The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1362 Thirteen Gods

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Bang bang bang...

Tens of thousands of white beams were shot out at a very fast speed, and a huge explosion occurred immediately. The bodies of the monsters were blown to pieces, blood splashed everywhere, and terrifying waves spread.

The countless white lights were very terrifying. They successfully drove away the ferocious momentum of the monsters, but there were still too many monsters. The blank area just exploded by the white light was quickly filled by the monsters, which continued to attack ferociously.

When the White God Clan tried to activate the white crystal light pillar again, hundreds of blue eyes appeared with a terrifying aura, and blue beams of light shot out quickly, passing through the mid-air and concentrating on the white crystal pillars on the city wall.

Bang bang bang...

Huge explosions were heard, and those blue beams hit the white crystal pillars, causing a huge explosion. Hundreds of holes were blown open in part of the defensive wall, and there were splatters of blood and stumps all around.

Boo hoo hoo…

The White God Clan army fought back hard. Each soldier drew his long bow and shot arrows one after another with strong force, like a rain of arrows flying out. Many monsters were killed by arrows.

But many monsters have already rushed to the city wall and started killing. They hit the White God soldiers with their bodies and tore the soldiers' bodies into pieces with their teeth and claws.

Bang bang bang...

Blue beams of light shot out with destructive power and hit the top of the city wall. Countless blue lights shot out and loud explosions were made. Countless White God Clan soldiers were killed at once.

Boo hoo hoo…

Arrows flew out one by one, shooting at the White God soldiers on the city wall. Many soldiers were killed by the arrows, and some soldiers screamed in pain.

Some monster beasts hit the city wall, and some monster beasts also climbed up the city wall. Countless monster horned soldiers also swarmed up, and the two sides began to fight head-on.

The White God Clan soldiers used heavy objects to knock down the enemies climbing the city wall. Some used arrows to shoot through the bodies of the enemies below. Some even poured down a lot of corrosive liquid, corroding the bodies of the enemies, and let out screams of pain. .

However, the White God Clan was still in a very unfavorable situation. The city wall was already in chaos. Demonic beasts were attacking from all sides, and many demon-horned soldiers also rushed onto the city wall.

A demon-horned soldier rushed up with a ferocious expression, and killed a White God Clan soldier with one knife. Other demon-horned soldiers also launched attacks. Some charged fiercely with their spears, penetrating two White God Clan soldiers, and some killed some White God Clan soldiers. The soldiers pounced on him, biting his throat with sharp teeth, and swallowed the blood.

There were killing sounds, screams, blood splattered everywhere, and corpses covered the ground. The battle was extremely fierce. The White God soldiers continued to die, and the demon horn soldiers killed fiercely, like a blood-stained demon.

The two strong men in the sky also fought together, but the White God Clan was still defeated, because the strong men of the Demon Horn Empire were several times that of the White God Clan.


Demon Ming swung out with disdain, and a huge purple sword light flew out with huge power, splitting a middle-aged man in white into two halves, and the corpse and blood and internal organs were scattered from the air.

This man in white is the strongest person in the White God World, but he is so unbearable. He was easily killed by Yao Ming before he could resist Yao Ming's few moves. Who can resist Yao Ming now?

Now that the White God Clan is finished, there is no hope of stopping the demon horn army. Countless White God Clan have despairing faces. Some are starting to retreat, while others are planning to surrender.

Because there is no heavenly barrier blocking them here, it is still possible for them to escape to other worlds, so there are many people who want to escape to other worlds, and maybe they can do something without being bullied by the Demon Horn Empire.

The Demon Horn Empire will not give preferential treatment to those who surrender. Have the White God Clan heard about all kinds of cruel things in the Demon Horn Empire? On the contrary, Da Qin's side seems to be extremely good.

Although Great Qin was extremely ferocious in its wars, which frightened countless people, Great Qin still treated those who surrendered very favorably.

But how could the Yaojiao Empire let them escape? Yao Ming sneered and planned to go on a killing spree. He still remembered the curses that this group of White Gods had given him before. If he didn't slaughter some of the White Gods, his anger would not go away.


Yao Ming gave an order, and the demon horn army attacked the White God Clan even more fiercely. The momentum was shocking in all directions and unstoppable. Under this terrifying offensive, the White God Clan was completely invincible and had already begun to retreat in full.

Boom boom boom...

Thirteen white light pillars rushed into the sky, and the blue sky was filled with white light, turning into a bright white. The white light shone in all directions, a powerful aura spread, and a holy power covered the entire battlefield.

"You guys run away!"

A moving and magnetic voice sounded in the sky, and everyone saw that thirteen beautiful women appeared in the sky wearing white robes, with snow-white hair, a pair of white eyes, and a soft white light from their bodies.

Everyone was moved. They were the thirteen goddesses of the White God Clan. They were originally responsible for sacrifices. They did not have much power, but they could give blessings that were not weak.

Under that white light, the blood of everyone in the White God Clan flowed rapidly, their strength seemed to be strengthened, and their bodies became lighter. Everyone was overjoyed and fled to the side faster.

"Goddess! You must resist a little longer and let us escape, otherwise you will be burdened with sin."

"Yes! Goddess, you have the responsibility to protect us. Hurry up and use your means to delay the horned soldiers. I don't want to die. If I die, it will be all your fault."

"You goddess bastards, why didn't you use it just now? If I had used it, I would have gained strength and ran away."

Somewhat surprisingly, not many people are grateful, but many people point at these goddesses. Others say that the White Gods are hypocritical and falsely noble. There is a reason.

The thirteen goddesses stood in the white light pillar, with cold expressions. They did not care about those words. They tried their best to maintain the light pillar, enhance the power of the White God Clan, and weaken the power of the Demon Horn Empire soldiers. When the White God Clan was in crisis, they were the goddesses who were sacrificed. duty of.

"You are seeking death!"

Yaoming slashed at the Thirteen Goddess with his sword, and the huge purple sword light was slashed out with the power to cut through everything, making a huge explosion sound, making everyone feel a sense of fear.

The thirteen goddesses standing in the sky, the one headed by them, had a cold face, because the strongest man in the white light world whom Yaoming killed before was her father.

Facing such a terrifying sword light, each of the Thirteen Saints stretched out a hand, and a huge white energy shield blocked them. With an aura of holy light.


A huge sound came out. The power of the sword light was too terrifying. The white ability shield was cut open with one strike. The thirteen goddesses were slashed and flew out. They spat out a large mouthful of blood and the thirteen beams of light disappeared.


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