The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1369 Eight Suns (Please subscribe)

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"Okay! That's all I have to say. It will be dawn in two or three hours. You'd better catch some outside creatures and go back as soon as possible. Otherwise, a large number of outside creatures may appear during the day. The country's weapons cannot be used here. You may It will be very dangerous." Alasina warned as she looked at Zhao Fu with her beautiful eyes.

Zhao Fu responded with a smile, "It's a good thing I brought you with me this time, otherwise I don't know how much trouble I would have encountered!"

Alasna said angrily and coquettishly, "Now that you know about me, let's see if you dare to ignore me in the future. You know that I want to be with you, but if you don't come to the Dark Temple for a few days, I really want to Cut you into pieces."

Zhao Fu looked a little innocent and explained, "There must have been a lot of things going on at that time! Didn't I make it up to you before I said it, or you weren't always cold to me, so you can't blame me."

Alasna was still dissatisfied, "You knew how you destroyed this god in the beginning. If you treat me badly in the future, I will definitely return to the God Realm in the future."

After saying the above, Alasna added another sentence, "And I will treat you better now."

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly, "Okay! We don't have much time, so we should quickly capture some outside creatures and go back, and also prepare to build a gathering place."

Alasna did not continue, and the two began to look for its extraterrestrial creatures and a suitable place to gather.

As a place leading to the outside world, of course it cannot be used as a gathering place. Otherwise, once discovered, countless creatures from outside the world will rush into the Apocalypse World, and Great Qin will be the first to suffer.

Zhao Fu did not intend to expose the hidden location here, but planned to find a suitable place nearby as a gathering place.

After a while, Zhao Fu discovered a dozen huge ants. Each of these ants was two meters tall, fiery red in color, with a short horn growing out of their heads. They were not very strong, and only had the power of a first-level cultivation level.

This is called the Fire Red Ant, and it is the most numerous insect-like outside creature. It has almost no intelligence, only destruction and destruction.

More than a dozen flaming red ants sensed Zhao Fu and rushed towards Zhao Fu quickly. Zhao Fu cut half of the ants in half with a sword light, and flaming red blood spattered everywhere. The remaining ants sensed danger and immediately ran away. go.

Clang, clang, clang...

Chains shot out from the ground with rapid force, tying up the escaping fire red ants, and then were thrown into the ring storing living creatures by Zhao Fu.

The more types of outside creatures you can capture, the better. The more creatures you can create with the Soul Slayer Crystal, the greater the damage it will do to them.

At the same time, while killing the fire red ants, a series of rising voices sounded in Zhao Fu's mind.

"Tip! You kill the fire ants and get some outside points."

"Tip! You kill the fire ants and get some outside points."

"Tip! You kill the fire ants and get some outside points."

I have said before that as long as people belong to the Apocalypse World, they can gain external points by killing external creatures, which can be exchanged for various rare treasures.

As for the place to redeem, Zhao Fu doesn't have one at the moment, because he needs to kill 100,000 first-level outside creatures, 10,000 second-level outside creatures, one thousand third-level outside creatures, and 140 level 14 outside creatures to activate and obtain the exchange stone tablet. .

The main function of this stone tablet is to use various points to redeem items. It also has some city attributes, but it is very weak and has a slight territorial shock effect.

Puff puff……

A sharp sword light flew out, cutting each two-meter green worm into countless pieces, and countless green blood splashed everywhere. These green worms were called green kiln worms, and their strength was more than one level.

Bang bang bang...

A ray of sword light flew out, carrying a terrifying sword wind, and chopped down the beetles flying in the sky. These beetles had blue spots on their backs and a tentacle on their heads, which emitted a faint blue light. This type of beetle is called Blue spot bug.

Clang, clang, clang...

Zhao Fu slashed out with sword light, and the sound of steel intertwined sounded. Countless sparks flew everywhere, and each three-meter-long centipede was chopped into several pieces. The backs of these centipedes were like iron, very hard, and the name of the centipede was For the iron wall centipede.

Although it was only a short two hours, Zhao Fu caught more than twenty kinds of outside creatures, 90% of which were insect-shaped outside creatures, only 10% of other outside creatures, and none of the humanoid creatures.

Dazzling white light shot out from the horizon, a hot breath swept across the originally cold world, and eight dazzling suns emitted endless light and slowly rose.

When his body was hit by that kind of sunlight, Zhao Fu immediately felt a burning sensation on his skin and immediately used a defensive shield to block that kind of sunlight.

The eight suns in the outside world slowly rose together with the force of dawn. The picture was very vast and astonishing. At the same time, the power of this sunlight should not be underestimated, it was enough to burn a person to death.

Alasna was a little shy and nervous, and shouted, "Ms. sir! It's daytime, let's return to Daqin!"

Zhao Fu looked at her with some surprise. It was the first time he heard her call him that. He chuckled lightly, stepped forward and hugged her, and flew towards the hidden passage.


A man appeared in Zhao Fu's field of vision. He was strong, with wheat-colored skin, short blue hair, and a pair of red vertical pupils. He held a rough stone spear in his hand, and had several human skins tied around his waist. He also had some bone pendants hanging on his body. "He is a humanoid creature from the outside world!" Alasna in his arms glanced at the man and reminded him. Among the five outside creatures, humanoid creatures are the least, and they are also the most suitable materials for experiments. Zhao Fu smiled and flew towards the man. The man saw Zhao Fu from the Apocalypse World, his eyes were filled with cruelty, and he clenched the stone spear in his hand and threw it out with force. "Boom!" A huge explosion sounded, and the stone spear was amazingly powerful, flying out like a flash of lightning, as if it could penetrate steel. Facing the stone spear, Zhao Fu sneered disdainfully, and with a sword, he smashed the stone spear into countless fragments, and at the same time, a terrifying aura emanated from his body. The man's face changed. He didn't expect that there would be such a powerful person as Zhao Fu in this border area. He turned around and ran away in a hurry, not daring to stay there for a moment.

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand, and more than a dozen iron chains flew out, directly tying up the man. The man was angry and seemed to be cursing Zhao Fu, but Zhao Fu couldn't understand what he was cursing. The language stone was invalid here and could not record this kind of language.

But Zhao Fu didn't care. He thought about it and knew what he was cursing. He didn't care and took him back to Daqin.


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