The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1345 The God of War Bead

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Many generals were already standing on the edge, divided into twenty-four positions, surrounding Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu, who was standing in the center, had a solemn expression. He first closed his eyes and calmed down, and then slowly opened his eyes.

The eyes were filled with light, and the Weapon God Pearls emerged from around Zhao Fu, emitting a faint light and floating around Zhao Fu.

The Weapon God Beads are naturally those fused beads. Ten of them are fused into one. The original souls of a thousand soldiers are now condensed into a hundred Weapon God Souls.

Boom boom boom...

There were roars one after another, and the Soldier God Pearl erupted with powerful momentum, setting off countless strong winds and turning into streams of light that rushed into the sky. It emits strong light of various colors, illuminating a radius of ten miles.

"Generals obey orders!"

Zhao Fu stood in the center, his expression did not change at all, and he did not look at the sky, but gave a soft drink.

Bai Qi and many other generals received the order, raised the general's weapon in their hands, and then burst out all their strength and poured it into the general's weapon.

"The Seven Killing Stars obey my orders... and come!"

"Po Jun Xing obeys my order... and comes!"

"The Greedy Wolf Star obeys my orders... and comes!"

"The Taiyin Star obeys my order... and comes!"

"The star of the sky obeys my orders... and comes!"

As many generals shouted, they saw a strong light emitting from their bodies, turning into a beam of light, rushing into the sky with an extremely terrifying momentum.

Boom boom boom...

The beams of light rushed into the sky with terrifying power, causing the sky to tremble, as if it was about to split open. The huge noise awakened all the creatures around, and they instinctively felt a sense of fear.

First, blood light spread in the sky, and a cold and murderous aura spread fiercely. A huge blood-colored star slowly descended with a strong sense of oppression. Then black light spread out, and an aura of conquest and war surged towards them. From all directions, a huge black star slowly descended with huge pressure.

Then, green enveloped half of the sky, and a cold and strange aura spread quietly and rapidly. A green star with powerful pressure broke through the limitations of the sky and descended on this world...

The stars emitted different rays of light and carried different terrifying auras, slowly descending from the sky. There were twenty-four stars in total.

The twenty-four stars emitted all kinds of intense starlight, making this place look like daylight. The light had covered tens of thousands of miles in radius. The powerful sense of oppression also seemed to freeze the scene and plunge it into silence.

Everything, whether it was flowers, plants, insects, animals, or tall trees in the mountains, seemed to be suppressed by an invisible force, with a look of horror on its face, unable to move at all.

At this moment, all the scholars who had no idea what Zhao Fu was going to do woke up one after another, feeling a strong vibration of luck. They came outside and looked at the bright twenty-four stars in the distant sky. Stars, with a solemn look on their face.

Although they didn't know what they were doing, this wave of fluctuations meant that something big was going to happen, and everyone looked at the stars intently, wanting to know what was going on.

After summoning the twenty-four general stars, many generals controlled the general stars and injected all their power into the military god beads floating in the air.

The hundred soldiers and gods in the sky absorbed the endless power of the generals and emitted more intense light. The power of the generals in them was so powerful that the space seemed to be turbulent.

The twenty-four general stars slowly disappeared into the sky. The Seven Killers Divine Pearl emitting blood light, the Pojun Soldier Divine Pearl emitting black light, and the Greedy Wolf Soldier Divine Pearl emitting green light began to move on their own, gathering towards the center. , occupying three directions.

The other Weapon God Orbs are also moving on their own, occupying their own positions, and eventually spread out, emitting their own light, attracting, connecting with each other, and restraining each other, forming a 10,000-meter-wide ten-color array.


As soon as this magic circle was formed, a huge coercion suddenly fell, the space was torn open with countless cracks, and the ground instantly cracked and shattered.

A large pit hundreds of thousands of meters suddenly appeared on the ground. The rocks were broken and the trees were destroyed. Now only the flattened mountain peaks stood in it. It seemed that there was some power protecting this mountain peak. It was shocking.

That terrifying fluctuation also made everyone in the human world aware of it, and they all looked in the direction of the ten-color magic circle.

Zhao Fu also slowly raised his head and looked at the sky with his eyes. The magic circle emitted strong light and had world-shaking power. He slowly took out a golden ball. This was the remnant of the king that Zhao Fu had refined. soul.

The power of the saint was injected into it, and the golden bead emitted dazzling golden light, slowly rising up and entering the center of the ten-color array, which was also the middle of the Seven Killing Soldiers Divine Bead, Greedy Wolf Soldier Divine Bead, and the Lord of the Army-Breaking Array.

The injection of golden beads seemed to be injecting soul into the magic circle, and the ten-color magic circle seemed to be alive.

The power of heaven and earth gathered crazily in an instant, and the world began to undergo tremendous changes. Storms and clouds surged, strong winds blew, and thunder broke out. Waves of terrifying fluctuations spread like a tide. Not only the human world, but more than a dozen worlds in the surrounding area felt this terrifying fluctuation.

The expressions of Yaoming and many other people from this world suddenly changed. They hurriedly came outside the building and looked in the direction of Da Qin. A creepy force came from somewhere.

A huge storm has set off where Zhao Fu is, and the surrounding area is shrouded in dazzling colored light. The magic circle is constantly devouring the power of heaven and earth, emitting a terrifying amount of energy.

The fear of fluctuations is becoming more and more terrifying.

Zhao Fu's expression also became serious and solemn, he took out the Emperor's Sword, pointed it directly at the sky, exploded all his power, exuding the despairing power of the saint, turned into a black beam, and shot into the huge magic circle. .


A shocking loud noise erupted, and the ten-color array instantly expanded to 100,000 meters, and rotated rapidly, creating a force that swallowed up the world.

The expressions of the people in the dozen or so worlds around them suddenly changed, because the power of their worlds was actually sucked away by a huge force.

"What on earth is this Great Qin doing?"

Countless people looked shocked. Such terrifying fluctuations came from Da Qin. It must be Da Qin doing extremely terrible things. The power made countless people feel a chill. They instinctively wanted to stop it, but they found that they were powerless.

The sky slowly darkened, and the original moon had long since disappeared, as if all the light had been swallowed up by darkness.

Not only the sky, but also the world became dark. Even the things right in front of me could not be seen clearly. I felt a kind of never-ending darkness, and the world seemed to be quiet, without a trace of sound.

Everyone felt a little uncomfortable, like the depression, dullness, danger, and fear that began to grow slowly before the great catastrophe of heaven and earth.


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