The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1347 Sword Forging

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To ​​gather such a vast fortune, even ordinary immortals cannot do it. That kind of thing must have an extremely huge, even unimaginable fortune to do so.

Even if it is not emitted by something, the fortune of the entire Apocalypse World gathers there, and there may be a major event that shakes the Apocalypse World. This makes many powerful people not to be underestimated, so they also take it very seriously.

But there is almost no result. That one fortune gathering point seems to be shrouded by an extremely terrible force, and they can't detect it at all.

Only the Tianji Pavilion understands what is going on, because they can find four emperor stars and inject power into something terrible. They don't understand what that thing is, but it should be related to fortune, otherwise it will not trigger the fortune of the Apocalypse World.

Think about the fortune brought by an emperor star, which can affect and change a large race and affect the situation of the Apocalypse World. How terrifying is the sum of the four emperor stars?

The people in Tianji Pavilion also had a serious and solemn face. They didn't know what terrible things Daqin was doing, which made them feel a little afraid.


A loud noise broke out, and the luck like the vast universe poured into the Emperor Killing Sword as if it had found a flood outlet. The Emperor Killing Sword was like a black hole, swallowing all the luck, and a sword force like a world-destroying sword emanated.

In the Emperor Killing Sword Realm, four stars appeared in the blue sky. Those four stars were the four emperor stars. The power of the emperor stars continued to penetrate the Emperor Killing Sword Realm, and the power of the Emperor Killing Sword Realm also poured into the emperor stars.

With the help of huge luck, the two sides gradually unified. This is the real fusion.


A crisp sword light resounded throughout the world of Apocalypse, announcing the birth of some extremely terrifying existence. Countless people were a little surprised. What exactly made the sword sound so loud? Could it be the immortal sword?

Everyone didn't know, but this sword sound caused the qi of the world of Apocalypse to move, causing the sky and the earth to change color, and the wind and clouds to surge rapidly.

The human race suddenly felt a palpitation, and cold sweats were pouring out. Countless monsters of the demon race were frightened and collapsed on the ground, and countless ghosts of the ghost race let out terrible roars.

A kind of disaster, injury, killing, war, and evil breath also slowly spread in the world of apocalypse. The strong men of the human race, the demon race, and the ghost race, for some unknown reason, became extremely sensitive to this breath.

This also made countless powerful people change their faces. Fortunately, this kind of power is not very strong, and it has not directly affected the heaven, earth, and people.

Otherwise, under the influence of that kind of power, the world will be in chaos, various natural disasters will occur, plagues and injuries will continue to spread, disasters and bad luck will continue, everyone will be full of killing, wars will break out between countries, and some kind of evil spirits that harm the world will appear in large numbers.

"How can such a vicious thing be allowed to come into the world!"

Now countless powerful people want to destroy the thing that exudes a terrible breath, and they must not let it stay in the world, otherwise the world may be destroyed in its hands.

Unfortunately, even if countless powerful people wanted to ban that kind of evil creature, they could not know where it was under the strong obstruction of the heavenly secrets. They only knew what it was and what it looked like, and they had no idea where it was.

Since they could not use the prophecy to find that evil creature, many powerful forces could only send disciples to track down that terrible evil creature. They must find it as soon as possible, otherwise, when that kind of terrifying power becomes stronger, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

Now many powerful people also understand that what just triggered the fate of the apocalypse world should be this world-destroying evil creature.

Many disciples took the order to find that kind of evil creature, but they didn't understand what was going on, because they didn't feel that kind of terrible breath, and that kind of breath can only be felt by people with extremely high cultivation.

And their previous palpitations, fear, and fear were just instinctive reactions. They did not sense that kind of breath under that kind of terrible breath, so they didn't know the reason.

If ordinary people could sense that kind of breath, it is estimated that the world would have been in chaos long ago, and no one could escape the influence of that kind of breath.

Many teachers from the Imperial Academy gathered to discuss this matter.

"What kind of evil thing do you think it is? It actually has such terrible power. If it is not destroyed when it just comes to the world, all living beings and all things in the world may be destroyed by it."

"I think it should be a sword. I don't know who has such ability to forge such an evil sword to harm the world."

"Yes! That sword is almost a sword of disaster, killing, death, war, madness, and evil. Such a terrible evil thing, I am afraid that the person who forged the sword will also suffer a strong backlash and endure endless disasters. It is also his own fault."

"I don't care much about these things. Now I just want to know who forged such an evil sword and what terrible means he used to forge such a sword."

"This is difficult. Not only is this evil thing itself protected by a huge luck, and it is impossible to predict its location, but the person who forged the sword is also very unusual and has a huge secret protection. I don't know which old monster it is."

"Now let's follow the other forces and search around! Maybe we will find out something. At this time, all the forces are not calm, because the emergence of the evil sword is not good for anyone."

The Human Phoenix Empire is also very concerned about this matter, because they are from the human race, so they are not interested in that aura.

They were very sensitive, and more importantly, they felt a trace of power over the emperor from outside those auras.

The power alone that surpasses the emperor will shock countless people, but if it is coupled with that evil aura, it will be frightening. The Human Phoenix Empire understands the horror of the evil sword better than other people, so the Human Phoenix Empire We also take this matter very seriously.

They also sent out strong men one by one to find the whereabouts of this sword. No matter who it was, anyone who was related to the evil sword would be killed without mercy.

It is estimated that people in Apocalypse World have this attitude, and no one will keep things that threaten them.

Feng Qiang Hua didn't pay much attention to this matter, because she was fully committed to another thing, which was to find the whereabouts of Zhao Fu. Even with the power of the Ren Feng Empire, they couldn't find Zhao Fu. Feng Qiang Hua was very surprised.

It seemed that Zhao Fu had appeared out of thin air in the Heaven Realm and had gained nothing else. Feng Qianghua was very angry about this, thinking that as long as he caught him next time, he would be imprisoned in the imperial palace forever.

At this time, Feng Qiang Hua never thought that the person who forged the evil sword was none other than Zhao Fu.

The Sword Sect also takes this matter very seriously, especially since they are a Sword Sect, their love for swords can be almost crazy.


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