The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1334 Imperial War (please subscribe)

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Jin Long looked at Xue Yan who was being violated by Zhao Fu, and suddenly said, "Zhao Fu! Why don't we make her the empress?"


Zhao Fu looked surprised and a little strange. He didn't know why Jin Long said this, so he asked, "What is the reason?"

Jin Long replied, "She has a special constitution. Some women may be pregnant with your child. With your holy bloodline, it is almost impossible for other women to be pregnant with your child."

Zhao Fu couldn't help but stop and think for a moment.

However, Xue Zhen was unwilling. She looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of charming eyes and begged, "Sir! Come on, fuck me!"

After a while, Xue Er's face flushed, she hugged Zhao Fu sweetly, and walked into the garrison where the army was fighting in front.

Zhao Fu had also made a decision long ago and had no idea of ​​making Xue Zhen an empress. It was not because of her wandering, but because Zhao Fu had no idea of ​​making Xue Zhen an empress at all. There was no big reason. He felt that he All women are treated equally.


Mo Yue looked at his mother with a flushed face and seductive temperament with an excited smile. She must have been fucked by Zhao Fu before. She is really a slut. She wants to be fucked by men anytime and anywhere. Fortunately, Zhao Fu can help. She, how many men would it take to satisfy her?

Previous generations of overlords needed thousands of men to take turns to have sex with her, so did her own mother also need a thousand? Thinking of this, Mo Yue was inexplicably excited.

Xue Zhen blushed with embarrassment and hid her head in Zhao Fu's arms. After knowing that she and Zhao Fu were getting along, she became more and more hungry and wanton. There were some sexy scandals about her spread around, and most of them were Really, now she really couldn't face Mo Yue as a mother.

She didn't know that her son's heart was twisted, and she couldn't even imagine the various twisted thoughts in his mind.

Zhao Fu said a few words to Mo Yue calmly, and then walked into the tent with Xue Er. There was currently a discussion in the tent. Seeing Zhao Fu's arrival, they all stood up and looked at Zhao Fu with a smile.

It can be said that the Mo tribe's achievements today and the ability to reward the Huangwu Kingdom are all due to the support of the Great Qin Empire. Without the support of the Great Qin, they would not be able to do it.

Xue Zhen has now let go of Zhao Fu and is no longer hugging Zhao Fu. Now Mo Ke is already the first generation Huang Wu King and is still her ex-husband, so she still needs to give him some face.

Otherwise, Xue Zhen wouldn’t want to leave Zhao Fu for a minute. Although she had just passed it, Xue Zhen still wanted to wait for the meeting to end before meeting Zhao Fu again. Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but think of Mo Yue, “I don’t think it’s possible for him to forgive her for this. A slutty mother.”

This time, the Huangwu Kingdom has won half of the Huangwu World, but the other side is now occupied by Si Ji's Daxia Dynasty because they also won the final battle.

Now the Huangwu world does not have as many complex forces and tribes as before. It can only be divided into two major forces, the Golden Crow Kingdom and the Daxia Dynasty. All other tribes have either surrendered or been wiped out, leaving no one alive.

In this civil war, not only countless Huangwu people died, but countless tribes also disappeared. The war spread to every place, and no one could escape. The Huangwu world could be said to have suffered a catastrophe.

Now the two major forces are supported by two major empires. What used to be a good world is now divided into two halves.

It can be said that all the main causes were caused by Si Ji. If he had not wanted to unite with the Demon Horn Empire to destroy Da Qin, Da Qin would not have intervened, and the current terrible consequences would not have been caused.

This is still a warning to the surrounding world, it is best not to participate in the competition between the two empires, otherwise the Huangwu World will be a living example.

The alliance formed around them also looked solemn and took this matter very seriously. They did not expect that the two empires had such a strong ability to intervene and directly split a world. If they did this to them, how could they stop it?

In order to solve this kind of thing, they still set up special troops and people to prevent this kind of thing from happening. If any world or country is found to be related to the two empires, it must be destroyed as soon as possible to prevent them from harming the alliance.

This measure can be said to have made the situation in more than a dozen worlds tense. All kinds of spies are running around, searching for all kinds of information to prevent the infiltration of the two empires.

The war in the Huangwu world is not over. Not only the Huangwu country wants to unify the world, but the Great Xia Dynasty also wants to unify the world, so the war is inevitable.

Ho ho ho…

Countless war beasts from the Huangwu Kingdom roared one after another, and with an earth-shaking momentum, they rushed toward the Great Xia Dynasty like thunder.

Ho ho ho…

The monsters of the Great Xia Dynasty also let out huge roars, and with a desperate momentum, they rushed towards the Huangwu Kingdom fiercely, as if no one or anything could resist it.

Bang bang bang...

The giant beasts collided ferociously, making dull sounds one after another. Waves of air were released, and the two giant beasts began to fight. Blood continued to splash, and screams of pain continued. The battle scenes were shocking.

Soldiers from both sides also fought together, and the battle was very fierce. Soldiers fought fiercely one by one. Either you died or I was killed. The clash of living weapons was incessant. The shouts of killing were deafening, and the smell of blood was so strong that it was nauseating.

The battle lasted for a day, and both sides suffered heavy losses. No one could gain any advantage, and the battle could only be temporarily suspended.

Both sides were a little surprised at the other's fighting power. To know their strength,

It was enough to sweep across the Huangwu World, but they were still blocked by the other side, because they mainly relied on the power of two empires, and neither the Great Qin Empire nor the Demon Horn Empire could do anything to the other.

Si Ji also understood that if he wanted to defeat the Huangwu Kingdom, other forces must join in, so he wanted to ask Yaoming to send troops to support him.

Yaoming did not refuse this, and sent one billion more troops to allow Si Ji to unify the Huangwu world, and he could also get half of the world.

After hearing the news, everyone in the Huangwu Kingdom was shocked. Originally, the two sides were about the same strength. If the Demon Horn Empire sent troops to reinforce, the Huangwu Kingdom would definitely be defeated, so they could only look at Zhao Fu. At this time, only the Great Qin Empire could help them.

"Ms. sir!"

Xue Zhen shouted softly from the side, she naturally wanted to help Huangwu Country.

Silently watching the woman he was once so obsessed with helping him, he still felt a little grateful and guilty in his heart. If his body was stronger, he would not want to give her to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu nodded and promised to send troops to support him. In fact, even if they didn't say it, Zhao Fu would send troops to support him because Zhao Fu couldn't let the Huangwu World fall into Si Ji's hands.

In the end, no war broke out between the two sides, because it was known that both sides had the military support of the two empires. Even if they fought, no one would be better off. The Huangwu world also temporarily ushered in peace, and both sides began to digest the occupied areas.


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