The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1381 Insect Beast

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The soldiers of Da Qin have formed a formation, with the soldiers holding shields standing in the first row, the spearmen standing in the second row, and the archers in the third row firing arrows.

Boo hoo hoo…

Arrows flew out one after another, making a sound of breaking through the air, and then poured down like heavy rain. Each insect beast's body was shot through by the arrows and died immediately. Some screamed in pain, and the ground was dyed red with red blood.

Some insect beasts continued to come out towards the Qin army with ferocious momentum. At this time, the flying dragons flying in the sky also sprayed countless flames and cold currents downwards, burning or freezing these insect beasts to death.

Zhao Fu paid close attention to the performance of the Flying Insect Nest Dragon, and saw the Flying Insect Nest Dragon flying extremely fast in the sky, opening its mouth, and a powerful green beam shot out, shooting into the insect tide, and then a horizontal.

Bang bang bang...

A series of huge explosions sounded, and green light shot into the sky. The green light swept away, and one or two huge explosions emitted in a straight line. The insect beasts in it were blown to pieces, and red blood splashed, covering the ground.

Huge potholes also appeared on the ground, surrounded by mutilated insect corpses. This attack from the flying dragon's lair killed at least tens of thousands of insect beasts, which was far stronger than ordinary flying dragons.

Zhao Fu smiled with satisfaction and continued to observe the battlefield.

After another wave of arrows, the insect beasts were almost killed and injured. Only the small half-insect beast rushed in front of the army. It was first blocked by the shield wall, and the body was pierced by the spear on its back. In the end, it was easily killed.

When he came to the center of the insect nest, Zhao Fu looked at the insect nest stone with a smile on his face, and then integrated it into a flying dragon that had not been integrated into the city lord's seal. Of course, this flying dragon had been integrated into the bloodline of the red centipede beforehand.

Feilong struggled again and let out painful screams. His body gradually changed and his breath became chaotic.

The last thousand-meter-long flying dragon appeared in front of Zhao Fu. This flying insect nest dragon was different from the previous flying insect nest dragon. There was a big difference.

The scales of this flying insect nest dragon are red, and there are no thin insect wings behind a pair of dragon wings. However, several thick carapace grow on its chest, which strengthens its defense. It does not grow horns, but the dragon There are also insect pincers beside the mouth, giving it a powerful aura.

The appearance of the two flying insect nest dragons is different, which should be related to the integrated bloodline and the integrated insect nest stone.

One kind of bloodline must be paired with the same type of Insect Hive Stone, because the Insect Hive only breeds this kind of bloodline. If other bloodlines are used, the Insect Hive will not be able to fuse, and the creature that fuses will almost certainly die.

Continue to order the soldiers to clean up the battlefield, put away the corpses of the insect beasts, and take back the insect eggs.

Zhao Fu saw that the sky was getting brighter, so he ordered to return to the gathering place. Otherwise, if those eight suns came out, Da Qin's soldiers would probably be burned to death.

After returning to Da Qin, other teams also came back, bringing back a large number of insect beast corpses. What surprised Zhao Fu was that there were still six Insect Nest Stones, which meant that Da Qin also had six more flying insects. Nest dragon.

However, the Sun Gem Mine has not yet been discovered, and the Qin army still dare not leave the gathering place during the day. Zhao Fu is a little worried. Without the Sun Gem, once the gathering place is destroyed, the remaining people will be in misery.

Sunlight gems must be available, otherwise Da Qin's actions will be too restricted, and it will also be a huge hidden danger.

For example, someone sneaked into the gathering place, destroyed the Sun-blazing Emperor Immortal Formation, and exposed the Daqin soldiers to eight suns. That scene was unimaginable.

"What do you want from me?"

Alasna walked out from the side with a cold and charming temperament, looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of beautiful eyes and asked.

Zhao Fu took out the obtained insect eggs, placed them on the ground, and asked, "What are the uses of these insect eggs? Can they be hatched and used by Great Qin?"

Alasna glanced at the insect eggs and said, "You have a beautiful idea! If the insect eggs can be used by themselves as long as they hatch, then it will not be so easy to conquer the outside creatures. Such insect eggs have two main functions. One is to create insects. Curse, a manufacturing insect soul."

Zhao Fu asked with curiosity, "What are the insect curse and insect soul?"

Alasna replied, "Because of the special laws of the outside world, the creatures here are also special. These insect eggs are very suitable for casting spells, and this kind of spell is the insect spell."

"As long as you cast this kind of insect spell, a kind of insect will appear in the body, and then continue to torture the person who is cursed. The pain will be very strong. You can also use the insect spell to kill someone, and the insect eggs are also divided into Different insect spells can be cast for different levels.”

"The insect eggs you have obtained now are just the most rubbish eggs. Almost no one uses them. They are basically destroyed because the insect spell cast is easily broken."

As for the insect soul, you can inject your power into the insect egg when it hatches, and the insect soul of the insect egg will enter your body. After the insect soul enters your body, it will instinctively devour your life and cause intense pain.

At this time, you need to seal the insect eggs so that they cannot absorb any power. The insect soul in your body will also be controlled, and then you can have the power of the insect soul.

However, although this method can increase some power, insect souls are naturally hostile to the creatures of the Apocalypse World, so using the power of insect souls is extremely vulnerable to the methods of insect souls, so few people do it.

Hearing this, Zhao Fu was a little disappointed. The effect of the Insect Curse and Insect Soul was too weak and the danger was too high. Moreover, Zhao Fu's original plan to cultivate his own army of insect beasts now seemed impossible.

However, these insects

It’s better to keep the eggs for now, because there are more than one million in number, and they might be able to play some role in the future.

"You should take a rest after a busy night." Alasna stepped forward and gently hugged Zhao Fu, saying with a touch of charm.

Zhao Fu looked at her charming and seductive look and chuckled, "Then you leave first and I'll take a good rest."

Alasna gave Zhao Fu a coquettish look, and said with a hint of shyness, "Sir! I want you, and I will serve you well today."

After saying that, Alasina took the initiative to kiss Zhao Fu, and then took off her clothes.

Bai Xihan stood outside the door. Hearing the fierce sounds in the room, he stopped and a trace of blush appeared on his cold face.

Aunt Xu Liu was a little strange. She looked at Bai Xihan standing at the door and asked, "What's wrong? Xihan, aren't you going to discuss the gathering place with His Majesty?"

But she soon heard the indescribable sound in the house, her face turned crimson, and she exuded an alluring temperament. As a young woman, Aunt Xu Liu knew that sound very well, and her body couldn't help but feel hot.

Sun Hanxiang and Wei Qing also came, and when they heard the voice, their faces turned a little red.


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