The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1339 The Wrath of the God of War

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This is the Stone of the Gods, something that can only be bred in the world of the Gods. It has very powerful divine power. This thing is the most surprising thing that Zhao Fu got.

Because this stone of the gods can be combined with the ten thousand source stones obtained in the Taixu ruins, a huge war fortress can be built, and it is the kind of fortress that can fly in the sky and move around.

This kind of fortress is called the Wrath of the God of War. Its area can be as large as one hundred thousand miles, which is as big as an area. Just imagine how terrifying it would be based on this size alone. If he crashes into a group of ferocious beasts, , those countless ferocious beasts will be smashed into pulp.

In addition to being huge and having unmatched power, the Wrath of the God of War can also use war cannons, which are similar to artillery, but they do not require gunpowder, but rely on divine power to launch.

There is also the light of the end, which is also the most terrifying method of War Fortress. It concentrates all its power to shoot a beam of light, which is powerful enough to destroy the world.

The Wrath of the God of War is so powerful that even ordinary kingdoms cannot have it. Zhao Fu also obtained the two most important materials, as well as the construction drawings given by Jin Long, but there are still many things missing before he can build it.

It requires a variety of top-notch runestones, with grades at least higher than orange runestones, as well as various core materials. Each of them is extremely precious. It will take a long time for Da Qin to create the Wrath of the God of War.

Finally, there is a precious godhead. This godhead is different from the ordinary godhead. It is a colorful poem of the goddess of luck, which can give many lucky blessings.

In fact, luck is also personal luck, which can determine a person's various destiny directions, as well as misfortunes and blessings. Additional blessings are actually a kind of luck blessing. Although this kind of divine power is not strong, it has a great effect.

The number is naturally very rare. There are still many people in the Heaven Realm who even capture the God of Luck and go back to give blessings to the power. Therefore, the Godhead of the Goddess of Luck is a priceless treasure even in the Heaven Realm.

This godhead was originally owned by an ancient family of the Lingguang God Clan, and it also built its temple. However, because the world of Lingguang was captured by Great Qin, the godhead naturally fell into the hands of Great Qin.

There are quite a few gods in Great Qin now, including the God of Water, the God of Life, the God of Light, the God of Desolation, the God of Fallen Angels, and finally the Goddess of Luck, that’s six gods.

Great Qin left most of its troops to clean up the aura world. Zhao Fu wanted to put the aura world into Great Qin's pocket as soon as possible and become a part of Great Qin without any resistance.

During the few days he stayed in the Aura World, Zhao Fu did not worry about the battlefield on the other side. There were 10 billion Alliance soldiers attacking Da Qin before, but in fact it was just an attack, and there was no war between the two sides.

The Alliance saw Da Qin withdrawing a large number of troops and thought the plan was successful, so they did not attack. Instead, they wanted to hold Da Qin where they were because Da Qin was not easy to mess with and they did not want to suffer too much loss.

But in the end, the world of aura was destroyed by Great Qin. This made the Alliance look very ugly, thinking that the world of aura was too useless. They held back so much of Da Qin's combat power, but the world of aura was still destroyed by Da Qin.

In fact, it is not that the world of aura is weak. As a protoss, they must be very powerful, but they are relatively weak against Da Qin. Generally speaking, worlds that have been developing outside for decades are no match for Da Qin. How could the aura world, as a novice world, be able to compete with Da Qin? He is Da Qin's opponent.

What's more, Da Qin has the most powerful weapon against the Lingguang Protoss, which is the Ancestral God Statue, and Zhao Fu has not used the full power of the Ancestral God Statue. The Eight-foot Magatama and the Eight-tatami Mirror have not yet been used.

The three artifacts are perfectly integrated with the statue of the ancestor. When the three artifacts are used at the same time, it is the moment when the statue of the ancestor explodes with full force.

After learning that the aura world was destroyed and that the alliance army did not need Da Qin to do anything, he retreated.

"Let me go! You are a tyrant, a cruel and cold-blooded beast. If you can, kill me. Even if you die, I will curse you to endure endless pain. You will not be able to die."

A woman who was bound by an iron chain was yelling at Zhao Fu with a look of hatred on her face, while Zhao Fu in front was holding an iron chain and dragging the woman forward.

This woman has long golden smooth hair, a pair of golden eyes, and is extremely beautiful. She is wearing a golden dress, which is now stained with a lot of blood. The woman also suffered many injuries, and her hair is messy, making her look a little embarrassed.

The most surprising thing is that there are seven golden halos on her chest, which means that she is the noblest and purest person in the aura world.

Her name is Athena Kali, the most beautiful woman in the aura world, a member of the Divine Temple, and Carmen's only wife. The reason why she hates Zhao Fu so much is that not only did Zhao Fu kill Carmen, but also countless people in the Divine Temple.

Zhao Fu was a little impatient and pulled the chain in his hand, causing Athens Carly to stumble and almost fall to the ground, "Hurry up! If you dare to curse me, I will kill all the remaining people in the God's Temple."

Athens Carly was very angry, but thinking of those people in the God's Temple who had been arrested, she could only hold back and glared at Zhao Fu angrily with her eyes.

"You are serious. Are you thinking of ways to torture women again?"

Alasna walked out from the side and glanced at Athena Carly with a pair of beautiful eyes, carrying a hint of resentment towards Zhao Fu. She couldn't understand what Zhao Fu did to those women.

Zhao Fu rolled his eyes at her and said, "Didn't you say that it's best to be a protoss? Great Qin just captured the world of aura, and her bloodline is the most advanced bloodline in the world of aura. I want to see the effect of the apocalypse. "


Yeah? Then let’s get started! "Alasna glanced at Athena Kali again, turned around and walked to the side.

Then, the three of them came to the place of transformation. Alasna personally presided over the transformation, and Athena Kali stood on the platform and began to transform.

The power of darkness gathered around her quickly. Knowing that Athena Kali was the highest-level divine bloodline, Alasna also transformed with all her strength, causing the sky to be shrouded in darkness, and the surrounding light seemed to disappear. It was so dark that it was a little scary.


A huge pillar of dark light fell heavily on Athenian Kali. Athenian Kali was half-kneeling on the ground due to the force. Countless dark powers eroded her body, causing her to feel incomparable pain and let out a scream.

The people around her all had expressionless faces, injecting even greater power of darkness into Athena Kali's body, and Athena Kali's body absorbed countless dark powers, and the seven golden haloes on her chest turned into black gold. And Athens Kali also absorbed all the power of darkness at this moment.

At this moment, the surroundings became quiet, and countless dark forces and black light pillars disappeared. Only Athenian Carly, who was pale and wide-eyed, was half-kneeling on the platform, her body seemed to be stiff.


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