Qin, the Mo tribe can instantly sweep all the surrounding forces.

When Xue Er saw Mo Ke, her eyes were full of resentment, and she actually gave herself away like that. Fortunately, Zhao Fu could not only truly satisfy her, but also allow her to enjoy the ultimate pleasure, coupled with Zhao Fu's own handsomeness Incomparable appearance and extraordinary temperament, Xuezhen

In fact, I was very surprised to meet Zhao Fu.

If he hadn't met Zhao Fu, such an extraordinary and powerful man, Xue Zhen's eyes might be filled with resentment right now.

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded, and at the same time, he was careful about Mo Ke. A person who can give his beloved woman to him is definitely extraordinary.

The two parties quickly signed a contract, and Zhao Fu presented another strategic material to the Mo tribe. This surprised the Mo tribe and made them feel more confident.

Later, Zhao Fu also began to help the Mo tribe transform war beasts. The Mo tribe also specially selected four thousand extremely powerful and ferocious wild black beasts.

These Huangwu beasts do not refer to one kind of creature, but include various beasts in the Huangwu world. For example, those captured include tigers, lions, crocodiles, elephants, black apes...

Many beasts look the same as normal, but they have one thing in common, that is, they have a piece of black skin or scales on their heads.

Zhao Fu integrated the tribal stones into it, and a fierce aura erupted. The Mo tribe, which had already made various preparations, began to attack several major forces around it at the same time, and issued a challenge to the tenth overlord Si Ji.

A civil war broke out that was the largest in the world's history, had the largest number of deaths, and was also the most intense.


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