The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1350 The Sword of the Emperor

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It is estimated that no one has ever seen a sword with so many names, but the names can be chosen at will, but the twelve names of the Emperor Sword represent twelve extremely terrifying powers. For example, the first sword name The Sword of the Imperial Way.

As long as you hold a sword, even if you are not an emperor, just a king, or an ordinary person, you can exert the powerful power of an emperor.

Another example is the second name Kendo no Sword.

As long as you hold a sword, you can master the extremely powerful sword intention. Although this sword intention is not understood by yourself, you can control it at will.

For example, the last name is the Sword of the Ghost Lord.

The ghost master is the master of all ghosts. As long as he holds this sword, the sword becomes a ghost weapon. Not only does it have the most powerful ghost power, the sword itself also has innate suppression on countless ghosts and has great effects on all ghosts. It has a strong restraining effect, and no ghost is not afraid of it.

This shows that the names of the Twelve Emperor Swords are not just called casually. They represent twelve types of power attributes. They are really extremely powerful. Zhao Fu was very shocked. He had never seen such a terrifying sword that could be called such a sword. For the Excalibur.

It is estimated that the legendary swords are powerful at best, but they do not have as many attributes as the Emperor Sword, and every attribute is very strong, and no one is weak.

If the Sword Sect knew the properties of this sword, they would be extremely ecstatic, or even go crazy. Based on their experience, they have never seen such a sword. If they were to get this sword, they would also set up a plan to destroy it. If it falls, it will definitely be enshrined as a treasure of the clan.

The number one sword in the Apocalypse World would probably be eclipsed by the Emperor's Killing Sword. More importantly, the Emperor's Killing Sword was a sword that could grow.

It is the core object of the Emperor Sword World. As the Emperor Sword World expands, its power will become stronger. Think about how terrifying such a sword will be when it grows up. Those people are definitely not wrong. This sword can Harm all living beings and cause chaos in the world.

The quality of the Emperor's Killing Sword is still its original quality, without any change.

Zhao Fu then looked at the other attributes of the sword. Yes, it had a lot of other attributes, namely the following attributes.

Gain +1000 bonus for upgrading experience, +500 bonus for battle medals, +500 refresh for qualifications above S, +500 for special arms, +40 for all village attributes, +500 for crop yield, +500 for crop growth time, + + for natural disaster resistance 1000.

These properties are almost the same as the previous fragment properties of the King's Weapon, but are much more powerful than the fragment properties.

Experience and battle honors are no longer of much use to Zhao Fu. Qualification refresh and special soldiers are somewhat useful. What surprises Zhao Fu the most is the production attribute.

Nowadays, the production attributes of almost all cities have disappeared without any blessing, but the Emperor Sword still retains the production attributes, which means it can also produce effects, shorten time, and increase output.

This is similar to the attributes of a city. The Emperor's Killing Sword also has attributes, which are the same attributes as a general's weapon. That is, the six attributes of a general's weapon are: Emperor Qi Condensation, Emperor's Light, Emperor's Bravery, The emperor's weapons, the emperor's power, the four emperors' weapons.

Its attributes and introduction are the same as those of general general weapons. Here we focus on two points. The first is the Condensation of Imperial Qi, which can concentrate the power of a billion soldiers to form a huge war beast.

The second is the sixth attribute of the General's Weapon, the Soldiers of the Four Emperors. As long as Zhao Fu uses this, the power of the four Emperor Stars can be attached to ordinary soldiers.

Although the additional power of the Emperor Star is not much, considering how terrifying Zhao Fu's Emperor Star is, even a few strands would be a great improvement for ordinary soldiers.

The above are all the attributes that a king's weapon should have. In addition, there is another attribute, which is the domain of the sword. Now the Emperor Sword can cast a barrier that can cover a whole world.

This barrier is naturally extremely powerful, consisting of twelve sword powers. Imagine the terror of those twelve sword powers. It can be said that as long as Zhao Fu uses it, it will be almost impossible for ordinary people to break it.

At the same time, these attributes are only the primary attributes of the Emperor Sword. They will still improve in the future and become stronger as the Emperor Sword world expands.

Zhao Fu thought of this and couldn't help but immediately entered the Emperor Sword Realm. The changes there should be quite big.

After entering it, Zhao Fu was still a little surprised. The sky was still blue without a single cloud. There were four bright stars of blood, purple, gold, and gray scattered in the sky. Although they emitted different starlights, the impact was not great. Color the sky different colors.

The wind was blowing on the grass, and the crazy and terrifying sword-killing intention in the Imperial Sword Realm was weakened a lot, but it also gained a strong imperial power.

Zhao Fu looked at the demon holding the sword again. He also had some imperial power, but the other effects were not great. Zhao Fu breathed a sigh of relief.

When he returned to the outside world, Zhao Fu looked at the Emperor Sword with a smile on his face, and then carefully put it away. Zhao Fu also understood how powerful the properties of this sword were, so it was best to use it sparingly in the future, lest others snoop.

However, Zhao Fu is not worried that others will snatch it, because he cannot use the sword if he snatches it away, because this Emperor Sword can only be used by himself, even if the sword spirit cannot be changed.

The sword spirit can control the Emperor's Sword, but the real control over the Emperor's Sword still lies with Zhao Fu, because the Emperor's Sword is the murderous heart sword forged by Zhao Fu, and Zhao Fu also controls the Emperor's Sword Realm.

If the sword spirit resisted before, Zhao Fu could still forcefully suppress it. The sword spirit was just injected into it and was not the spirit body born from the sword itself, so it could not fully control the sword.

And now Zhao Fu

The power of the four natal stars has been integrated into it, so there is no need to worry about the Emperor Sword's backlash. Even if the Emperor's Sword in the future is evil, dark, or brings disaster to the world, it will not backfire on Zhao Fu.

If someone else gets this sword, they will definitely suffer all kinds of backlash, and it is almost impossible to resist it, even if they have strong luck protection, because the power of the sword can also penetrate into the luck.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! You have obtained such a magical weapon." The generals around him stepped forward and said with smiles on their faces.

Zhao Fu responded with a smile, and then returned to Da Qin. Shortly after dawn, Zhao Fu had not received any news, and a lot of troublesome things emerged.

And Zhao Fu knew what the reason was, so he couldn't help but create a loud sky barrier. With its obstruction, all the visions could be weakened a lot, so it wouldn't cause such a sensation.

The first people to come to Da Qin were the envoys from nearby parties. They all wanted to know what happened to Da Qin. What they wanted most was why the four stars in the sky had such huge power.

Last time Zhao Fu used the excuse of not knowing. If he used it now, no one would believe Zhao Fu's lie, so he had to find other excuses.


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