The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1354 The Wind God Empire (please subscribe)

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Now the seven of them don't know what to do. Although they have contacted the alliance, the people in the alliance are not reliable at all. With their cowardly and fearful style, sooner or later they will be counterattacked by the two empires.

They still have to face the threat of Da Qin on their own, and now they can only face it on their own in the Shroud World. No one can really help them.

However, even in the face of the ferocious Great Qin, Shroud World will not surrender and is now preparing all means to prepare for the final battle with Great Qin.

Even they have not hesitated to use various forbidden techniques and insidious methods as long as they can defeat Da Qin. For example, they have begun to collect various Yin beast soils and collect babies born in Yin time.

These are all done in secret because they are also afraid of being heard by Da Qin's intelligence personnel. Now that they all have the ability to cross the world, Da Qin definitely has it.

They didn't know that as the emperor of Great Qin, he was already in the shroud world. If they knew about it, they would definitely be extremely surprised. Then they could gather all their troops and kill the emperor of Great Qin together.

Once the Great Qin Emperor's son dies, the Great Qin Empire will probably collapse, and the crisis in the Shroud World will naturally be lifted.

They also know that the Emperor of Qin is very powerful and that the weapon of the country has the power to mobilize the four worlds. However, it should be noted here that it mobilizes the power of a part of the four worlds, not the entire power of the four worlds.

If they gather four to five billion troops and use various means, they are still sure to kill Zhao Fu. In the face of personal strength, none of them will be Zhao Fu's opponent, but with the power of a world, they can definitely defeat Zhao Fu. .

However, mobilizing such a large force is not a simple matter. It is estimated that Zhao Fu has already run away after gathering, because Zhao Fu is not stupid.

Everyone in Shizhao is constantly preparing ways to resist the Qin Dynasty, and Zhao Fu is also collecting various information about the world of Shizhao, and has also gained a lot.

I know the inheritance of the seven major forces, as well as their various abilities, and their fighting methods are quite special.

They generally use various bone weapons to attack or defend. Bandages are their secondary weapons and can also be used for attack and defense. The primary and secondary weapons can also attack at the same time.

This is more troublesome, it is equivalent to two fighting one, and they are of the same level of cultivation, so they cooperate more tacitly. Facing such an enemy, most people will basically lose, and there is still room for resistance in the shroud world.

Of course, this method consumes a lot of money, and although the bandage has turned into a vagina and will be as hard as steel, it is still afraid of fire.

This is also the most important point. Da Qin can use fire to restrain the Shroud World, weaken the power of the Shroud World, and even easily capture the Shroud World.

In addition to these, Zhao Fu also obtained some relatively secret information, and it was impossible to determine whether it was true or false.

It is rumored that the seven great heirs have mastered a treasure in the underworld, which contains countless yin treasures, yin coins, yin energy materials, and can even enter the underworld. The seven great inheritors rely on the underworld treasure to have such strong strength, otherwise They cannot complete the unification.

Zhao Fu didn't know if this was true. He would know after he captured the Shroud World. Then Zhao Fu also returned to Da Qin and ordered people to prepare various things to attack the Shroud World.

Right now, Da Qin's main task is to digest and capture the world of aura. Now it is just preparing to officially attack the world of shroud. It will take some time.

After checking out the Shroud World, Zhao Fu was about to go to the world next to the Fish Scale World, but he didn't expect something big to happen.


A roar resounded in all directions, and a huge momentum spread unbridled, setting off strong winds that terrified countless people. Zhao Fu, who was in a nearby world, could also feel this terrifying force. The pressure is coming.

This is why a monk from the Emperor Heaven Realm, the strongest person in the Inner Domain, suddenly appeared here, and was so unscrupulous, arrogant, and extremely domineering, without paying attention to anyone nearby.

"People here, please listen to me. This world belongs to my Wind God Empire. Anyone who dares to spy on it will be killed without mercy. Anyone who dares to bully it will be destroyed."

In addition to the arrival of this Emperor Heaven Realm powerhouse, three billion third-level soldiers appeared from the sky and instantly captured a continent in the Charm World, because the world below the Charm World was the world next to the Fish Scale World.

The world that the strong man talks about is this world.

Although there are only 3 billion troops in that world, those soldiers are third-level soldiers, comparable to 30 billion first-level soldiers.

That continent had no room for resistance at all. It was wiped out in an instant, and the attack was extremely cruel and cold-blooded. After it was captured, it was massacred directly. No man, woman, or child was spared. In less than a few days, the three billion soldiers almost killed one The people on the mainland were slaughtered.

Corpses were strewn across the continent, rivers of blood flowed, the earth was dyed red, and the rich smell of blood was pungent. There was no living succubus, only countless corpses.

Fortunately, some of the succubus ran fast and escaped to other continents, otherwise the entire continent would have been slaughtered, leaving absolutely no one behind and no humane feelings left.

The high-level troops looked at the low-level troops and crushed them, but they were slaughtered in an instant. The entire succubus world fell into panic, because they had no resistance in the face of these three billion soldiers.

If the people of the Wind God Empire really want to destroy them, the Charm World will disappear from the map in the next moment, without any hope. This is the strength of the Inner Kingdom.

Good, good

The Fengshen Empire also had some scruples and did not do everything right, otherwise there would be a bloody storm here.

The appearance of the Fengshen Empire, and in such a bloody and domineering way, shocked this place, and all the worlds showed expressions of fear and fear. They could not resist the Kingdom of the Guti Domain. Now that the real Kingdom of the Inner Domain has come, it is really hard to trample them to death. Just like an ant.

Now they all looked nervous and concentrated their forces, for fear that the Fengshen Empire would do something.

When the people in Guti's inner domain heard the news, they also sent people here one after another. Although they were equal to the kingdom, they were at a different level. They showed deep fear of the Wind God Empire and wanted to find out why he came here.

As well as his purpose of staying here, many forces must find out, because they are also worried about what the Wind God Empire will do to them.

Just the arrival of a kingdom in the Inner Territory caused such a terrible disturbance in the Guti Territory. If someone came from the Heavenly Territory, it would be unimaginable. The difference in power levels is too obvious.

The Demon Horn Empire also attaches great importance to this matter. Yao Ming looked solemn. Originally, the Demon Horn Empire and the Great Qin Empire were the strongest here. Now the Wind God Empire suddenly appeared and became the strongest force in hundreds of worlds around it. If anyone dares to provoke him, not only the Great Qin Empire dares to do so.


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